
Manish Gupta

IBM T. J. Watson

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73EEManish Gupta: Predicting click through rate for job listings. WWW 2009: 1053-1054
72EEDibyendu Das, Manish Gupta, Rajan Ravindran, W. Shivani, P. Sivakeshava, Rishabh Uppal: Compiler-controlled extraction of computation-communication overlap in MPI applications. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
71EEHiroshi Akiba, Tomonobu Ohyama, Yoshinoir Shibata, Kiyoshi Yuyama, Yoshikazu Katai, Ryuichi Takeuchi, Takeshi Hoshino, Shinobu Yoshimura, Hirohisa Noguchi, Manish Gupta, John A. Gunnels, Vernon Austel, Yogish Sabharwal, Rahul Garg, Shoji Kato, Takashi Kawakami, Satoru Todokoro, Junko Ikeda: Gordon Bell finalists I - Large scale drop impact analysis of mobile phone using ADVC on Blue Gene/L. SC 2006: 46
70EETilak Agerwala, Manish Gupta: Systems research challenges: A scale-out perspective. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(2-3): 173-180 (2006)
69EEValentina Salapura, Randy Bickford, Matthias A. Blumrich, Arthur A. Bright, Dong Chen, Paul Coteus, Alan Gara, Mark Giampapa, Michael Gschwind, Manish Gupta, Shawn Hall, Ruud A. Haring, Philip Heidelberger, Dirk Hoenicke, Gerard V. Kopcsay, Martin Ohmacht, Rick A. Rand, Todd Takken, Pavlos Vranas: Power and performance optimization at the system level. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 125-132
68EEYinglung Liang, Yanyong Zhang, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Ramendra K. Sahoo, José E. Moreira, Manish Gupta: Filtering Failure Logs for a BlueGene/L Prototype. DSN 2005: 476-485
67EEAdam J. Oliner, Larry Rudolph, Ramendra K. Sahoo, José E. Moreira, Manish Gupta: Probabilistic QoS Guarantees for Supercomputing Systems. DSN 2005: 634-643
66EEGeorge S. Almasi, Gyan Bhanot, Dong Chen, Maria Eleftheriou, Blake G. Fitch, Alan Gara, Robert S. Germain, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Philip Heidelberger, Michael Pitman, Aleksandr Rayshubskiy, James C. Sexton, Frank Suits, Pavlos Vranas, Robert Walkup, T. J. Christopher Ward, Yuriy Zhestkov, Alessandro Curioni, Wanda Andreoni, Charles Archer, José E. Moreira, Richard Loft, Henry M. Tufo, Theron Voran, Katherine Riley: Early Experience with Scientific Applications on the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer. Euro-Par 2005: 560-570
65EEGeorge Almási, Gyan Bhanot, Alan Gara, Manish Gupta, James C. Sexton, Robert Walkup, Vasily Bulatov, Andrew W. Cook, Bronis R. de Supinski, James N. Glosli, Jeffrey A. Greenough, François Gygi, Alison Kubota, Steve Louis, Thomas E. Spelce, Frederick H. Streitz, Peter L. Williams, Robert K. Yates, Charles Archer, José E. Moreira, Charles A. Rendleman: Scaling physics and material science applications on a massively parallel Blue Gene/L system. ICS 2005: 246-252
64EEGeorge L.-T. Chiu, Manish Gupta, Ajay K. Royyuru: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 49(2-3): 191-194 (2005)
63EEJosé E. Moreira, George Almási, Charles Archer, Ralph Bellofatto, Peter Bergner, José R. Brunheroto, Michael Brutman, José G. Castaños, Paul Crumley, Manish Gupta, Todd Inglett, Derek Lieber, David Limpert, Patrick McCarthy, Mark Megerian, Mark P. Mendell, Michael Mundy, Don Reed, Ramendra K. Sahoo, Alda Sanomiya, Richard Shok, Brian E. Smith, Greg G. Stewart: Blue Gene/L programming and operating environment. IBM Journal of Research and Development 49(2-3): 367-376 (2005)
