
Yen-Ping Shan

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10 Yen-Ping Shan, Tom Morgan, Phil Proudfoot, Jim Thompson, John Tibbetts, Al Woolfrey: Objects on the Server: Are We Ready? (Panel Session). OOPSLA 1996: 384-388
9 Yen-Ping Shan: Smalltalk on the Rise: Introduction to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 38(10): 102-104 (1995)
8 Hesham El-Rewini, Scott Hamilton, Yen-Ping Shan, Ralph Earle, Skip McGaughey, Abdelsalam Helal, Ravi Badrachalam, Andrew A. Chien, Andrew S. Grimshaw, Byung Suk Lee, Andrew E. Wade, Dave Morse, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Evaggelia Pitoura, Robert V. Binder, Peter Wegner: Object Technology: A Virtual Roundtable. IEEE Computer 28(10): 58-72 (1995)
7 Yen-Ping Shan, Ken Auer, Andrew J. Bear, Jim Adamczyk, Adele Goldberg, Tom Love, Dave A. Thomas: Smalltalk in the Business World: The Good, the Bad, and the Future (Panel). OOPSLA 1994: 145-152
6 Yen-Ping Shan, John DeBinder, Rick DeNatale, Cindy Krauss, Pat Mueller: A multiple-platform multi-language distributed object-oriented messaging system5. OOPS Messenger 5(2): 27-28 (1994)
5 Yen-Ping Shan, Thomas A. Cargill, Brad Cox, William R. Cook, Mary E. S. Loomis, Alan Snyder: Panel - Is Multiple Inheritance Essential to OOP? OOPSLA 1993: 360-363
4EEDavid Beard, Murugappan Palaniappan, Alan Humm, David Banks, Anil Nair, Yen-Ping Shan: A Visual Calendar for Scheduling Group Meetings. CSCW 1990: 279-290
3 Yen-Ping Shan: An object-oriented UIMS for rapid prototyping. INTERACT 1990: 633-638
2 Yen-Ping Shan: MoDE: A UIMS for Smalltalk. OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 258-268
1 Yen-Ping Shan: An Event-Driven Model-View-Controller Framework for Smalltalk. OOPSLA 1989: 347-352

Coauthor Index

1Jim Adamczyk [7]
2Ken Auer [7]
3Ravi Badrachalam [8]
4David Banks [4]
5Andrew J. Bear [7]
6David Beard [4]
7Robert V. Binder [8]
8Thomas A. Cargill [5]
9Andrew A. Chien [8]
10William R. Cook [5]
11Brad Cox [5]
12John DeBinder [6]
13Rick DeNatale [6]
14Ralph Earle [8]
15Hesham El-Rewini [8]
16Ahmed K. Elmagarmid [8]
17Adele Goldberg [7]
18Andrew S. Grimshaw [8]
19Scott Hamilton [8]
20Abdelsalam Helal (Sumi Helal) [8]
21Alan Humm [4]
22Cindy Krauss [6]
23Byung Suk Lee [8]
24Mary E. S. Loomis [5]
25Tom Love [7]
26Skip McGaughey [8]
27Tom Morgan [10]
28Dave Morse [8]
29Pat Mueller [6]
30Anil Nair [4]
31Murugappan Palaniappan [4]
32Evaggelia Pitoura [8]
33Phil Proudfoot [10]
34Alan Snyder [5]
35Dave A. Thomas [7]
36Jim Thompson [10]
37John Tibbetts [10]
38Andrew E. Wade [8]
39Peter Wegner [8]
40Al Woolfrey [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)