
Diane T. Rover

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43EEKukjin Lee, Diane T. Rover: A Web Services and Ontology Based Performance Visualization Framework for Grid Environments. CLUSTER 2005: 1-8
42EEJoseph Schneider, Mikel Bezdek, Ziyu Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Diane T. Rover: A Platform FPGA-Based Hardware-Software Undergraduate Laboratory. MSE 2005: 53-54
41EERobert D. Walstrom, Joseph Schneider, Diane T. Rover: Teaching System-Level Design Using SpecC and SystemC. MSE 2005: 95-96
40EEGalen Faidley, Jayme Hero, Kukjin Lee, Bernard Lwakabamba, Robert D. Walstrom, Feng Chen, Julie A. Dickerson, Diane T. Rover, Robert J. Weber, Carolina Cruz-Neira: Developing an Integrated Wireless System for Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Environments. ISWC 2004: 178-179
39EEAleksandar M. Bakic, Matt W. Mutka, Diane T. Rover: An on-line performance visualization technology. Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(15): 1447-1469 (2003)
38EENayda G. Santiago, Diane T. Rover, Domingo Rodríguez: A Statistical Approach for the Analysis of the Relation Between Low-Level Performance Information, the Code, and the Environment. ICPP Workshops 2002: 282-289
37 David B. Pierce, Diane T. Rover: Multiple Abstraction Level Performance Data Mining. ISCA PDCS 2001: 407-413
36EEAleksandar M. Bakic, Matt W. Mutka, Diane T. Rover, Abdul Waheed: Performance optimization of distributed applications in an extensible, adaptive environment. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(1): 131-145 (2001)
35EENalini K. Ratha, Anil K. Jain, Diane T. Rover: FPGA-Based Coprocessor for Text String Extraction. CAMP 2000: 217-221
34EEDavid B. Pierce, Diane T. Rover: Developing an Open Architecture for Performance Data Mining. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 823-830
33EEDavid B. Pierce, Diane T. Rover: A Performance Analysis Framework for a System Lifespan. MASCOTS 2000: 240-247
32 Aleksandar M. Bakic, Matt W. Mutka, Diane T. Rover: BRISK: a portable and flexible distributed instrumentation system. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(12): 1353-1373 (2000)
31EEAleksandar M. Bakic, Matt W. Mutka, Diane T. Rover: An On-Line Performance Visualization Technology. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1999: 47-59
30EEAleksandar M. Bakic, Matt W. Mutka, Diane T. Rover: BRISK: A Portable and Flexible Distributed Instrumentation System. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 387-391
29EEDiane T. Rover, Nayda G. Santiago, Mel M. Tsai: Active Learning in an Electronic Design Automation Course. MSE 1999: 78-79
28EEAbdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth: Modeling and Evaluating Design Alternatives for an On-Line Instrumentation System: A Case Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(6): 451-470 (1998)
27EEAbdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover, Matt W. Mutka, Hugh Smith, Aleksandar M. Bakic: Modeling, Evaluation, and Adaptive Control of an Instrumentation System. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1997: 100-111
26 Jeffrey Brown, Al Geist, Cherri M. Pancake, Diane T. Rover: Software Tools for Developing Parallel Applications, Part 1: Code Development and Debugging. PPSC 1997
25 Jeffrey Brown, Al Geist, Cherri M. Pancake, Diane T. Rover: Software Tools for Developing Parallel Applications, Part 2: Interactive Control and Performance Tuning. PPSC 1997
24EENalini K. Ratha, Anil K. Jain, Diane T. Rover: FPGA-based high performance page layout segmentation. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1996: 29-34
23 Abdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover, Matt W. Mutka, Aleksandar M. Bakic, David B. Pierce: Vista: A Framework for Instrumentation System Design for Multidisplinary Applications. MASCOTS 1996: 192-195
22 Abdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover: Performance Evaluation of an Intgrated Instrumentation System. MASCOTS 1996: 267-271
21EENalini K. Ratha, Anil K. Jain, Diane T. Rover: Convolution on Splash 2. FCCM 1995: 204-213
20EEYung-Kang Chu, I-Ling Yen, Diane T. Rover: Guiding processor allocation with estimated execution time for mesh connected multiple processor systems. HICSS (2) 1995: 163-172
19EEAbdul Waheed, Vincent F. Melfi, Diane T. Rover: A model for instrumentation system management in concurrent computer systems. HICSS (2) 1995: 442-443
18 Abdul Waheed, Herman D. Hughes, Diane T. Rover: A Resource Occupancy Model For Evaluating Instrumentation System Overheads. Int. CMG Conference 1995: 1212-1223
17 Venkatesh P. Gopinath, Timothy A. Grotjohn, Yung-Kang Chu, Diane T. Rover: Three-Dimensional Simulations of Plasmas Using MPPs. PPSC 1995: 201-206
16 Abdul Waheed, Vincent F. Melfi, Diane T. Rover: Performance Analysis of Instrumentation System Management Policies. PPSC 1995: 844-845
15EEAbdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover: A Structured Approach to Instrumentation System Development and Evaluation. SC 1995
14 Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, Diane T. Rover: The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data. IEEE Computer 28(11): 21-28 (1995)
13 Yung-Kang Chu, Diane T. Rover: An Effective Two-Dimensional Mesh Partitioning Strategy. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 623-634 (1995)
12 Abdul Waheed, Bernd Kronmüller, Diane T. Rover: A Matrix Approach to Performance Data Modeling, Analysis and Visualization. MASCOTS 1994: 137-141
11 Abdul Waheed, Bernd Kronmüller, Roomi Sinha, Diane T. Rover: A Toolkit for Advanced Performance Analysis. MASCOTS 1994: 376-380
10EEDiane T. Rover: Performance evaluation: integrating techniques and tools into environments and frameworks. SC 1994: 277-278
9EEXian-He Sun, Diane T. Rover: Scalability of Parallel Algorithm-Machine Combinations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(6): 599-613 (1994)
8 Abdul Waheed, Diane T. Rover: Performance Visualization of Parallel Programs. IEEE Visualization 1993: 174-182
7 Diane T. Rover, Abdul Waheed, Markus Doetsch: Advanced Methods of Performance Data Processing and Analysis. IPPS 1993: 609-613
6 Diane T. Rover, Abdul Waheed: Multiple-Domain Analysis Methods. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging 1993: 53-63
5 Diane T. Rover, Charles T. Wright: Visualizing the Performance of SPMD and Data-Parallel Programs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(2): 129-146 (1993)
4 John L. Gustafson, Diane T. Rover, Stephen Elbert, Michael Carter: The Design of a Scalable, Fixed-Time Computer Benchmark. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 12(4): 388-401 (1991)
3 Diane T. Rover, Vicki Tsai, Yin-Shan Chow, John L. Gustafson: Signal-Processing Algorithms on Parallel Architectures: A Performance Update. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 13(2): 237-245 (1991)
2 Diane T. Rover, Gurpur M. Prabhu, Charles T. Wright: Visualization of Program Performance on Concurrent Computers. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 154-160
1 Gretchen Vogel, Diane T. Rover, Charles T. Wright, Gurpur M. Prabhu: Development of an Experimental Setup for Studying Parallel Processing. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 412-418

