
E. H. Mamdani

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41EEYasmine Arafa, Luís Miguel Botelho, Adrian Bullock, Pedro Figueiredo, Patrick Gebhard, Kristina Höök, E. H. Mamdani, Ana Paiva, Paolo Petta, Phoebe Sengers, Marco Vala: Affective Interactions for in Real-time Applications: the SAFIRA Project. KI 18(1): 30- (2004)
40EEYasmine Arafa, Kaveh Kamyab, E. H. Mamdani: Character animation scripting languages: a comparison. AAMAS 2003: 920-921
39EEYasmine Arafa, E. H. Mamdani: Scripting embodied agents behaviour with CML: character markup language. IUI 2003: 313-316
38EEYasmine Arafa, E. H. Mamdani: Building Multi-modal Personal Sales Agents as Interfaces to E-commerce Applications. Active Media Technology 2001: 113-133
37 Jonathan Dale, E. H. Mamdani: Open standards for interoperating agent-based systems. Software Focus 2(1): 1-8 (2001)
36EEPatricia Charlton, R. Cattoni, A. Potrich, E. H. Mamdani: Evaluating the FIPA Standards and Its Role in Achieving Cooperation in Multi-Agent Systems. HICSS 2000
35EEYasmine Arafa, E. H. Mamdani: Virtual personal service assistants: towards real-time characters with artificial hearts. IUI 2000: 9-12
34 E. H. Mamdani, Arash G. Sichanie, Jeremy Pitt: Soft Agent Computing: Towards Enhancing Agent Technology. Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing 2000: 110-135
33 Jeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani: Communication Protocols in Multi-agent Systems: A Development Method and Reference Architecture. Issues in Agent Communication 2000: 160-177
32 Jeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani: Some Legal Aspects of Inter-agent Communication: From the Sincerity Condition to 'Ethical' Agents. Issues in Agent Communication 2000: 46-62
31EEE. H. Mamdani, Jeremy Pitt: Responsible Agent Behavior: A Distributed Computing Perspective. IEEE Internet Computing 4(5): 27-31 (2000)
30 Alex L. Hayzelden, John Bigham, Stefan Poslad, Phil Buckle, E. H. Mamdani: Communications Systems Driven by Software Agent Technology. J. Network Syst. Manage. 8(3): (2000)
29EEPatricia Charlton, Yasmine Arafa, E. H. Mamdani: Development and Deployment of a Multi-Agent System for Public Service Access. Agents 1999: 404-405
28EEYasmine Arafa, Patricia Charlton, E. H. Mamdani: Supporting Personality in Personal Service Assistants from Metaphor to Implementation. Agents 1999: 430-431
27 Nicholas R. Jennings, E. H. Mamdani: Using Joint Responsibility To Coordinate Cooperative Problem Solving in Dynamic Environments. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 325-340
26 Yasmine Arafa, Patricia Charlton, Pat Fehin, E. H. Mamdani: Personal service assistants with personality. HCI (2) 1999: 147-151
25 Jeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani: A Protocol-Based Semantics for an Agent Communication Language. IJCAI 1999: 486-491
24 Jeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani: Designing Agent Communication Languages for Multi-agent Systems. MAAMAW 1999: 102-114
23 Patricia Charlton, E. H. Mamdani: A Developer's Perspective on Multi-agent System Design. MAAMAW 1999: 41-51
22 Jeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani: Some Remarks on the Semantics of FIPA?s Agent Communication Language. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2(4): 333-356 (1999)
21EEE. H. Mamdani, S. Assilian: An Experiment in Linguistic Synthesis with a Fuzzy Logic Controller. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(2): 135-147 (1999)
20 E. H. Mamdani, Jeremy Pitt, Kostas Stathis: Connected Communities from the Standpoint of Multi-agent Systems. New Generation Comput. 17(4): 381-393 (1999)
19 Timothy J. Norman, Nicholas R. Jennings, Peyman Faratin, E. H. Mamdani: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Agent Architecture for Business Process Management. ATAL 1997: 261-275
18 Patricia Charlton, Yan Chen, E. H. Mamdani, Olle Olsson, Jeremy V. Pitt, Fergal Somers, Annika Waern: An Open Agent Architecture for Integrating Multimedia Services. Agents 1997: 522-523
