2009 |
164 | EE | Steven R. Haynes,
John M. Carroll,
Thomas George Kannampallil,
Lu Xiao,
Paula M. Bach:
Design research as explanation: perceptions in the field.
CHI 2009: 1121-1130 |
163 | EE | Helena M. Mentis,
Paula M. Bach,
Blaine Hoffman,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Development of decision rationale in complex group decision making.
CHI 2009: 1341-1350 |
162 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Helena M. Mentis,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Aleksandra Slavkovic,
John M. Carroll:
Supporting content and process common ground in computer-supported teamwork.
CHI 2009: 2339-2348 |
161 | EE | Paula M. Bach,
Robert DeLine,
John M. Carroll:
Designers wanted: participation and the user experience in open source software development.
CHI 2009: 985-994 |
160 | EE | Honglu Du,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Craig H. Ganoe:
"I felt more of a member of this class": increasing students' sense of community with video commenting.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4405-4410 |
159 | EE | Shaoke Zhang,
Umer Farooq,
John M. Carroll:
Enhancing information scent: identifying and recommending quality tags.
GROUP 2009: 1-10 |
158 | EE | Honglu Du,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Craig H. Ganoe:
I felt like a contributing member of the class: increasing class participation with classcommons.
GROUP 2009: 233-242 |
157 | EE | Anna Wu,
Xiaolong Zhang,
Gregorio Convertino,
John M. Carroll:
CIVIL: support geo-collaboration with information visualization.
GROUP 2009: 273-276 |
156 | EE | Paloma Díaz,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Ignacio Aedo,
John M. Carroll:
Web Design Patterns: Investigating User Goals and Browsing Strategies.
IS-EUD 2009: 186-204 |
155 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
Anastassia Ioujanina,
Timothy Paone,
Gretel Sheasley,
Hansa Sinha,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll,
Jan Mahar:
A scaffolded introduction to dynamic website development for female high school students.
SIGCSE 2009: 226-230 |
154 | EE | John M. Daughtry III,
Janet E. Burge,
John M. Carroll,
Colin Potts:
Creativity and rationale in software design.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 34(1): 27-29 (2009) |
2008 |
153 | | Miltiadis D. Lytras,
John M. Carroll,
Ernesto Damiani,
Robert D. Tennyson,
David E. Avison,
Gottfried Vossen,
Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos:
The Open Knowlege Society. A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto, First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
152 | | Miltiadis D. Lytras,
John M. Carroll,
Ernesto Damiani,
Robert D. Tennyson:
Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
151 | EE | Paula M. Bach,
Jiang Hao,
John M. Carroll:
Sharing usability information in interactive system development.
CHASE 2008: 9-12 |
150 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Helena M. Mentis,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Aleksandra Slavkovic,
Craig H. Ganoe:
Articulating common ground in cooperative work: content and process.
CHI 2008: 1637-1646 |
149 | EE | Sue E. Kase,
Yang Zhang,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Sustainable informal it learning in community-based nonprofits.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3435-3440 |
148 | EE | Lu Xiao,
John M. Carroll,
Pat Clemson,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Support of Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case Commenting Tool and a Collaborative Case Builder.
HICSS 2008: 6 |
147 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Marcela Borge,
Lu Xiao,
Craig H. Ganoe:
Realistic Learning Activity is Not Enough.
ICALT 2008: 3-7 |
146 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
Hansa Sinha,
Dejin Zhao,
John M. Carroll,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Jan Mahar:
Cultivating a Landscape of Online Places for a Developmental Learning Community.
ICALT 2008: 311-315 |
145 | EE | Lu Xiao,
Shawn Clark,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Promoting Reflective Thinking in Collaborative Learning Activities.
ICALT 2008: 709-711 |
144 | EE | Steven R. Haynes,
Paula M. Bach,
John M. Carroll:
Scientific design rationale.
AI EDAM 22(4): 359-373 (2008) |
143 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Community IT workshops as a strategy for community learning.
First Monday 13(4): (2008) |
142 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll,
Isaac G. Councill,
C. Lee Giles:
Design and evaluation of awareness mechanisms in CiteSeer.
Inf. Process. Manage. 44(2): 596-612 (2008) |
141 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Theorizing mobility in community networks.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(12): 944-962 (2008) |
2007 |
140 | EE | Paula M. Bach,
Bryan Kirschner,
John M. Carroll:
Usability and free/libre/open source software SIG: HCI expertise and design rationale.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2097-2100 |
139 | EE | Cecelia Merkel,
Umer Farooq,
Lu Xiao,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Managing technology use and learning in nonprofit community organizations: methodological challenges and opportunities.
