
Don Heller

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5 Krishnan R. Subramaniam, Suraj C. Kothari, Don Heller: A Communication Library Using Active Messages to Improve Performance of PVM. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 39(2): 146-152 (1996)
4 Alan H. Karp, Michael Heath, Don Heller, Horst D. Simon: 1994 Gordon Bell Prize Winners: Judges' Summary. IEEE Computer 28(1): 68-74 (1995)
3 Alan H. Karp, Don Heller, Horst D. Simon: 1993 Gordon Bell Prize Winners: Judges' Summary. IEEE Computer 27(1): 69-75 (1994)
2EEGary Mountry, David H. Bailey, Eugene D. Brooks III, David W. Forslund, Robert J. Harrison, Don Heller, Tom Kraay: Massively parallel vs. parallel vector supercomputers: a user's perspective (panel). SC 1993: 918-920
1 Mary Jane Irwin, Don Heller: Online Pipeline Systems for Recursive Numeric Computations. ISCA 1980: 292-299

Coauthor Index

1David H. Bailey [2]
2Eugene D. Brooks III [2]
3David W. Forslund [2]
4Robert J. Harrison [2]
5Michael Heath [4]
6Mary Jane Irwin [1]
7Alan H. Karp [3] [4]
8Suraj C. Kothari [5]
9Tom Kraay [2]
10Gary Mountry [2]
11Horst D. Simon [3] [4]
12Krishnan R. Subramaniam [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)