62EESiddhartha Chatterjee, Leonardo R. Bachega, Peter Bergner, Kenneth A. Dockser, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Fred G. Gustavson, Christopher A. Lapkowski, Gary K. Liu, Mark P. Mendell, Rohini D. Nair, Charles D. Wait, T. J. Christopher Ward, Peng Wu: Design and exploitation of a high-performance SIMD floating-point unit for Blue Gene/L. IBM Journal of Research and Development 49(2-3): 377-392 (2005)
61EEGlenn Ammons, Jong-Deok Choi, Manish Gupta, Nikhil Swamy: Finding and Removing Performance Bottlenecks in Large Systems. ECOOP 2004: 170-194
60EELeonardo R. Bachega, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Kenneth A. Dockser, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Fred G. Gustavson, Christopher A. Lapkowski, Gary K. Liu, Mark P. Mendell, Charles D. Wait, T. J. Christopher Ward: A High-Performance SIMD Floating Point Unit for BlueGene/L: Architecture, Compilation, and Algorithm Design. IEEE PACT 2004: 85-96
59EEAdam J. Oliner, Ramendra K. Sahoo, José E. Moreira, Manish Gupta, Anand Sivasubramaniam: Fault-Aware Job Scheduling for BlueGene/L Systems. IPDPS 2004
58EEC. Richard Attanasio, Jong-Deok Choi, Niteesh Dubey, Kattamuri Ekanadham, Manish Gupta, Tatsushi Inagaki, Kazuaki Ishizaki, Joefon Jann, Robert D. Johnson, Toshio Nakatani, Il Park, Pratap Pattnaik, Mauricio J. Serrano, Stephen E. Smith, Ian M. Steiner, Yefim Shuf: Whole-Stack Analysis and Optimization of Commercial Workloads on Server Systems. NPC 2004: 5-8
57EEGeorge Almási, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Alan Gara, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Amy Henning, José E. Moreira, Robert Walkup: Unlocking the Performance of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. SC 2004: 57
56EERamendra K. Sahoo, Adam J. Oliner, Irina Rish, Manish Gupta, José E. Moreira, Sheng Ma, Ricardo Vilalta, Anand Sivasubramaniam: Critical event prediction for proactive management in large-scale computer clusters. KDD 2003: 426-435
55EEGeorge Almási, Charles Archer, José G. Castaños, Manish Gupta, Xavier Martorell, José E. Moreira, William Gropp, Silvius Rus, Brian R. Toonen: MPI on BlueGene/L: Designing an Efficient General Purpose Messaging Solution for a Large Cellular System. PVM/MPI 2003: 352-361
54EEGeorge Almási, Leonardo R. Bachega, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Manish Gupta, Derek Lieber, Xavier Martorell, José E. Moreira: Enabling Dual-Core Mode in BlueGene/L: Challenges and Solutions. SBAC-PAD 2003: 19-27
53EEJong-Deok Choi, Manish Gupta, Mauricio J. Serrano, Vugranam C. Sreedhar, Samuel P. Midkiff: Stack allocation and synchronization optimizations for Java using escape analysis. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 25(6): 876-910 (2003)
52 José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: Supporting multidimensional arrays in Java. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(3-5): 317-340 (2003)