CHIMIT 2007: 8 |
138 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Helena M. Mentis,
Alex Y. W. Ting,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
How does common ground increase?
GROUP 2007: 225-228 |
137 | EE | Umer Farooq,
John M. Carroll,
Craig H. Ganoe:
Supporting creativity with awareness in distributed collaboration.
GROUP 2007: 31-40 |
136 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Thomas George Kannampallil,
Yang Song,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll,
C. Lee Giles:
Evaluating tagging behavior in social bookmarking systems: metrics and design heuristics.
GROUP 2007: 351-360 |
135 | EE | Lu Xiao,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Support Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case Commenting Tool and a Collaborative Case Builder.
HCI (4) 2007: 371-380 |
134 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Dejin Zhao,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
A Role-Based Multiple View Approach to Distributed Geo-Collaboration.
HCI (4) 2007: 561-570 |
133 | EE | Steven R. Haynes,
Wendy A. Schafer,
John M. Carroll:
Leveraging and Limiting Practical Drift in Emergency Response Planning.
HICSS 2007: 200 |
132 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll,
C. Lee Giles:
Supporting distributed scientific collaboration: Implications for designing the CiteSeer collaboratory.
HICSS 2007: 26 |
131 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
Daniel R. Dunlap,
Philip L. Isenhour,
John M. Carroll:
Teacher Bridge: Creating a Community of Teacher Developers.
HICSS 2007: 5 |
130 | EE | Lu Xiao,
John M. Carroll:
Fostering an informal learning community of computer technologies at school.
Behaviour & IT 26(1): 23-36 (2007) |
129 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Lu Xiao,
Cecelia Merkel,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Supporting community-based learning: case study of a geographical community organization designing its website.
Behaviour & IT 26(1): 5-21 (2007) |
128 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Umer Farooq,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
B. J. F. Meyer:
Supporting intergenerational groups in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW).
Behaviour & IT 26(4): 275-285 (2007) |
127 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Learning In Communities: Introduction to the Special Issue.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(4-5): 373-374 (2007) |
126 | EE | Andrea L. Kavanaugh,
Than Than Zin,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Joseph Schmitz,
B. Joon Kim:
Local Groups Online: Political Learning and Participation.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(4-5): 375-395 (2007) |
125 | EE | Wendy A. Schafer,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll:
Supporting Community Emergency Management Planning through a Geocollaboration Software Architecture.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(4-5): 501-537 (2007) |
124 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Yang Song,
John M. Carroll,
C. Lee Giles:
Social Bookmarking for Scholarly Digital Libraries.
IEEE Internet Computing 11(6): 29-35 (2007) |
123 | EE | Michael Massimi,
Craig H. Ganoe,
John M. Carroll:
Scavenger Hunt: An Empirical Method for Mobile Collaborative Problem-Solving.
IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(1): 81-87 (2007) |
2006 |
122 | | John M. Carroll,
Susanne Bødker,
Julie Coughlin:
Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems,University Park, PA, USA, June 26-28, 2006
ACM 2006 |
121 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Paul Dourish,
Batya Friedman,
Masaaki Kurosu,
Gary M. Olson,
Alistair G. Sutcliffe:
Institutionalizing HCI: what do i-schools offer?
CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 17-20 |
120 | EE | Andrea L. Kavanaugh,
Than Than Zin,
John M. Carroll,
Joseph Schmitz,
Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones,
Philip L. Isenhour:
When opinion leaders blog: new forms of citizen interaction.
DG.O 2006: 79-88 |
119 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Gregorio Convertino,
Craig H. Ganoe:
Awareness and teamwork in computer-supported collaborations.
Interacting with Computers 18(1): 21-46 (2006) |
2005 |
118 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Jingying Zhou:
Collective efficacy as a measure of community.
CHI 2005: 1-10 |
117 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Umer Farooq:
Community-based Learning: Design Patterns and Frameworks.
ECSCW 2005: 307-324 |
116 | EE | Umer Farooq,
John M. Carroll,
Craig H. Ganoe:
Supporting creativity in distributed scientific communities.
GROUP 2005: 217-226 |
115 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Cases as Minimalist Information.
HICSS 2005 |
114 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Umer Farooq,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Old is Gold: Integrating Older Workers in CSCW.
