
Robert K. France

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14EEMarcos André Gonçalves, Robert K. France, Edward A. Fox: MARIAN: Flexible Interoperability for Federated Digital Libraries. ECDL 2001: 173-186
13 Edward A. Fox, Robert K. France, Marcos André Gonçalves, Hussein Suleman: Building Interoperable Digital Library Services: MARIAN, Open Archives and NDLTD. SIGIR 2001: 451-451
12EEHussein Suleman, Anthony Atkins, Marcos André Gonçalves, Robert K. France, Edward A. Fox, Vinod Chachra, Murray Crowder, Jeffrey Young: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: Bridging the Gaps for Global Access - Part 1: Mission and Progress. D-Lib Magazine 7(9): (2001)
11EEHussein Suleman, Anthony Atkins, Marcos André Gonçalves, Robert K. France, Edward A. Fox, Vinod Chachra, Murray Crowder, Jeffrey Young: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: Bridging the Gaps for Global Access - Part 2: Services and Research. D-Lib Magazine 7(9): (2001)
10EEMarcos André Gonçalves, Robert K. France, Edward A. Fox, Tamas E. Doszkocs: MARIAN Searching and Querying across Heterogeneous Federated Digital Libraries. DELOS Workshop: Information Seeking, Searching and Querying in Digital Libraries 2000
9 José Hilario Canós Cerdá, Edward A. Fox, Marcos André Gonçalves, Robert K. France: NDLTD: una biblioteca digital global de tesis doctorales y de licenciatura. JBIDI 2000
8EERobert K. France, Lucy T. Nowell, Edward A. Fox, Rani A. Saad, Jianxin Zhao: Use and usability in a digital library search system CoRR cs.DL/9902013: (1999)
7EELucy T. Nowell, Robert K. France, Deborah Hix: Exploring Search Results with Envision. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 14-15
6EELucy T. Nowell, Robert K. France, Deborah Hix, Lenwood S. Heath, Edward A. Fox: Visualizing Search Results: Some Alternatives to Query-Document Similarity. SIGIR 1996: 67-75
5 Lenwood S. Heath, Deborah Hix, Lucy T. Nowell, William C. Wake, Guillermo A. Averboch, Eric Labow, Scott A. Guyer, Dennis J. Brueni, Robert K. France, Kaushal Dalal, Edward A. Fox: Envision: A User-Centered Database of Computer Science Literature. Commun. ACM 38(4): 52-53 (1995)
4 Fazli Can, Edward A. Fox, Cory D. Snavely, Robert K. France: Incremental Clustering for Very Large Document Databases: Initial MARIAN Experience. Inf. Sci. 84(1&2): 101-114 (1995)
3EEEdward A. Fox, Robert K. France, Eskinder Sahle, Amjad M. Daoud, Ben E. Cline: Development of a Modern OPAC: From REVTOLC to MARIAN. SIGIR 1993: 248-259
2 Edward A. Fox, Marybeth T. Weaver, Qi Fan Chen, Robert K. France: Implementing a Distributed Expert-Based Information Retrieval System. RIAO 1988: 708-727
1EEEdward A. Fox, Robert K. France: Architecture of an expert system for composite document analysis, representation, and retrieval . Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 1(2): 151-175 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Anthony Atkins [11] [12]
2Guillermo A. Averboch [5]
3Dennis J. Brueni [5]
4Fazli Can [4]
5José Hilario Canós Cerdá (José Hilario Canós) [9]
6Vinod Chachra [11] [12]
7Qi Fan Chen [2]
8Ben E. Cline [3]
9Murray Crowder [11] [12]
10Kaushal Dalal [5]
11Amjad M. Daoud [3]
12Tamas E. Doszkocs [10]
13Edward A. Fox [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
14Marcos André Gonçalves [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
15Scott A. Guyer [5]
16Lenwood S. Heath [5] [6]
17Deborah Hix [5] [6] [7]
18Eric Labow [5]
19Lucy T. Nowell [5] [6] [7] [8]
20Rani A. Saad [8]
21Eskinder Sahle [3]
22Cory D. Snavely [4]
23Hussein Suleman [11] [12] [13]
24William C. Wake [5]
25Marybeth T. Weaver [2]
26Jeffrey Young [11] [12]
27Jianxin Zhao [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)