51EEGeorge Almási, George S. Almasi, Daniel K. Beece, Ralph Bellofatto, Gyan Bhanot, Randy Bickford, Matthias A. Blumrich, Arthur A. Bright, José R. Brunheroto, Calin Cascaval, José G. Castaños, Luis Ceze, Paul Coteus, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Dong Chen, George L.-T. Chiu, Thomas M. Cipolla, Paul Crumley, Alina Deutsch, Marc Boris Dombrowa, Wilm E. Donath, Maria Eleftheriou, Blake G. Fitch, Joseph Gagliano, Alan Gara, Robert S. Germain, Mark Giampapa, Manish Gupta, Fred G. Gustavson, Shawn Hall, Ruud A. Haring, David F. Heidel, Philip Heidelberger, Lorraine Herger, Dirk Hoenicke, T. Jamal-Eddine, Gerard V. Kopcsay, Alphonso P. Lanzetta, Derek Lieber, M. Lu, Mark P. Mendell, Lawrence S. Mok, José E. Moreira, Ben J. Nathanson, Matthew Newton, Martin Ohmacht, Rick A. Rand, Richard D. Regan, Ramendra K. Sahoo, Alda Sanomiya, Eugen Schenfeld, Sarabjeet Singh, Peilin Song, Burkhard D. Steinmacher-Burow, Karin Strauss, Richard A. Swetz, Todd Takken, R. Brett Tremaine, Mickey Tsao, Pavlos Vranas, T. J. Christopher Ward, Michael E. Wazlowski, J. Brown, Thomas A. Liebsch, A. Schram, G. Ulsh: Blue Gene/L, a System-On-A-Chip. CLUSTER 2002: 349-
50EECalin Cascaval, José G. Castaños, Luis Ceze, Monty Denneau, Manish Gupta, Derek Lieber, José E. Moreira, Karin Strauss, Henry S. Warren Jr.: Evaluation of a Multithreaded Architecture for Cellular Computing. HPCA 2002: 311-322
49EEYefim Shuf, Manish Gupta, Hubertus Franke, Andrew W. Appel, Jaswinder Pal Singh: Creating and preserving locality of java applications at allocation and garbage collection times. OOPSLA 2002: 13-25
48EEYefim Shuf, Manish Gupta, Rajesh Bordawekar, Jaswinder Pal Singh: Exploiting prolific types for memory management and optimizations. POPL 2002: 295-306
47EENarasimha R. Adiga, George Almási, George S. Almasi, Yariv Aridor, Rajkishore Barik, Daniel K. Beece, Ralph Bellofatto, Gyan Bhanot, Randy Bickford, Matthias A. Blumrich, Arthur A. Bright, José R. Brunheroto, Calin Cascaval, José G. Castaños, W. Chan, Luis Ceze, Paul Coteus, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Dong Chen, George L.-T. Chiu, Thomas M. Cipolla, Paul Crumley, K. M. Desai, Alina Deutsch, Tamar Domany, Marc Boris Dombrowa, Wilm E. Donath, Maria Eleftheriou, C. Christopher Erway, J. Esch, Blake G. Fitch, Joseph Gagliano, Alan Gara, Rahul Garg, Robert S. Germain, Mark Giampapa, Balaji Gopalsamy, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Fred G. Gustavson, Shawn Hall, Ruud A. Haring, David F. Heidel, Philip Heidelberger, Lorraine Herger, Dirk Hoenicke, R. D. Jackson, T. Jamal-Eddine, Gerard V. Kopcsay, Elie Krevat, Manish P. Kurhekar, Alphonso P. Lanzetta, Derek Lieber, L. K. Liu, M. Lu, Mark P. Mendell, A. Misra, Y. Moatti, Lawrence S. Mok, José E. Moreira, Ben J. Nathanson, Matthew Newton, Martin Ohmacht, Adam J. Oliner, Vinayaka Pandit, R. B. Pudota, Rick A. Rand, Richard D. Regan, Bradley Rubin, Albert E. Ruehli, Silvius Rus, Ramendra K. Sahoo, Alda Sanomiya, Eugen Schenfeld, M. Sharma, Edi Shmueli, Sarabjeet Singh, Peilin Song, Vijay Srinivasan, Burkhard D. Steinmacher-Burow, Karin Strauss, Christopher W. Surovic, Richard A. Swetz, Todd Takken, R. Brett Tremaine, Mickey Tsao, Arun R. Umamaheshwaran, P. Verma, Pavlos Vranas, T. J. Christopher Ward, Michael E. Wazlowski, W. Barrett, C. Engel, B. Drehmel, B. Hilgart, D. Hill, F. Kasemkhani, David J. Krolak, C. T. Li, Thomas A. Liebsch, James A. Marcella, A. Muff, A. Okomo, M. Rouse, A. Schram, M. Tubbs, G. Ulsh, Charles D. Wait, J. Wittrup, M. Bae, Kenneth A. Dockser, Lynn Kissel, Mark K. Seager, Jeffrey S. Vetter, K. Yates: An overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. SC 2002: 1-22
46 Pramod G. Joisha, Samuel P. Midkiff, Mauricio J. Serrano, Manish Gupta: Efficiently Adapting Java Binaries in Limited Memory Contexts. International Journal of Parallel Programming 30(4): 257-289 (2002)