HICSS 2005 |
113 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Cecelia Merkel,
Heather Nash,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Lu Xiao:
Participatory Design as Apprenticeship: Sustainable Watershed Management as a Community Computing Application.
HICSS 2005 |
112 | EE | Lu Xiao,
Cecelia Merkel,
Heather Nash,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Eva Shon,
Roderick Lee,
Umer Farooq:
Students as Teachers and Teachers as Facilitators.
HICSS 2005 |
111 | | John M. Carroll:
Building Educational Technology Partnerships Through Participatory Design.
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (I) 2005: 307-311 |
110 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
A case library for teaching usability engineering: Design rationale, development, and classroom experience.
ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 5(1): 1-22 (2005) |
109 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Dan Dunlap,
Philip L. Isenhour:
Frameworks for Sharing Teaching Practices.
Educational Technology & Society 8(3): 162-175 (2005) |
108 | EE | Andrea L. Kavanaugh,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Debbie Denise Reese,
Than Than Zin:
Participating in civil society: the case of networked communities.
Interacting with Computers 17(1): 9-33 (2005) |
2004 |
107 | EE | Kentaro Go,
Yasuaki Takamoto,
John M. Carroll:
Designing a Mobile Phone of the Future: Requirements Elicitation using Photo Essays and Scenarios.
AINA (2) 2004: 475-480 |
106 | | John M. Carroll:
Participatory Design of Community Information Systems - The Designer as Bard.
COOP 2004: 1-6 |
105 | EE | Dennis C. Neale,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Evaluating computer-supported cooperative work: models and frameworks.
CSCW 2004: 112-121 |
104 | EE | Mark Ackerman,
Marlene Huysman,
John M. Carroll,
Barry Wellman,
Giorgio De Michelis,
Volker Wulf:
Communities and technologies: an approach to foster social capital?
CSCW 2004: 406-408 |
103 | EE | Gregorio Convertino,
Dennis C. Neale,
Laurian Hobby,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
A laboratory method for studying activity awareness.
NordiCHI 2004: 313-322 |
102 | EE | Craig H. Ganoe,
Gregorio Convertino,
John M. Carroll:
The BRIDGE awareness workspace: tools supporting activity awareness for collaborative project work.
NordiCHI 2004: 453-454 |
101 | EE | Cecelia Merkel,
Lu Xiao,
Umer Farooq,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Roderick Lee,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Participatory design in community computing contexts: tales from the field.
PDC 2004: 1-10 |
100 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Con M. Rodi:
Case studies for teaching usability engineering.
SIGCSE 2004: 36-40 |
99 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Beyond fun.
Interactions 11(5): 38-40 (2004) |
98 | EE | Kentaro Go,
John M. Carroll:
The blind men and the elephant: views of scenario-based system design.
Interactions 11(6): 44-53 (2004) |
2003 |
97 | EE | Kentaro Go,
Yasuaki Takamoto,
John M. Carroll,
Atsumi Imamiya,
Hisanori Masuda:
PRESPE: participatory requirements elicitation using scenarios and photo essays.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 780-781 |
96 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Con M. Rodi,
John M. Carroll,
Philip L. Isenhour:
Avatar proxies: configurable informants of collaborative activities.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 792-793 |
95 | EE | John M. Carroll:
The Blacksburg Electronic Village: A Study in Community Computing.
Digital Cities 2003: 43-65 |
94 | EE | Kibum Kim,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Using Scenarios for Contextual Design in Agent-Oriented Information Systems.
ER (Workshops) 2003: 241-243 |
93 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Dan Dunlap,
Philip L. Isenhour:
rameworks for Sharing Knowledge Toward a Professional Language for Teaching Practices.
HICSS 2003: 120 |
92 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Debbie Denise Reese:
Community Collective Efficacy: Structure and Consequences of Perceived Capacities in the Blacksburg Electronic Village.
HICSS 2003: 222 |
91 | | John M. Carroll,
Doug A. Bowman,
D. Scott McCrickard,
Chris North,
Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech.
90 | EE | Craig H. Ganoe,
Jacob P. Somervell,
Dennis C. Neale,
Philip L. Isenhour,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
D. Scott McCrickard:
Classroom BRIDGE: using collaborative public and desktop timelines to support activity awareness.
UIST 2003: 21-30 |
89 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Usability engineering: scenario-based development of human computer interaction.
Inf. Res. 8(3): (2003) |
88 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
A Trajectory for Community Networks.
