
Robert Klepper

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7EENorton Hoffman, Robert Klepper: Assimilating New Technologies: The Role of Organizational Culture. IS Management 17(3): 1-7 (2000)
6 Robert Klepper, Norton Hoffman: Assimilation of new information technology and organizational culture: a case study. Wirtschaftsinformatik 42(4): 339-346 (2000)
5 Robert Klepper, Douglas B. Bock: Third and Fourth Generation Language Productivity Differences. Commun. ACM 38(9): 69-79 (1995)
4 Robert Klepper: A Model of the Evolution of IS Outsourcing Relationships. ICIS 1992: 262
3EEDouglas B. Bock, Robert Klepper: FP-S: A simplified function point counting method. Journal of Systems and Software 18(3): 245-254 (1992)
2EERobert Klepper, Charles R. Litecky, Wendell D. Jones: Self Managed Teams and Mis Productivity: Literature, Model and Field Study. DATA BASE 20(1): 36-38 (1989)
1EEMary Sumner, Robert Klepper: Information Systems Strategy and End-User Application Development. DATA BASE 18(4): 19-30 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Douglas B. Bock [3] [5]
2Norton Hoffman [6] [7]
3Wendell D. Jones [2]
4Charles R. Litecky (Chuck Litecky) [2]
5Mary Sumner [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)