45 José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Peng Wu, George S. Almasi, Pedro V. Artigas: NINJA: Java for high performance numerical computing. Scientific Programming 10(1): 19-33 (2002)
44 Samuel P. Midkiff, José E. Moreira, Manish Gupta, Siddhartha Chatterjee, Jeanne Ferrante, Jan Prins, William Pugh, Chau-Wen Tseng: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 13th International Workshop, LCPC 2000, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, August 10-12, 2000, Revised Papers Springer 2001
43EEManish Gupta: A Framework for Global Communication Analysis and Optimizations. Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages 2001: 485-524
42EEJens Knoop, Manish Gupta, Keshav Pingali, Michael F. P. O'Boyle: Topic 04: Compilers for High Performance. Euro-Par 2001: 204-206
41 Achal Bassamboo, Manish Gupta, Sandeep Juneja: Efficient Winner Determination Techniques for Internet Multi-Unit Auctions. I3E 2001: 417-430
40EEPramod G. Joisha, Samuel P. Midkiff, Mauricio J. Serrano, Manish Gupta: A framework for efficient reuse of binary code in Java. ICS 2001: 440-453
39EEJosé E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: A comparison of three approaches to language, compiler, and library support for multidimensional arrays in Java. Java Grande 2001: 116-125
38EEYefim Shuf, Mauricio J. Serrano, Manish Gupta, Jaswinder Pal Singh: Characterizing the memory behavior of Java workloads: a structured view and opportunities for optimizations. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2001: 194-205
37 José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Pedro V. Artigas, Peng Wu, George S. Almasi: The NINJA project. Commun. ACM 44(10): 102-109 (2001)
36EEFrances E. Allen, George S. Almasi, Wanda Andreoni, Daniel K. Beece, Bruce J. Berne, Arthur A. Bright, José R. Brunheroto, Calin Cascaval, José G. Castaños, Paul Coteus, Paul Crumley, Alessandro Curioni, Monty Denneau, Wilm E. Donath, Maria Eleftheriou, Blake G. Fitch, Bruce M. Fleischer, Christos J. Georgiou, Robert S. Germain, Mark Giampapa, Donna L. Gresh, Manish Gupta, Ruud A. Haring, C. T. Howard Ho, Peter H. Hochschild, Susan Flynn Hummel, Tiziana Jonas, Derek Lieber, Glenn J. Martyna, Kiran K. Maturu, José E. Moreira, Dennis M. Newns, Matthew Newton, Robert Philhower, Thomas Picunko, Jed W. Pitera, Michael Pitman, Rick A. Rand, Ajay K. Royyuru, Valentina Salapura, Alda Sanomiya, Rahul S. Shah, Yuk Yin Sham, Sarabjeet Singh, Marc Snir, Frank Suits, Richard A. Swetz, William C. Swope, Nagesh K. Vishnumurthy, T. J. Christopher Ward, Henry S. Warren Jr., Ruhong Zhou: Blue Gene: A vision for protein science using a petaflop supercomputer. IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 310-327 (2001)
35EEManish Gupta, Jong-Deok Choi, Michael Hind: Optimizing Java Programs in the Presence of Exceptions. ECOOP 2000: 422-446
34EEPedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, José E. Moreira: Automatic loop transformations and parallelization for Java. ICS 2000: 1-10
33EEMauricio J. Serrano, Rajesh Bordawekar, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: Quicksilver: a quasi-static compiler for Java. OOPSLA 2000: 66-82
