Volume 38,
Number 1,
January 1995
International Perspectives
Log on Education
Woman in Computing
Technical Correspondence
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 2,
February 1995
President's Letter
From Washington
Sharing Standards
Issues and Challenges in ATM Networks
- Ronald J. Vetter, David Hung-Chang Du:
Issues and Challenges in ATM Networks - Introduction.
28-29 BibTeX
- Ronald J. Vetter:
ATM Concepts, Architectures, and Protocols.
30-38 BibTeX
- B. G. Kim, P. Wang:
ATM Network: Goals and Challenges.
39-44 BibTeX
- Daniel S. Stevenson, Nathan Hillery, Gregory T. Byrd:
Secure Communications in ATM Networks.
45-52 BibTeX
- James A. Schnepf, David Hung-Chang Du, E. Russel Ritenour, Aaron J. Fahrmann:
Building Future Medical Eduction Environments Over ATM Networks.
54-69 BibTeX
- Atsushi Iwata, N. Mori, Chinatsu Ikeda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Maximilian Ott:
ATM Connection and Traffic Management Schemes for Multimedia Internetworking.
72-89 BibTeX
- Michael Perloff, Kurt Reiss:
Improvements to TCP Performance iHigh-Speed ATM Networks.
90-100, 109 BibTeX
- Shivi Fotedar, Mario Gerla, Paola Crocetti, Luigi Fratta:
ATM Virtual Private Networks.
101-109 BibTeX
Technical Correspondence
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 3,
March 1995
Personal Computing
Real-World Applications of Bayesian Networks
Inside Risks
Legally Speaking
Digital Libraries
- Edward A. Fox, Robert M. Akscyn, Richard Furuta, John J. Leggett:
Digital Libraries - Introduction to the Secial Section.
22-28 BibTeX
- Ramana Rao, Jan O. Pedersen, Marti A. Hearst, Jock D. Mackinlay, Stuart K. Card, Larry Masinter, Per-Kristian Halvorsen, George G. Robertson:
Rich Interaction in the Digital Library.
29-39 BibTeX
- Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat, Ian H. Witten, Justin Zobel:
The MG Retrieval System: Compressing for Space and Speed.
41-42 BibTeX
- W. Bruce Croft:
NSF Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval.
42-43 BibTeX
- Edward A. Fox:
World-Wide Web and Computer Science Reports.
43-44 BibTeX
- James C. French, Edward A. Fox, Kurt Maly, Alan L. Selman:
Wide Area Technical Report Service: Technical Reports Online.
45 BibTeX
- Charles J. Kacmar, Dean Jue:
The Information Zone System.
46-47 BibTeX
- Carl Lagoze, James R. Davis:
Dienst: An Architecture for Distributed Document Libraries.
47 BibTeX
- Christoph Hüser, Klaus Reichenberger, Lothar Rostek, Norbert A. Streitz:
Knowledge-base Editing and Visualization for Hypermedia Encyclopedias.
49-51 BibTeX
- Deane Merrill, Nathan Parker, Fredric C. Gey, Chris Stuber:
The University of California CD-ROM Information System.
51-52 BibTeX
- Lenwood S. Heath, Deborah Hix, Lucy T. Nowell, William C. Wake, Guillermo A. Averboch, Eric Labow, Scott A. Guyer, Dennis J. Brueni, Robert K. France, Kaushal Dalal, Edward A. Fox:
Envision: A User-Centered Database of Computer Science Literature.
52-53 BibTeX
- Richard Entlich, Lorrin Garson, Michael Lesk, Lorraine Normore, Jan Olsen, Stuart Weibel:
Making a Digital Library: The Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment.
54 BibTeX
- Gary M. Olson:
An Appreciation of Lawrence Rosenberg.
55 BibTeX
- Michael G. Christel, Takeo Kanade, M. Mauldin, Raj Reddy, Marvin A. Sirbu, Scott M. Stevens, Howard D. Wactlar:
Informedia Digital Video Library.
57-58 BibTeX
- The Stanford Digital Library Project.
59-60 BibTeX
->Stanford Digital Library
- Robert Wilensky:
UC Berkeley's Digital Library Project.
60 BibTeX
->Berkeley Elib
- Terence R. Smith, James Frew:
Alexandria Digital Library.
61-62 BibTeX
- Bruce R. Schatz:
Building the Interspace: The Illinois Digital Library Project.
62-63 BibTeX
- Laurie Crum:
Universisty of Michigan Digital Library Project.
63-64 BibTeX
- Jonathan Purday:
The British Library's Initiatives for Access Projects.
65-66 BibTeX
- Herbert S. Becker:
Library of Congress Digital Library Effort.
66 BibTeX
- Gary Marchionini, Hermann A. Maurer:
The Roles of Digital Libraries In Teaching and Learning.
67-75 BibTeX
- David M. Levy, Catherine C. Marshall:
Going Digital: A Look at Assumptions Underlying Digital Libraries.
77-84 BibTeX
- Gio Wiederhold:
Digital Libraries, Value, and Productivity.
85-96 BibTeX
Volume 38,
Number 5,
May 1995
Electrtonic Frontier
International Perspectives
Requirements Gathering:
The Human Factor
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 6,
June 1995
Enterprising Innovations
Log on Education
- Saul Rockman:
In School or Out: Technology, Equity, and the Future of Our Kids.
25-29 BibTeX
Cognition and Software Development
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 7,
July 1995
Personal Computing
From Washington
End-User Training and Learning
- Deborah Compeau, Lorne Olfman, Maung K. Sein, Jane Webster:
End-User Training and Learning - Introduction to the Special Section.
