
Mark Keil

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41EEMark Keil, Lei Li, Lars Mathiassen, Guangzhi Zheng: The influence of checklists and roles on software practitioner risk perception and decision-making. Journal of Systems and Software 81(6): 908-919 (2008)
40EEStephen Du, Mark Keil, Lars Mathiassen, Yide Shen, Amrit Tiwana: Attention-shaping tools, expertise, and perceived control in IT project risk assessment. Decision Support Systems 43(1): 269-283 (2007)
39EEMark Keil, Ghi Paul Im, Magnus Mähring: Reporting bad news on software projects: the effects of culturally constituted views of face-saving. Inf. Syst. J. 17(1): 59-87 (2007)
38EEMark Keil, Lei Li, Lars Mathiassen, Guangzhi Zheng: The Influence of Checklists and Roles on Software Practitioner Risk Perception and Decision-Making. HICSS 2006
37EEStephen Du, Mark Keil, Lars Mathiassen, Yide Shen, Amrit Tiwana: The Role of Perceived Control, Attention-Shaping, and Expertise in IT Project Risk Assessment. HICSS 2006
36EELynette Kvasny, Mark Keil: The challenges of redressing the digital divide: a tale of two US cities. Inf. Syst. J. 16(1): 23-53 (2006)
35EEMark Keil, Amrit Tiwana: Relative importance of evaluation criteria for enterprise systems: a conjoint study. Inf. Syst. J. 16(3): 237-262 (2006)
34 J. J. Hseih, Mark Keil, Arun Rai: Understanding Digital Inequality. ICIS 2005
33EEMark Keil, Amrit Tiwana: Beyond Cost: The Drivers of COTS Application Value. IEEE Software 22(3): 64-69 (2005)
32EEAmrit Tiwana, Mark Keil: The one-minute risk assessment tool. Commun. ACM 47(11): 73-77 (2004)
31EELinda Wallace, Mark Keil: Software project risks and their effect on outcomes. Commun. ACM 47(4): 68-73 (2004)
30EEMark Keil, Garret W. Meader, Lynette Kvasny: Bridging the Digital Divide: The Story of the Free Internet Initiative in LaGrange, Georgia. HICSS 2003: 140
29EEG. Peter Zhang, Mark Keil, Arun Rai, Joan Mann: Predicting information technology project escalation: A neural network approach. European Journal of Operational Research 146(1): 115-129 (2003)
28EEMichael Gallivan, Mark Keil: The user-developer communication process: a critical case study. Inf. Syst. J. 13(1): 37-68 (2003)
27EEH. Jeff Smith, Mark Keil: The reluctance to report bad news on troubled software projects: a theoretical model. Inf. Syst. J. 13(1): 69-96 (2003)
26EEMark Keil, Amrit Tiwana, Ashley A. Bush: Reconciling user and project manager perceptions of IT project risk: a Delphi study. Inf. Syst. J. 12(2): 103-120 (2002)
25EEAndrew P. Snow, Mark Keil: The Challenges of Accurate Project Status Reporting. HICSS 2001
24EEMark Keil, Daniel Robey: Blowing the whistle on troubled software projects. Commun. ACM 44(4): 87-93 (2001)
23EEPaul E. Cule, Roy C. Schmidt, Kalle Lyytinen, Mark Keil: Strategies for Heading Off is Project Failure. IS Management 17(2): 1-9 (2000)
22 Mark Keil, David M. Mount, Stephen K. Wismath: Visibility Stabs and Depth-First Spiralling on Line Segments in Output Sensitive Time. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(5): 535-552 (2000)
21EEMark Keil, Linda Wallace, Daniel E. Turk, Gayle Dixon-Randall, Urban Nulden: An investigation of risk perception and risk propensity on the decision to continue a software development project. Journal of Systems and Software 53(2): 145-157 (2000)
20EEMark Keil, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Kwok Kee Wei, Timo Saarinen, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Arjen Wassenaar: A Cross-Cultural Study on Escalation of Commitment Behavior in Software Projects. MIS Quarterly 24(2): (2000)