Coauthor Index

1Aleksandar M. Bakic [23] [27] [30] [31] [32] [36] [39]
2Mikel Bezdek [42]
3Jeffrey Brown [25] [26]
4Michael Carter [4]
5Feng Chen [40]
6Yin-Shan Chow [3]
7Yung-Kang Chu [13] [17] [20]
8Carolina Cruz-Neira [40]
9Julie A. Dickerson [40]
10Markus Doetsch [7]
11Stephen Elbert [4]
12Galen Faidley [40]
13Al Geist (G. A. Geist II) [25] [26]
14Venkatesh P. Gopinath [17]
15Timothy A. Grotjohn [17]
16John L. Gustafson [3] [4]
17Michael T. Heath [14]
18Jayme Hero [40]
19Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth [28]
20Herman D. Hughes [18]
21Anil K. Jain [21] [24] [35]
22Bernd Kronmüller [11] [12]
23Kukjin Lee [40] [43]
24Bernard Lwakabamba [40]
25Allen D. Malony [14]
26Vincent F. Melfi [16] [19]
27Matt W. Mutka [23] [27] [30] [31] [32] [36] [39]
28Cherri M. Pancake [25] [26]
29David B. Pierce [23] [33] [34] [37]
30Gurpur M. Prabhu [1] [2]
31Nalini K. Ratha [21] [24] [35]
32Domingo Rodríguez [38]
33Nayda G. Santiago [29] [38]
34Joseph Schneider [41] [42]
35Roomi Sinha [11]
36Hugh Smith [27]
37Xian-He Sun [9]
38Mel M. Tsai [29]
39Vicki Tsai [3]
40Gretchen Vogel [1]
41Abdul Waheed [6] [7] [8] [11] [12] [15] [16] [18] [19] [22] [23] [27] [28] [36]
42Robert D. Walstrom [40] [41]
43Robert J. Weber [40]
44Charles T. Wright [1] [2] [5]
45I-Ling Yen [20]
46Zhao Zhang [42]
47Ziyu Zhang [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)