
Gerold Wesche

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11EEDavid d'Angelo, Gerold Wesche, Maxim Foursa, Manfred Bogen: The Benefits of Co-located Collaboration and Immersion on Assembly Modeling in Virtual Environments. ISVC (1) 2008: 478-487
10EEMaxim Foursa, Gerold Wesche: Movement-Based Interaction and Event Management in Virtual Environments with Optical Tracking Systems. HCI (3) 2007: 615-624
9EEErnst Kruijff, Gerold Wesche, Kai Riege, Gernot Goebbels, Martijn Kunstman, Dieter Schmalstieg: Tactylus, a pen-input device exploring audiotactile sensory binding. VRST 2006: 312-315
8 Frank-Lothar Krause, Martin Göbel, Alain Roger Biahmou Tchebetchou, Gerold Wesche: A Three-stage Conceptual Design Process Using Virtual Environments. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 85-88
7EEGerold Wesche, Hans-Peter Seidel: FreeDrawer: a free-form sketching system on the responsive workbench. VRST 2001: 167-174
6EEGerold Wesche, Marc Droske: Conceptual free-form styling on the responsive workbench. VRST 2000: 83-91
5EEBernd Fröhlich, John Plate, Jürgen Wind, Gerold Wesche, Martin Göbel: Cubic-Mouse-Based Interaction in Virtual Environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(4): 12-15 (2000)
4EESabine Coquillart, Gerold Wesche: The Virtual Palette and the Virtual Remote Control Panel: A Device and an Interaction Paradigm for the Responsive Workbench(tm). VR 1999: 213-
3EEGerold Wesche: Three-dimensional visualization of fluid dynamics on the Responsive Workbench. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(4): 469-475 (1999)
2 Rüdiger Westermann, Gerold Wesche, Bernd Fröhlich: Interaktive Visualisierung hochaufgelöster Volumendaten durch Vernetzung graphischer und numerischer Höchstleistungsrechner. GI Jahrestagung 1995: 651-660
1 Wolfgang Krüger, Christian-A. Bohn, Bernd Fröhlich, Heinrich Schüth, Wolfgang Strauss, Gerold Wesche: The Responsive Workbench: A Virtual Work Environment. IEEE Computer 28(7): 42-48 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Manfred Bogen [11]
2Christian-A. Bohn [1]
3Sabine Coquillart [4]
4Marc Droske [6]
5Maxim Foursa [10] [11]
6Bernd Fröhlich (Bernd Froehlich) [1] [2] [5]
7Martin Göbel [5] [8]
8Gernot Goebbels [9]
9Frank-Lothar Krause [8]
10Wolfgang Krüger [1]
11Ernst Kruijff [9]
12Martijn Kunstman [9]
13John Plate [5]
14Kai Riege [9]
15Dieter Schmalstieg [9]
16Heinrich Schüth [1]
17Hans-Peter Seidel [7]
18Wolfgang Strauss [1]
19Alain Roger Biahmou Tchebetchou [8]
20Rüdiger Westermann [2]
21Jürgen Wind [5]
22David d'Angelo [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)