32EEJosé E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: From flop to megaflops: Java for technical computing. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 22(2): 265-295 (2000)
31EEJosé E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Pedro V. Artigas, Marc Snir, Richard D. Lawrence: Java programming for high-performance numerical computing. IBM Systems Journal 39(1): 21- (2000)
30EEManish Gupta: TPC-W E-Commerce Benchmark Using Javlin/ObjectStore. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 23(1): 43-48 (2000)
29EEDavid Brooks, Pradip Bose, Stanley Schuster, Hans M. Jacobson, Prabhakar Kudva, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, John-David Wellman, Victor V. Zyuban, Manish Gupta, Peter W. Cook: Power-Aware Microarchitecture: Design and Modeling Challenges for Next-Generation Microprocessors. IEEE Micro 20(6): 26-44 (2000)
28 Manish Gupta, Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Navin Sinha: Automatic Parallelization of Recursive Procedures. International Journal of Parallel Programming 28(6): 537-562 (2000)
27 Pedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, José E. Moreira: Automatic Loop Transformations and Parallelization for Java. Parallel Processing Letters 10(2/3): 153-164 (2000)
26EEChidamber Kulkarni, Koen Danckaert, Francky Catthoor, Manish Gupta: Interaction Between Data Parallel Compilation and Data Transfer and Storage Cost Minimization for Multimedia Applications. Euro-Par 1999: 668-676
25EEManish Gupta, Sayak Mukhopadhyay, Navin Sinha: Automatic Parallelization of Recursive Procedures. IEEE PACT 1999: 139-148
24EEPeng Wu, Samuel P. Midkiff, José E. Moreira, Manish Gupta: Efficient Support for Complex Numbers in Java. Java Grande 1999: 109-118
23EEPedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, José E. Moreira: High Performance Numerical Computing in Java: Language and Compiler Issues. LCPC 1999: 1-17
22EEJong-Deok Choi, Manish Gupta, Mauricio J. Serrano, Vugranam C. Sreedhar, Samuel P. Midkiff: Escape Analysis for Java. OOPSLA 1999: 1-19
21 José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: A Standard Java Array Package for Technical Computing. PPSC 1999
20 Peng Wu, José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, David A. Padua: Semantic Inlining - the Compiler Support for Java in Technical Computing. PPSC 1999
19EEJosé E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta: From Flop to MegaFlops: Java for Technical Computing. LCPC 1998: 1-17
18EEManish Gupta: On Privatization of Variables for Data-Parallel Execution. IPPS 1997: 533-541
17 Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff: A Compiler for the IBM Scalable Shared Memory Project Machine. LCPC 1997: 416-418
16 Manish Gupta, Edith Schonberg: Static Analysis to Reduce Synchronization Costs in Data-Parallel Programs with Remote Memory Copy. Parallel Processing Letters 7(2): 145-156 (1997)
15 Soumen Chakrabarti, Manish Gupta, Jong-Deok Choi: Global Communication Analysis and Optimization. PLDI 1996: 68-78
14EEManish Gupta, Edith Schonberg: Static Analysis to Reduce Synchronization Costs in Data-Parallel Programs. POPL 1996: 322-332
13EEManish Gupta, Edith Schonberg, Harini Srinivasan: A Unified Framework for Optimizing Communication in Data-Parallel Programs. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(7): 689-704 (1996)
12EEManish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, Edith Schonberg, Ven Seshadri, David Shields, Ko-Yang Wang, Wai-Mee Ching, Ton Ngo: An HPF Compiler for the IBM SP2. SC 1995