19EERamiro Montealegre, Mark Keil: De-escalating Information Technology Projects: Lessons from the Denver International Airport. MIS Quarterly 24(3): (2000)
18EEMark Keil, Joan Mann, Arun Rai: Why Software Projects Escalate: An Empirical Analysis and Test of Four Theoretical Models. MIS Quarterly 24(4): (2000)
17EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(1): 4 (1999)
16EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(2): 4 (1999)
15EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 30(3&4): 4 (1999)
14 Mark Keil, Paul E. Cule, Kalle Lyytinen, Roy C. Schmidt: A Framework for Identifying Software Project Risks. Commun. ACM 41(11): 76-83 (1998)
13EEEphraim R. McLean, Mark Keil: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(1): 4 (1998)
12EEDavid Gefen, Mark Keil: The Impact of Developer Reponsiveness on Perceptions of Usefulness and Ease of Use: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. DATA BASE 29(2): 35-49 (1998)
11EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(2): 4 (1998)
10EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(3): 4 (1998)
9EEMark Keil, Ephraim R. McLean: From the Editors. DATA BASE 29(4): 4 (1998)
8EEMark Keil, Joan Mann: Understanding the Nature and Extent of IS Project Escalation: Results from a Survey of IS Audit and Control Professionals. HICSS (3) 1997: 139-148
7EEMark Keil, Daniel Robey: Turning runaway software projects around: The de-escalation of commitment to failing courses of action. ICIS 1997: 472-473
6 Mark Keil, Erran Carmel: Customer-Development Links in Software Development. Commun. ACM 38(5): 33-44 (1995)
5EEMark Keil: Pulling the Plug: Software Project Management and the Problem of Project Escalation. MIS Quarterly 19(4): (1995)
4 Mark Keil, Richard Mixon: Understanding Runaway IT Projects: Preliminary Results from a Program of Research Based on Escalation Theory. HICSS (3) 1994: 469-478
3 Mark Keil, Gopal K. Kapur, M. Lynne Markus, James A. Willbern: Managing IT Projects for Success: Reengineering or Better Project Management? ICIS 1994: 486
2 Mark Keil, Richard Mixon: Laboratory Studies of IS Failure as Escalating Commitment to a Failing Course of Action: Overcoming the Obstacles. ICIS 1993: 382
1EELaxmi Gewali, Mark Keil, Simeon C. Ntafos: On covering orthogonal polygons with star-shaped polygons. Inf. Sci. 65(1-2): 45-63 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Ashley A. Bush [26]
2Erran Carmel [6]
3Paul E. Cule [14] [23]
4Gayle Dixon-Randall [21]
5Stephen Du [37] [40]
6Michael Gallivan [28]
7David Gefen [12]
8Laxmi Gewali [1]
9J. J. Hseih [34]
10Ghi Paul Im [39]
11Gopal K. Kapur [3]
12Lynette Kvasny [30] [36]
13Lei Li [38] [41]
14Kalle Lyytinen [14] [23]
15Magnus Mähring [39]
16Joan Mann [8] [18] [29]
17M. Lynne Markus [3]
18Lars Mathiassen [37] [38] [40] [41]
19Ephraim R. McLean [9] [10] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17]
20Garret W. Meader [30]
21Richard Mixon [2] [4]
22Ramiro Montealegre [19]
23David M. Mount [22]
24Simeon C. Ntafos [1]
25Urban Nulden (Urban Nuldén) [21]
26Arun Rai [18] [29] [34]
27Daniel Robey [7] [24]
28Timo Saarinen [20]
29Roy C. Schmidt [14] [23]
30Yide Shen [37] [40]
31H. Jeff Smith [27]
32Andrew P. Snow [25]
33Bernard C. Y. Tan [20]
34Amrit Tiwana [26] [32] [33] [35] [37] [40]
35Daniel E. Turk [21]
36Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen [20]
37Linda Wallace [21] [31]
38Arjen Wassenaar [20]
39Kwok Kee Wei [20]
40James A. Willbern [3]
41Stephen K. Wismath [22]
42G. Peter Zhang [29]
43Guangzhi Zheng [38] [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)