
Sudha Ram

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60EESudha Ram, Kunpeng Zhang, Wei Wei: Linking Biological Databases Semantically for Knowledge Discovery. ER Workshops 2008: 22-32
59EEFaiz Currim, Sudha Ram: Conceptually modeling windows and bounds for space and time in database constraints. Commun. ACM 51(11): 125-129 (2008)
58EEHuimin Zhao, Sudha Ram: Entity matching across heterogeneous data sources: An approach based on constrained cascade generalization. Data Knowl. Eng. 66(3): 368-381 (2008)
57EEHuimin Zhao, Sudha Ram: Combining schema and instance information for integrating heterogeneous data sources. Data Knowl. Eng. 61(2): 281-303 (2007)
56EERafik Bouaziz, Salem Chakhar, Vincent Mousseau, Sudha Ram, Abdelkader Telmoudi: Database design and querying within the fuzzy semantic model. Inf. Sci. 177(21): 4598-4620 (2007)
55 David W. Embley, Antoni Olivé, Sudha Ram: Conceptual Modeling - ER 2006, 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Tucson, AZ, USA, November 6-9, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
54EESudha Ram, Jun Liu: Understanding the Semantics of Data Provenance to Support Active Conceptual Modeling. Active Conceptual Modeling of Learning 2006: 17-29
53EEVijay Khatri, Sudha Ram, Richard T. Snodgrass: On augmenting database design-support environments to capture the geo-spatio-temporal data semantics. Inf. Syst. 31(2): 98-133 (2006)
52EEHuimin Zhao, Atish P. Sinha, Sudha Ram: Elitist and Ensemble Strategies for Cascade Generalization. J. Database Manag. 17(3): 92-107 (2006)
51EESudha Ram: Toward Semantic Interoperability of Heterogeneous Biological Data Sources. CAiSE 2005: 32-32
50EEHuimin Zhao, Sudha Ram: Entity identification for heterogeneous database integration--a multiple classifier system approach and empirical evaluation. Inf. Syst. 30(2): 119-132 (2005)
49EESudha Ram, Vijay Khatri: A comprehensive framework for modeling set-based business rules during conceptual database design. Inf. Syst. 30(2): 89-118 (2005)
48EESudha Ram, Wei Wei: Modeling the Semantics of 3D Protein Structures. ER 2004: 696-708
47EEJinsoo Park, Sudha Ram: Information systems interoperability: What lies beneath? ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22(4): 595-632 (2004)
46EEVijay Khatri, Sudha Ram, Richard T. Snodgrass: Augmenting a Conceptual Model with Geospatiotemporal Annotations. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(11): 1324-1338 (2004)
45EESudha Ram, Jinsoo Park: Semantic Conflict Resolution Ontology (SCROL): An Ontology for Detecting and Resolving Data and Schema-Level Semantic Conflicts. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(2): 189-202 (2004)
44EEHuimin Zhao, Sudha Ram: Constrained Cascade Generalization of Decision Trees. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(6): 727-739 (2004)
43 Huimin Zhou, Sudha Ram: Clustering Schema Elements for Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources. J. Database Manag. 15(4): 88-106 (2004)
42EEAlan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park, Sudha Ram: Design Science in Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly 28(1): (2004)
41EEDaniel Dajun Zeng, Fei-Yue Wang, Sudha Ram: Storage allocation in web prefetching techniques. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 264-265
40 Akhilesh Bajaj, Sudha Ram: IAIS: A Methodology to Enable Inter-Agency Information Sharing In eGovernment. J. Database Manag. 14(4): 59-80 (2003)
39EESudha Ram, Jinsoo Park, Yousub Hwang: CREAM: A Mediator Based Environment for Modeling and Accessing Distributed Information on the Web. BNCOD 2002: 58-61
38 Vijay Khatri, Sudha Ram, Richard T. Snodgrass, Grady M. O'Brien: Supporting User-Defined Granularities in a Spatiotemporal Conceptual Model. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 36(1-2): 195-232 (2002)