11 Navin Budhiraja, Madan Gopal, Manish Gupta, Elizabeth A. Hervatic, Stephen J. Nadas, Paul A. Stirpe: Multicast Network Connection Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 34(4): 590-603 (1995)
10 Navin Budhiraja, Madan Gopal, Manish Gupta, Elizabeth A. Hervatic, Stephen J. Nadas, Paul A. Stirpe, Lorrie A. Tomek, Dinesh C. Verma: The NBBS Access Node. IBM Systems Journal 34(4): 694-704 (1995)
9 Prithviraj Banerjee, John A. Chandy, Manish Gupta, Eugene W. Hodges IV, John G. Holm, Antonio Lain, Daniel J. Palermo, Shankar Ramaswamy, Ernesto Su: The Paradigm Compiler for Distributed-Memory Multicomputers. IEEE Computer 28(10): 37-47 (1995)
8 Manish Gupta, Edith Schonberg, Harini Srinivasan: A Unified Data-Flow Framework for Optimizing Communication. LCPC 1994: 266-282
7 Manish Gupta, Dinesh C. Verma, Madan Gopal: Private Communication Groups in Packet-Switched Networks. ULPAA 1994: 121-131
6EEManish Gupta, Prithviraj Banerjee: PARADIGM: A Compiler for Automatic Data Distribution on Multicomputers. International Conference on Supercomputing 1993: 87-96
5 Manish Gupta, Edith Schonberg: A Framework for Exploiting Data Availability to Opimize Communication. LCPC 1993: 216-233
4EEManish Gupta, Prithviraj Banerjee: A methodology for high-level synthesis of communication on multicomputers. ICS 1992: 357-367
3 Manish Gupta, Prithviraj Banerjee: Compile-Time Estimation of Communication Costs on Multicomputers. IPPS 1992: 470-475
2EEManish Gupta, Prithviraj Banerjee: Demonstration of Automatic Data Partitioning Techniques for Parallelizing Compilers on Multicomputers. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 3(2): 179-193 (1992)
1 Manish Gupta, Kyungsook Y. Lee: The n-Omega: An Omega-like Topology for Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 9(4): 398-410 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Narasimha R. Adiga [47]
2Tilak Agerwala [70]
3Hiroshi Akiba [71]
4Frances E. Allen [36]
5George Almási (George S. Almasi) [36] [37] [45] [47] [51] [54] [55] [57] [63] [65] [66]
6Glenn Ammons [61]
7Wanda Andreoni [36] [66]
8Andrew W. Appel [49]
9Charles Archer [55] [63] [65] [66]
10Yariv Aridor [47]
11Pedro V. Artigas [23] [27] [31] [34] [37] [45]
12C. Richard Attanasio [58]
13Vernon Austel [71]
14Leonardo R. Bachega [54] [60] [62]
15M. Bae [47]
16Prithviraj Banerjee (Prith Banerjee) [2] [3] [4] [6] [9]
17Rajkishore Barik [47]
18W. Barrett [47]
19Achal Bassamboo [41]
20Daniel K. Beece [36] [47] [51]
21Ralph Bellofatto [47] [51] [63]
22Peter Bergner [62] [63]
23Bruce J. Berne [36]
24Gyan Bhanot [47] [51] [65] [66]
25Randy Bickford [47] [51] [69]
26Matthias A. Blumrich [47] [51] [69]
27Rajesh Bordawekar [33] [48]
28Pradip Bose [29]
29Arthur A. Bright [36] [47] [51] [69]
30David Brooks [29]
31J. Brown [51]
32José R. Brunheroto [36] [47] [51] [63]
33Michael Brutman [63]
34Navin Budhiraja [10] [11]
35Vasily Bulatov [65]
36Alper Buyuktosunoglu [29]
37Calin Cascaval [36] [47] [50] [51]
38José G. Castaños [36] [47] [50] [51] [55] [63]
39Francky Catthoor [26]
40Luis Ceze [47] [50] [51]
41Soumen Chakrabarti [15]
42W. Chan [47]
43John A. Chandy [9]
44Siddhartha Chatterjee [44] [47] [51] [54] [57] [60] [62]
45Dong Chen [47] [51] [66] [69]
46Wai-Mee Ching [12]
47George L.-T. Chiu [47] [51] [64]
48Jong-Deok Choi [15] [22] [35] [53] [58] [61]