Inf. Soc. 19(5): (2003) |
87 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Dennis C. Neale,
Philip L. Isenhour,
Mary Beth Rosson,
D. Scott McCrickard:
Notification and awareness: synchronizing task-oriented collaborative activity.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 58(5): 605-632 (2003) |
2002 |
86 | EE | Marc Vass,
John M. Carroll,
Clifford A. Shaffer:
Supporting creativity in problem solving environments.
Creativity & Cognition 2002: 31-37 |
85 | EE | Tracy Lewis,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Cheryl D. Seals:
A Community Learns Design: Towards a Pattern Language for Novice Visual Programmers.
HCC 2002: 168-176 |
84 | EE | Cheryl D. Seals,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Tracy Lewis,
Lenese Colson:
Fun Learning Stagecast Creator: An Exercise in Minimalism and Collaboration.
HCC 2002: 177- |
83 | EE | Kibum Kim,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
An Empirical Study of Web Personalization Assistants: Supporting End-Users in Web Information Systems.
HCC 2002: 60-62 |
82 | EE | Tracy Lewis,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Cheryl D. Seals:
A Community Learns Design: Towards a Pattern Language for Novice Visual Programmers.
IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 168-176 |
81 | EE | Cheryl D. Seals,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Tracy Lewis,
Lenese Colson:
Fun Learning Stagecast Creator: An Exercise in Minimalism and Collaboration.
IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 177- |
80 | EE | Kibum Kim,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
An Empirical Study of Web Personalization Assistants: Supporting End-Users in Web Information Systems.
IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 60-62 |
79 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Scenarios and Design Cognition.
RE 2002: 3-5 |
78 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Scenario-based usability engineering.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 413 |
77 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
Cheryl D. Seals,
Tracy Lewis:
Community design of community simulations.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 75-83 |
76 | EE | Umer Farooq,
Wendy A. Schafer,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
M-Education: Bridging the Gap of Mobile and Desktop Computing.
WMTE 2002: 91-94 |
75 | EE | Wendy A. Schafer,
Doug A. Bowman,
John M. Carroll:
Map-based navigation in a graphical MOO.
ACM Crossroads 9(1): 8-15 (2002) |
74 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Making use is more than a matter of task analysis.
Interacting with Computers 14(5): 619-627 (2002) |
73 | | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Usability Engineering: Scenario-based Development of Human-Computer Interaction.
i-com 2(2): 46- (2002) |
2001 |
72 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Better home shopping or new democracy? evaluating community network outcomes.
CHI 2001: 372-379 |
71 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Community computing as human - computer interaction.
Behaviour & IT 20(5): 307-314 (2001) |
70 | EE | Naren Ramakrishnan,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Explaining Scenarios for Information Personalization
CoRR cs.HC/0111007: (2001) |
69 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Philip L. Isenhour,
Craig H. Ganoe,
Dan Dunlap,
James Fogarty,
Wendy A. Schafer,
Christina Van Metre:
Designing our town: MOOsburg
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 54(5): 725-751 (2001) |
68 | | Philip L. Isenhour,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Supporting interactive collaboration on the Web with CORK.
Interacting with Computers 13(6): 655-676 (2001) |
2000 |
67 | | Kentaro Go,
John M. Carroll,
Atsumi Imamiya:
HOIT 2000: 125-140 |
66 | | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
School's Out.
HOIT 2000: 169-180 |
65 | | John M. Carroll,
George Chin Jr.,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Dennis C. Neale:
The Development of Cooperation: Five Years of Participatory Design in the Virtual School.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 239-251 |
64 | | John M. Carroll:
Making Use: Scenarios and Scenario-Based Design.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 4 |
63 | EE | Daniel R. Dunlap,
Dennis C. Neale,
John M. Carroll:
Teacher Collaboration in a Networked Community.
Educational Technology & Society 3(3): (2000) |
62 | EE | Philip L. Isenhour,
John M. Carroll,
Dennis C. Neale,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Dan Dunlap:
The Virtual School: An integrated collaborative environment for the classroom.
Educational Technology & Society 3(3): (2000) |
61 | | John M. Carroll:
Introduction to this Special Issue on "Scenario-Based System Development".
Interacting with Computers 13(1): 41-42 (2000) |
60 | | John M. Carroll:
Five reasons for scenario-based design.
Interacting with Computers 13(1): 43-60 (2000) |
1999 |
59 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Five Reasons for Scenario-based Design.
HICSS 1999 |
58 | EE | Hermann Kaindl,
John M. Carroll:
Symbolic Modeling in Practice - Introduction.