37EEAkhilesh Bajaj, Sudha Ram: SEAM: A State-Entity-Activity-Model for a Well-Defined Workflow Development Methodology. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 14(2): 415-431 (2002)
36 Sudha Ram, Yousub Hwang, Vijay Khatri: Infomediation for E-business enabled Supply Chains. DS-9 2001: 205-219
35EESudha Ram, Richard T. Snodgrass, Vijay Khatri, Yousub Hwang: DISTIL: A Design Support Environment for Conceptual Modeling of Spatio-temporal Requirements. ER 2001: 70-83
34EESudha Ram, Vijay Khatri, Limin Zhang, Daniel Dajun Zeng: GeoCosm: A Semantics-Based Approach for Information Integration of Geospatial Data. ER (Workshops) 2001: 152-165
33EESudha Ram, G. Shankaranarayanan: Modeling and Navigation of Large Information Spaces: A Semantics based Approach. HICSS 1999
32EETok Wang Ling, Sudha Ram: 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'98). Data Knowl. Eng. 31(3): 225-226 (1999)
31 Sudha Ram, Jinsoo Park, George L. Ball: Semantic-Model Support for Geographic Information Systems. IEEE Computer 32(5): 74-81 (1999)
30EESudha Ram, Jinsoo Park, Dongwon Lee: Digital Libraries for the Next Millennium: Challenges and Research Directions. Information Systems Frontiers 1(1): 75-94 (1999)
29 David Olsen, Sudha Ram: An Empirical Analysis of the Object-Oriented Database Concurrency Control Mechanism O2C2. J. Database Manag. 10(2): 14-26 (1999)
28 Tok Wang Ling, Sudha Ram, Mong-Li Lee: Conceptual Modeling - ER '98, 17th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Singapore, November 16-19, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
27EESudha Ram, Venkataraman Ramesh: Information Sharing among Multiple Heterogeneous Data Sources Distributed across the Internet. HICSS (4) 1998: 504
26EESudha Ram, Venkataraman Ramesh: Collaborative Conceptual Schema Design: A Process Model and Prototype System. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 16(4): 347-371 (1998)
25EEPrabhudev Konana, Sudha Ram: Transaction management mechanisms for active and real-time databases: A comprehensive protocol and a performance study. Journal of Systems and Software 42(3): 205-225 (1998)
24EESudha Ram, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, Stuart Marsh, George L. Ball: Resource Discovery and Intelligent Image Retrieval in a Distributed Environment. HICSS (4) 1997: 340-349
23EEPrabhudev Konana, Juhnyoung Lee, Sudha Ram: Updating Timestamp Interval for Dynamic Adjustment of Serialization Order in Optimistic Concurrency Control-Time Interval (OCCTI) Protocol. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(4): 189-193 (1997)
22EEVenkataraman Ramesh, Sudha Ram: Integrity Constraint Integration in Heterogeneous Databases: An Enhanced Methodology for Schema Integration. Inf. Syst. 22(8): 423-446 (1997)
21EEJoobin Choobineh, Sudha Ram: Practical Aspects of Teaching an Applied Database Course. DATA BASE 27(3): 70-83 (1996)
20EEVenkataraman Ramesh, Sudha Ram: A methodology for interschema relationship identification in heterogeneous databases. HICSS (3) 1995: 263-272
19EESudha Ram: Deriving Functional Dependencies from the Entity-Relationship Model. Commun. ACM 38(9): 95-107 (1995)
18EEVeda C. Storey, Cheryl B. Thompson, Sudha Ram: Understanding Database Design Expertise. Data Knowl. Eng. 16(2): 97-124 (1995)
17EESudha Ram, Venkataraman Ramesh: A Blackboard-Based Cooperative System for Schema Integration. IEEE Expert 10(3): 56-62 (1995)
16EEStephen Hayne, Sudha Ram: Group data base design: Addressing the view modeling problem. Journal of Systems and Software 28(2): 97-116 (1995)
15 Sudha Ram: Information Sharing and Knowledge Discovery in Large Scientific Databases: Introduction. HICSS (3) 1994: 397
14EEDavid A. Carlson, Sudha Ram: An Architecture for Distributed Knowledge-Based Systems. DATA BASE 22(1&2): 11-21 (1991)