24-26 BibTeX
- R. Ryan Nelson, Ellen M. Whitener, Henry H. Philcox:
The Assessment of End-User Training Needs.
27-39 BibTeX
- John M. Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson:
Managing Evaluation Goals for Training.
40-48 BibTeX
- Edmond P. Fitzgerald, Aileen Cater-Steel:
Champagne Training on a Beer Budget.
49-60 BibTeX
- Judy Kay, Richard C. Thomas:
Studying Long-Term System Use.
61-69 BibTeX
- Dennis F. Galletta, Manju Ahuja, Amir Hartman, Thompson Teo, A. Graham Peace:
Social Influence and End-User Training.
70-79 BibTeX
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 8,
August 1995
Legally Speaking
Electronic Frontier
Designing Hypermedia Applications:
Hypertext Edition
- Michael Bieber, Tomás Isakowitz:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Designing Hypermedia Applications.
26-29 BibTeX
- Douglas C. Engelbart:
Toward Augmenting the Human Intellect and Boosting our Collective IQ.
30-33 BibTeX
- Theodor Holm Nelson:
The Heart of Connection: Hypermedia Unified by Transclusion.
31-33 BibTeX
- Tomás Isakowitz, Edward A. Stohr, P. Balasubramanian:
RMM: A Methodology for Structured Hypermedia Design.
34-44 BibTeX
- Daniel Schwabe, Gustavo Rossi:
The Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Model.
45-46 BibTeX
- Venkatraman Balasubramanian, Bang Min Ma, Joonhee Yoo:
A Systematic Approach to Designing a WWW Application.
47-48 BibTeX
- Jocelyne Nanard, Marc Nanard:
Hypertext Design Environments and the Hypertext Design Process.
49-56 BibTeX
- Manfred Thüring, Jörg Hannemann, Jörg M. Haake:
Hypermedia and Cognition: Designing for Comprehension.
57-66 BibTeX
- Paul Kahn:
Visual Cues for Local and Global Coherence in the WWW.
67-69 BibTeX
- Norbert A. Streitz:
Designing Hypermedia: A Collaborative Activity.
70-71 BibTeX
- John L. Schnase, Edward L. Cunnius, S. Bruce Dowton:
The StudySpace Project: Collaborative Hypermedia in Nomadic Computing Environments.
72-73 BibTeX
- Franca Garzotto, Luca Mainetti, Paolo Paolini:
Hypermedia Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Issues.
74-86 BibTeX
- Scott Johnson:
Quality Control for Hypertext Construction.
87 BibTeX
- Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III:
Spatial Hypertext: Designing for Change.
88-97 BibTeX
- Andreas Dieberger, Jay D. Bolter:
On the Design of Hyper Spaces.
98 BibTeX
- Michael Bieber, Charles J. Kacmar:
Designing Hypertext Support for Computational Applications.
99-107 BibTeX
- Hugh C. Davis:
To Embed or Not to Embed...
108-109 BibTeX
- Uffe Kock Wiil:
Hyperform: Rapid Prototyping of Hypermedia Services.
109-111 BibTeX
- Richard Furuta, P. David Stotts:
Dynamic Hyperdocuments: Authoring Replaces Programming.
111-112 BibTeX
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 9,
September 1995
International Perspectives
From Washington
Representations of Work
- Lucy A. Suchman:
Representations of Work - Preface to the Special Section.
33-35 BibTeX
- Patricia Sachs:
Transforming Work: Collaboration, Learning, and Design.
36-44 BibTeX
- Susan Leigh Star, Geoffrey C. Bowker:
Work and Infrastructure.
41 BibTeX
- Brigitte Jordan, Ron Goldman, Patricia Sachs:
Tools for the Workplace.
42 BibTeX
- Helga Wild, Chris Darrouzet, Ted Kahn, Susan U. Stucky:
Rhythms of Collaboration.
45 BibTeX
- Morten Kyng:
Making Representations Work.
46-55 BibTeX
- Lucy A. Suchman:
Making Work Visible.
56-64 BibTeX
- Rogers Hall:
Exploring Design-Oriented Mathematical Practices in School and Work Settings.
62 BibTeX
- Michael J. Muller:
Ethnocritical Questions for Working with Translations, Interpretations, and their Stakeholders.
64-65 BibTeX
- Liam J. Bannon:
The Politics of Design: Representing Work.
66-68 BibTeX
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 10,
October 1995
Sharing Standards
Personal Computing
Object Roundtable
Object-Oriented Experiences
- Mohamed E. Fayad, Wei-Tek Tsai:
Object-Oriented Experiences: Introduction to the Special Section.
50-53 BibTeX
- William Berg, Marshall Cline, Mike Girou:
Lessons Learned from the OS/400 OO Project.
54-64 BibTeX
- Douglas C. Schmidt:
Using Design Patterns to Develop Reusable Object-Oriented Communication Software.
65-74 BibTeX
- David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen, Young-Si Kim, Young-Kee Song:
Developing an Object-Oriented Software Testing and Maintenance Environment.
75-87 BibTeX
- Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Viktor K. Decyk:
Object-Oriented Parallel Computation for Plasma Simulation.
88-100 BibTeX
Smalltalk on the Rise
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 11,
November 1995
Log on Education
Digital Village
New Horizons in Commercial and Industrial AI
Large-Scale AI and the Commensense Problem
Advances in Traditional AI
Emerging Technologies
Inside Risks
Volume 38,
Number 12,
December 1995
Electronic Frontier
International Perspectives
Ethics and Computer Use
Inside Risks
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