Commun. ACM 42(1): 28-30 (1999) |
57 | EE | Alistair G. Sutcliffe,
John M. Carroll:
Designing claims for reuse in interactive systems design.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 50(3): 213-241 (1999) |
56 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Robert L. Mack:
Metaphor, computing systems, and active learning.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(2): 385-403 (1999) |
1998 |
55 | | Alistair G. Sutcliffe,
John M. Carroll:
Generalizing Claims and Reuse of HCI Knowledge.
BCS HCI 1998: 159-176 |
54 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
George Chin Jr.,
Jürgen Koenemann:
Requirements Development in Scenario-Based Design.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(12): 1156-1170 (1998) |
53 | | John M. Carroll:
New Community Networks: Wired for Change by Douglas Schuler.
Inf. Soc. 14(3): (1998) |
52 | EE | Matthias Jarke,
Tung X. Bui,
John M. Carroll:
Scenario Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach.
Requir. Eng. 3(3/4): 155-173 (1998) |
1997 |
51 | | George Chin Jr.,
Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Participatory Analysis: Shared Development of Requirements from Scenarios.
CHI 1997: 162-169 |
50 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Reconstructing Minimalism.
SIGDOC 1997: 27-34 |
49 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
George Chin Jr.,
Jürgen Koenemann:
Requirements Development: Stages of Opportunity for Collaborative Needs Discovery.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1997: 55-64 |
48 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Human-computer interaction: psychology as a science of design.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 46(2-3): 501-522 (1997) |
1996 |
47 | | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll,
David Messner:
A Web StoryBase.
BCS HCI 1996: 369-382 |
46 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Virginia Tech's Center for Human-Computer Interaction.
CHI Conference Companion 1996: 151-152 |
45 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
The Reuse of Uses in Smalltalk Programming.
ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 3(3): 219-253 (1996) |
44 | | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Developing the Blacksburg Electronic Village.
Commun. ACM 39(12): 69-74 (1996) |
43 | | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Scaffolded Examples for Learning Object-Oriented Design.
Commun. ACM 39(4): 46-47 (1996) |
1995 |
42 | | John M. Carroll:
History as Tool and Application: The Journey from HCI'91.
BCS HCI 1995: 3-14 |
41 | | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Integrating Task and Software Development for Object-Oriented Applications.
CHI 1995: 377-384 |
40 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Introduction to object-oriented design: a minimalist approach.
CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 361-362 |
39 | | John Karat,
John M. Carroll,
Sherman R. Alpert,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Evaluating a multimedia history system as support for collaborative design.
INTERACT 1995: 346-353 |
38 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Andrew M. Cohill,
John R. Schorger:
Building a History of the Blacksburg Electronic Village.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1995: 1-6 |
37 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Yasmin B. Kafai,
John M. Carroll,
Gerhard Fischer,
Roger C. Schank,
Elliot Soloway,
Ben Shneiderman:
Learner-Centered System Design: HCI Perspective for the Future.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1995: 143-147 |
36 | | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Managing Evaluation Goals for Training.
Commun. ACM 38(7): 40-48 (1995) |
1994 |
35 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Sherman R. Alpert,
John Karat,
Mary S. Van Deusen,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Raison d'Etre: capturing design history and rationale in multimedia narratives.
CHI 1994: 192-197 |
34 | EE | Jürgen Koenemann-Belliveau,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Mark K. Singley:
Comparative usability evaluation: critical incidents and critical threads.
CHI 1994: 245-251 |
33 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Sherman R. Alpert,
John Karat,
Mary S. Van Deusen,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Raison d'Etre: capturing design history and rationale in mutimedia narratives.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 213 |
32 | EE | Jürgen Koenemann-Belliveau,
John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Mark K. Singley:
Comparative usability evaluation: critical incidents and critical threads.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 217 |
31 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Sherman R. Alpert,
John Karat,
Mary S. Van Deusen,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Demonstrating raison d'etre: multimedia design history and rationale.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 29-30 |
30 | EE | Alistair G. Sutcliffe,
John M. Carroll,
Allan MacLean:
Design rationale: mutual opportunities for research and practice.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 471 |
29 | | Scott P. Robertson,
John M. Carroll,
Robert L. Mack,
Mary Beth Rosson,
Sherman R. Alpert,
Jürgen Koenemann-Belliveau:
ODE: A Self-Guided, Scenario-Based Learning Environment for Object-Oriented Design Principles.
OOPSLA 1994: 51-64 |
28 | | John M. Carroll:
Making Use a Design Representation.