49Thomas M. Cipolla [47] [51]
50Andrew W. Cook [65]
51Peter W. Cook [29]
52Paul Coteus [36] [47] [51] [69]
53Paul Crumley [36] [47] [51] [63]
54Alessandro Curioni [36] [66]
55Koen Danckaert [26]
56Dibyendu Das [72]
57Monty Denneau [36] [50]
58K. M. Desai [47]
59Alina Deutsch [47] [51]
60Kenneth A. Dockser [47] [60] [62]
61Tamar Domany [47]
62Marc Boris Dombrowa [47] [51]
63Wilm E. Donath [36] [47] [51]
64B. Drehmel [47]
65Niteesh Dubey [58]
66Kattamuri Ekanadham [58]
67Maria Eleftheriou [36] [47] [51] [66]
68C. Engel [47]
69C. Christopher Erway [47]
70J. Esch [47]
71Jeanne Ferrante [44]
72Blake G. Fitch [36] [47] [51] [66]
73Bruce M. Fleischer [36]
74Hubertus Franke [49]
75Joseph Gagliano [47] [51]
76Alan Gara [47] [51] [57] [65] [66] [69]
77Rahul Garg [47] [71]
78Christos J. Georgiou [36]
79Robert S. Germain [36] [47] [51] [66]
80Mark Giampapa [36] [47] [51] [69]
81James N. Glosli [65]
82Madan Gopal [7] [10] [11]
83Balaji Gopalsamy [47]
84Jeffrey A. Greenough [65]
85Donna L. Gresh [36]
86William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [55]
87Michael Gschwind [69]
88John A. Gunnels [47] [57] [60] [62] [66] [71]
89Fred G. Gustavson [47] [51] [60] [62]
90François Gygi [65]
91Shawn Hall [47] [51] [69]
92Ruud A. Haring [36] [47] [51] [69]
93David F. Heidel [47] [51]
94Philip Heidelberger [47] [51] [66] [69]
95Amy Henning [57]
96Lorraine Herger [47] [51]
97Elizabeth A. Hervatic [10] [11]
98B. Hilgart [47]
99D. Hill [47]
100Michael Hind [35]
101C. T. Howard Ho (Howard Ho, Ching-Tien Ho) [36]
102Peter H. Hochschild [36]
103Eugene W. Hodges IV [9]
104Dirk Hoenicke [47] [51] [69]
105John G. Holm [9]
106Takeshi Hoshino [71]
107Susan Flynn Hummel [36]
108Junko Ikeda [71]
109Tatsushi Inagaki [58]
110Todd Inglett [63]
111Kazuaki Ishizaki [58]
112R. D. Jackson [47]
113Hans M. Jacobson [29]
114T. Jamal-Eddine [47] [51]
115Joefon Jann [58]
116Robert D. Johnson [58]
117Pramod G. Joisha [40] [46]
118Tiziana Jonas [36]
119Sandeep Juneja [41]
120F. Kasemkhani [47]
121Yoshikazu Katai [71]
122Shoji Kato [71]
123Takashi Kawakami [71]
124Lynn Kissel [47]
125Jens Knoop [42]
126Gerard V. Kopcsay [47] [51] [69]
127Elie Krevat [47]
128David J. Krolak [47]
129Alison Kubota [65]
130Prabhakar Kudva [29]
131Chidamber Kulkarni [26]
132Manish P. Kurhekar [47]
133Antonio Lain [9]
134Alphonso P. Lanzetta [47] [51]
135Christopher A. Lapkowski [60] [62]
136Richard D. Lawrence [31]
137Kyungsook Y. Lee [1]
138C. T. Li [47]
139Yinglung Liang [68]
140Derek Lieber [36] [47] [50] [51] [54] [63]
141Thomas A. Liebsch [47] [51]
142David Limpert [63]
143Gary K. Liu [60] [62]
144L. K. Liu [47]
145Richard Loft [66]
146Steve Louis [65]
147M. Lu [47] [51]
148Sheng Ma [56]
149James A. Marcella [47]
150Xavier Martorell [54] [55]
151Glenn J. Martyna [36]
152Kiran K. Maturu [36]
153Patrick McCarthy [63]
154Mark Megerian [63]
155Mark P. Mendell [47] [51] [60] [62] [63]
156Samuel P. Midkiff [12] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [27] [31] [32] [33] [34] [37] [39] [40] [44] [45] [46] [52] [53]
157A. Misra [47]
158Y. Moatti [47]
159Lawrence S. Mok [47] [51]
160José E. Moreira [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [27] [31] [32] [34] [36] [37] [39] [44] [45] [47] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [59] [63] [65] [66] [67] [68]
161A. Muff [47]
162Sayak Mukhopadhyay [25] [28]
163Michael Mundy [63]
164Stephen J. Nadas [10] [11]
