
Viktor K. Decyk

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19EEViktor K. Decyk, Henry J. Gardner: Object-oriented design patterns in Fortran 90/95: mazev1, mazev2 and mazev3. Computer Physics Communications 178(8): 611-620 (2008)
18EEViktor K. Decyk, Henry J. Gardner: A Factory Pattern in Fortran 95. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 583-590
17EEViktor K. Decyk: UPIC: A framework for massively parallel particle-in-cell codes. Computer Physics Communications 177(1-2): 95-97 (2007)
16EECharles D. Norton, Viktor K. Decyk, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Henry Gardner: The transition and adoption to modern programming concepts for scientific computing in Fortran. Scientific Programming 15(1): 27-44 (2007)
15EEJoseph Wang, Yong Cao, Raed Kafafy, Viktor K. Decyk: Electric propulsion plume simulations using parallel computer. Scientific Programming 15(2): 83-94 (2007)
14EEDean E. Dauger, Viktor K. Decyk: "Plug-and-Play" Cluster Computing HPC Designed for the Mainstream Scientist. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 84-90
13EEJ. Tonge, Dean E. Dauger, Viktor K. Decyk: Two-dimensional semiclassical Particle-In-Cell code for simulation of quantum plasmas. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 279-285 (2004)
12EEViktor K. Decyk, Charles D. Norton: UCLA Parallel PIC Framework. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 80-85 (2004)
11EEJames C. Kniep, Jean-Noel G. Leboeuf, Viktor K. Decyk: Gyrokinetic particle-in-cell calculations of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence with parallel nonlinearity and strong flow corrections. Computer Physics Communications 164(1-3): 98-102 (2004)
10EEViktor K. Decyk, Charles D. Norton: A simplified method for implementing run-time polymorphism in Fortran95. Scientific Programming 12(1): 45-55 (2004)
9EEDean E. Dauger, Viktor K. Decyk: "Plug-and-Play" Cluster Computing Using Mac OS X. CLUSTER 2003: 430-435
8EERicardo A. Fonseca, L. O. Silva, F. S. Tsung, Viktor K. Decyk, W. Lu, C. Ren, W. B. Mori, S. Deng, S. Lee, T. Katsouleas, J. C. Adam: OSIRIS: A Three-Dimensional, Fully Relativistic Particle in Cell Code for Modeling Plasma Based Accelerators. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 342-351
7EEDean E. Dauger, Viktor K. Decyk: Numerically-Intensive "Plug-and-Play" Parallel Computing. CLUSTER 2001: 75
6EEViktor K. Decyk, Dean E. Dauger: Supercomputing for the Masses: A Parallel Macintosh Cluster. PPAM 2001: 10-22
5EECharles D. Norton, Viktor K. Decyk, Joan Slottow: Applying Fortran 90 and Object-Oriented Techniques to Scientific Applications. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 462-463
4 Charles D. Norton, Viktor K. Decyk, Boleslaw K. Szymanski: High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Programming in Fortran 90. PPSC 1997
3EEViktor K. Decyk, Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski: How to Express C++ Concepts in Fortran90 . Scientific Programming 6(4): 363-390 (1997)
2 Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Viktor K. Decyk: Parallel Object Oriented Implementation of a 2D Bounded Electrostatic Plasma PIC Simulation. PPSC 1995: 207-212
1 Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Viktor K. Decyk: Object-Oriented Parallel Computation for Plasma Simulation. Commun. ACM 38(10): 88-100 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1J. C. Adam [8]
2Yong Cao [15]
3Dean E. Dauger [6] [7] [9] [13] [14]
4S. Deng [8]
5Ricardo A. Fonseca [8]
6Henry Gardner [16]
7Henry J. Gardner [18] [19]
8Raed Kafafy [15]
9T. Katsouleas [8]
10James C. Kniep [11]
11Jean-Noel G. Leboeuf [11]
12S. Lee [8]
13W. Lu [8]
14W. B. Mori [8]
15Charles D. Norton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [10] [12] [16]
16C. Ren [8]
17L. O. Silva [8]
18Joan Slottow [5]
19Boleslaw K. Szymanski [1] [2] [3] [4] [16]
20J. Tonge [13]
21F. S. Tsung [8]
22Joseph Wang [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)