
Ellen Yu Borkowski

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4EEEllen Yu Borkowski, Jay Elvove, Christopher Higgins, Sonja Kueppers: Voluntary centralization of user support in a de-centralized organization. SIGUCCS 2004: 327-331
3 Ellen Yu Borkowski, David J. Henry, Lida L. Larsen, Deborah Mateik: Supporting teaching and learning via the Web: Transforming hardcopy linear mindsets into Web flexible creative thinking. WebNet 1996
2 Ben Shneiderman, Maryam Alavi, Kent L. Norman, Ellen Yu Borkowski: Windows of Opportunity in Electronic Classrooms. Commun. ACM 38(11): 19-24 (1995)
1EEEllen Yu Borkowski, Walter Gilbert: Supporting faculty in a high-tech teaching environment. SIGUCCS 1992: 271-276

Coauthor Index

1Maryam Alavi [2]
2Jay Elvove [4]
3Walter Gilbert [1]
4David J. Henry [3]
5Christopher Higgins [4]
6Sonja Kueppers [4]
7Lida L. Larsen [3]
8Deborah Mateik [3]
9Kent L. Norman [2]
10Ben Shneiderman [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)