Commun. ACM 37(12): 28-35 (1994) |
27 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Robert L. Mack,
Scott P. Robertson,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Binding objects to scenarios of use.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(1-2): 243-276 (1994) |
1993 |
26 | EE | Mary Beth Rosson,
John M. Carroll:
Active Programming Strategies in Reuse.
ECOOP 1993: 4-20 |
25 | | C. J. Bosch,
Jan H. P. Eloff,
John M. Carroll:
International Standards and Organizational Security Needs: Bridging the Gap.
SEC 1993: 171-183 |
24 | | Rossouw von Solms,
Sebastiaan H. von Solms,
John M. Carroll:
A Process Approach to Information Security Management.
SEC 1993: 385-399 |
23 | | John M. Carroll:
Creating a Design Science of Human-Computer Interaction.
Interacting with Computers 5(1): 3-12 (1993) |
1992 |
22 | | John M. Carroll:
Creating a Design Science of Human-Computer Interaction.
25th Anniversary of INRIA 1992: 205-215 |
21 | EE | John M. Carroll,
Mary Beth Rosson:
Getting Around the Task-Artifact Cycle: How to Make Claims and Design by Scenario.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 10(2): 181-212 (1992) |
20 | | Rachel K. E. Bellamy,
John M. Carroll:
Re-Structuring the Programmer's Task.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 37(4): 503-527 (1992) |
1990 |
19 | | John M. Carroll:
The Three Faces of Information Security.
AUSCRYPT 1990: 433-450 |
18 | | Richard I. Anderson,
John M. Carroll,
Jonathan Grudin,
John F. McGrew,
Dominique L. Scapin:
Task analysis: The oft missing step in the development of computer-human interfaces; its desirable nature, value, and role.
INTERACT 1990: 1051-1054 |
17 | | Rachel K. E. Bellamy,
John M. Carroll:
Redesign by design.
INTERACT 1990: 199-205 |
16 | | Mark K. Singley,
John M. Carroll:
Minimalist planning tools in an instructional system for smalltalk programming.
INTERACT 1990: 937-944 |
15 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Security and credibility in an information-intensive society.
Computers & Security 9(6): 489-498 (1990) |
14 | EE | John M. Carroll:
"Do-it-yourself" cryptography.
Computers & Security 9(7): 613-619 (1990) |
1989 |
13 | | John M. Carroll:
Taking Artifacts Seriously.
Software-Ergonomie 1989: 36-50 |
12 | | John M. Carroll:
Evaluation, Description and Invention: Paradigms for Human-Computer Interaction.
Advances in Computers 29: 47-77 (1989) |
1988 |
11 | | Ben Shneiderman,
John M. Carroll:
Ecological Studies of Professional Programmers (Introduction to the Special Section).
Commun. ACM 31(11): 1256-1258 (1988) |
10 | | John M. Carroll,
Amy P. Aaronson:
Learning by Doing with Simulated Intelligent Help.
Commun. ACM 31(9): 1064-1079 (1988) |
9 | | John M. Carroll,
Dana S. Kay:
Prompting, Feedback and Error Correction in the Design of a Scenario Machine.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 28(1): 11-27 (1988) |
1987 |
8 | | John M. Carroll,
Jean McKendree:
Interface Design Issues for Advice-Giving Expert Systems.
Commun. ACM 30(1): 14-31 (1987) |
1985 |
7 | | John M. Carroll,
Robert L. Mack:
Metaphor, Computing Systems, and Active Learning.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 22(1): 39-57 (1985) |
1984 |
6 | | Carl E. Landwehr,
John M. Carroll:
Hardware Requirements for Secure Computer Systems: A Framework.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 34-40 |
5 | | John M. Carroll,
Caroline Carrithers:
Training Wheels in a User Interface.
Commun. ACM 27(8): 800-806 (1984) |
1983 |
4 | EE | Robert L. Mack,
Clayton H. Lewis,
John M. Carroll:
Learning to Use Word Processors: Problems and Prospects.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 1(3): 254-271 (1983) |
1981 |
3 | EE | John M. Carroll:
Content Analysis as a Word-Processing Option.
SIGIR 1981: 126-131 |
2 | | John C. Thomas,
John M. Carroll:
Human Factors in Communication.
IBM Systems Journal 20(2): 237-263 (1981) |
1972 |
1 | | John M. Carroll,
William Fraser,
Gregory Gill:
Automatic Content Analysis in an On-Line Environment.
Inf. Process. Lett. 1(4): 134-140 (1972) |