13 Sudha Ram: Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems - Guest Editor's Introduction. IEEE Computer 24(12): 7-10 (1991)
12EESudha Ram, Roy E. Marsten: A Model for Database Allocation Incorporating a Concurrency Control Mechanism. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 3(3): 389-395 (1991)
11EEStephen Hayne, Sudha Ram: Multi-User View Integration System (MUVIS): An Expert System for View Integration. ICDE 1990: 402-409
10 David A. Carlson, Sudha Ram: HyperIntelligence: The Next Frontier. Commun. ACM 33(3): 311-321 (1990)
9EESudha Ram, Sundaresan Ram: Screening Financial Innovations: An Expert System Approach. IEEE Expert 5(4): 20-28 (1990)
8EESudha Ram, Stephen M. Curran: The synthesis approach for relational database design: an expanded perspective. Inf. Sci. 52(1): 53-73 (1990)
7EESudha Ram, Stephen Hayne, David A. Carlson, Jay F. Nunamaker: Integration of information systems technologies to support consultation in an information center. ICIS 1989: 67-77
6 Sudha Ram, Stephen M. Curran: An automated tool for relational database design. Inf. Syst. 14(3): 247-259 (1989)
5EESudha Ram, Clark L. Chastain: Architecture of distributed data base systems. Journal of Systems and Software 10(2): 77-95 (1989)
4 Sudha Ram, Sundaresan Ram: Innovator: an expert system for new product launch decisions. Applied Artificial Intelligence 2(2): 129-148 (1988)
3EEDzenan Ridjanovic, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Robert W. Mantha, Sudha Ram, Arnon Rosenthal: ER versus Relational: What are the Differences? (Panel). ER 1987: 53-62
2EEGeneva G. Belford, Jane W.-S. Liu, S. C. Hwung, Chi-Yin Huang Hsu, K. A. Kaufman, C. K. Kim, Jung K. Kim, J. Leo, Anthony V. Ma, J. Ng, D. Neff, J. Quinn, Sudha Ram, Y. L. Yan, L. Zhang: Report Generation Facility, A High-Level Interface for Coherent Access to Heterogeneous Database Systems. ICDE 1986: 144-150
1EESudha Ram, Geneva G. Belford: A model for the design of distributed databases (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 428

Coauthor Index

1Akhilesh Bajaj [37] [40]
2George L. Ball [24] [31]
3Geneva G. Belford [1] [2]
4Rafik Bouaziz [56]
5David A. Carlson [7] [10] [14]
6Salem Chakhar [56]
7Clark L. Chastain [5]
8Joobin Choobineh [21]
9Stephen M. Curran [6] [8]
10Faiz Currim [59]
11David W. Embley [55]
12Stephen Hayne [7] [11] [16]
13Alan R. Hevner [42]
14Chi-Yin Huang Hsu [2]
15Yousub Hwang [35] [36] [39]
16S. C. Hwung [2]
17Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa [3]
18K. A. Kaufman [2]
19Vijay Khatri [34] [35] [36] [38] [46] [49] [53]
20C. K. Kim [2]
21Jung K. Kim [2]
22Prabhudev Konana [23] [25]
23Dongwon Lee [30]
24Juhnyoung Lee [23]
25Mong-Li Lee [28]
26J. Leo [2]
27Tok Wang Ling [28] [32]
28Jane W.-S. Liu [2]
29Jun Liu [54]
30Anthony V. Ma [2]
31Robert W. Mantha [3]
32Salvatore T. March [42]
33Stuart Marsh [24]
34Roy E. Marsten [12]
35Vincent Mousseau [56]
36D. Neff [2]
37J. Ng [2]
38Jay F. Nunamaker (Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.) [7]
39Grady M. O'Brien [38]
40Antoni Olivé [55]
41David Olsen [29]
42Jinsoo Park [30] [31] [39] [42] [45] [47]
43J. Quinn [2]
44Sundaresan Ram [4] [9]
45Venkataraman Ramesh [17] [20] [22] [26] [27]
46Dzenan Ridjanovic [3]
47Arnon Rosenthal (Arnie Rosenthal) [3]
48G. Shankaranarayanan [33]
49Atish P. Sinha [52]
50Richard T. Snodgrass [35] [38] [46] [53]
51Veda C. Storey [18]
52Abdelkader Telmoudi [56]
53Cheryl B. Thompson [18]
54Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan [24]
55Fei-Yue Wang [41]
56Wei Wei [48] [60]
57Y. L. Yan [2]
58Daniel Dajun Zeng [34] [41]
59Kunpeng Zhang [60]
60L. Zhang [2]
61Limin Zhang [34]
62Huimin Zhao [44] [50] [52] [57] [58]
63Huimin Zhou [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)