165Rohini D. Nair [62]
166Toshio Nakatani [58]
167Ben J. Nathanson [47] [51]
168Dennis M. Newns [36]
169Matthew Newton [36] [47] [51]
170Ton Anh Ngo (Ton Ngo) [12]
171Hirohisa Noguchi [71]
172Michael F. P. O'Boyle [42]
173Martin Ohmacht [47] [51] [69]
174Tomonobu Ohyama [71]
175A. Okomo [47]
176Adam J. Oliner [47] [56] [59] [67]
177David A. Padua [20]
178Daniel J. Palermo [9]
179Vinayaka Pandit [47]
180Il Park [58]
181Pratap Pattnaik [58]
182Robert Philhower [36]
183Thomas Picunko [36]
184Keshav Pingali [42]
185Jed W. Pitera [36]
186Michael Pitman [36] [66]
187Jan Prins [44]
188R. B. Pudota [47]
189William Pugh [44]
190Shankar Ramaswamy [9]
191Rick A. Rand [36] [47] [51] [69]
192Rajan Ravindran [72]
193Aleksandr Rayshubskiy [66]
194Don Reed [63]
195Richard D. Regan [47] [51]
196Charles A. Rendleman [65]
197Katherine Riley [66]
198Irina Rish [56]
199M. Rouse [47]
200Ajay K. Royyuru [36] [64]
201Bradley Rubin [47]
202Larry Rudolph [67]
203Albert E. Ruehli [47]
204Silvius Rus [47] [55]
205Yogish Sabharwal [71]
206Ramendra K. Sahoo [47] [51] [56] [59] [63] [67] [68]
207Valentina Salapura [36] [69]
208Alda Sanomiya [36] [47] [51] [63]
209Eugen Schenfeld [47] [51]
210Edith Schonberg [5] [8] [12] [13] [14] [16]
211A. Schram [47] [51]
212Stanley Schuster [29]
213Mark K. Seager [47]
214Mauricio J. Serrano [22] [33] [38] [40] [46] [53] [58]
215Ven Seshadri [12]
216James C. Sexton [65] [66]
217Rahul S. Shah [36]
218Yuk Yin Sham [36]
219M. Sharma [47]
220Yoshinoir Shibata [71]
221David Shields [12]
222W. Shivani [72]
223Edi Shmueli [47]
224Richard Shok [63]
225Yefim Shuf [38] [48] [49] [58]
226Jaswinder Pal Singh [38] [48] [49]
227Sarabjeet Singh [36] [47] [51]
228Navin Sinha [25] [28]
229P. Sivakeshava [72]
230Anand Sivasubramaniam [56] [59] [68]
231Brian E. Smith [63]
232Stephen E. Smith [58]
233Marc Snir [31] [36]
234Peilin Song [47] [51]
235Thomas E. Spelce [65]
236Vugranam C. Sreedhar [22] [53]
237Harini Srinivasan [8] [13]
238Vijay Srinivasan [47]
239Ian M. Steiner [58]
240Burkhard D. Steinmacher-Burow [47] [51]
241Greg G. Stewart [63]
242Paul A. Stirpe [10] [11]
243Karin Strauss [47] [50] [51]
244Frederick H. Streitz [65]
245Ernesto Su [9]
246Frank Suits [36] [66]
247Bronis R. de Supinski [65]
248Christopher W. Surovic [47]
249Nikhil Swamy [61]
250Richard A. Swetz [36] [47] [51]
251William C. Swope [36]
252Ryuichi Takeuchi [71]
253Todd Takken [47] [51] [69]
254Satoru Todokoro [71]
255Lorrie A. Tomek [10]
256Brian R. Toonen [55]
257R. Brett Tremaine [47] [51]
258Mickey Tsao [47] [51]
259Chau-Wen Tseng [44]
260M. Tubbs [47]
261Henry M. Tufo [66]
262G. Ulsh [47] [51]
263Arun R. Umamaheshwaran [47]
264Rishabh Uppal [72]
265Dinesh C. Verma [7] [10]
266P. Verma [47]
267Jeffrey S. Vetter [47]
268Ricardo Vilalta [56]
269Nagesh K. Vishnumurthy [36]
270Theron Voran [66]
271Pavlos Vranas [47] [51] [66] [69]
272Charles D. Wait [47] [60] [62]
273Robert Walkup [57] [65] [66]
274Ko-Yang Wang [12]
275T. J. Christopher Ward [36] [47] [51] [60] [62] [66]
276Henry S. Warren Jr. [36] [50]
277Michael E. Wazlowski [47] [51]
278John-David Wellman [29]
279Peter L. Williams [65]
280J. Wittrup [47]
281Peng Wu [20] [24] [37] [45] [62]
282K. Yates [47]
283Robert K. Yates [65]
284Shinobu Yoshimura [71]
285Kiyoshi Yuyama [71]
286Yanyong Zhang [68]
287Yuriy Zhestkov [66]
288Ruhong Zhou [36]
289Victor V. Zyuban [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)