17 Patricia Charlton, Fredrik Espinoza, E. H. Mamdani, Olle Olsson, Jeremy V. Pitt, Fergal Somers, Annika Waern: Using an Asset Model for Integration of Agents and Multimedia to Provide an Open Service Architecture. ECMAST 1997: 635-650
16 Appolo Tankeh, E. H. Mamdani: Convex Fuzzy Restriction. Fuzzy Days 1997: 579-580
15 E. H. Mamdani: Towards Soft Computing. Software Agents and Soft Computing 1997: 242-249
14 R. Smith, E. H. Mamdani: Intelligent Software Systems. Software Agents and Soft Computing 1997: 262-275
13 E. H. Mamdani: On the Classification of Uncertainty Techniques in Relation to the Application Needs. Uncertainty Management in Information Systems 1996: 397-412
12EENicholas R. Jennings, E. H. Mamdani, Jose Manuel Corera, Iñaki Laresgoiti, Fabien Perriollat, Paul Skarek, László Zsolt Varga: Using Archon to Develop Real-World DAI Applications, Part 1. IEEE Expert 11(6): 64-70 (1996)
11 David Heckerman, E. H. Mamdani, Michael P. Wellman: Real-World Applications of Bayesian Networks - Introduction. Commun. ACM 38(3): 24-26 (1995)
10EEDavid Heckerman, E. H. Mamdani, Michael P. Wellman: Editorial: real-world applications of uncertain reasoning. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 42(6): 573-574 (1995)
9EEE. H. Mamdani: Responses to Elkan (E.H. Mamdani). IEEE Expert 9(4): 27-28 (1994)
8 David Heckerman, E. H. Mamdani: UAI '93: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, July 9-11, 1993, The Catholic University of America, Providence, Washington, DC, USA Morgan Kaufmann 1993
7EESimon Parsons, E. H. Mamdani: On reasoning in networks with qualitative uncertainty. UAI 1993: 435-442
6 Philippe Besnard, Yves Moinard, Wilmer Pereira, Michael Clarke, Nic Wilson, Miguel Delgado, Serafín Moral, Juan Cano, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Jérôme Lang, Stéphane Amarger, John Fox, Paul Krause, Michael Dohnal, Christine Froidevaux, Jérôme Mengin, Ramon López de Mántaras, Lluis Godo, E. H. Mamdani, John Bigham, Simon Parsons, Rudolf Kruse, Olivier Paillet, Pierre Siegel, Philippe Smets, Yen-Teh Hsia, Alessandro Saffiotti, Robert Kennes, Hong Xu, Elizabeth Umkehrer, Kurt Sundermeyer, Chris Whitney: DRUMS: Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems. AI Commun. 6(1): 27-46 (1993)
5 Nicholas R. Jennings, E. H. Mamdani: Using Joint Responsibility to Coordinate Collaborative Problem Solving in Dynamic Environments. AAAI 1992: 269-275
4 E. H. Mamdani, Janet Efstathiou: Higher-Order Logics for Handling Uncertainty in Expert Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 22(3): 283-293 (1985)
3 E. H. Mamdani, Janet Efstathiou: An Analysis of Formal Logics as Inference Mechanisms in Expert Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 21(3): 213-227 (1984)
2 E. H. Mamdani: Application of Fuzzy Logic to Approximate Reasoning Using Linguistic Synthesis. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(12): 1182-1191 (1977)
1 E. H. Mamdani, S. Assilian: An Experiment in Linguistic Synthesis with a Fuzzy Logic Controller. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(1): 1-13 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Amarger [6]
2Yasmine Arafa [26] [28] [29] [35] [38] [39] [40] [41]
3S. Assilian [1] [21]
4Philippe Besnard [6]
5John Bigham [6] [30]
6Luís Miguel Botelho [41]
7Phil Buckle [30]
8Adrian Bullock [41]
9Juan Cano [6]
10R. Cattoni [36]
11Luis Fariñas del Cerro [6]
12Patricia Charlton [17] [18] [23] [26] [28] [29] [36]
13Yan Chen [18]
14Michael Clarke [6]
15Jose Manuel Corera [12]
16Jonathan Dale [37]
17Miguel Delgado [6]
18Michael Dohnal [6]
19Didier Dubois [6]
20Janet Efstathiou [3] [4]
21Fredrik Espinoza [17]
22Peyman Faratin [19]
23Pat Fehin [26]
24Pedro Figueiredo [41]
25John Fox [6]
26Christine Froidevaux [6]
27Patrick Gebhard [41]
28Lluis Godo [6]
29Alex L. Hayzelden [30]
30David Heckerman [8] [10] [11]
31Kristina Höök [41]
32Yen-Teh Hsia [6]
33Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [5] [12] [19] [27]
34Kaveh Kamyab [40]
35Robert Kennes [6]
36Paul Krause [6]
37Rudolf Kruse [6]
38Jérôme Lang [6]
39Iñaki Laresgoiti [12]
40Ramon López de Mántaras [6]
41Jérôme Mengin [6]
42Yves Moinard [6]
43Serafín Moral [6]
44Timothy J. Norman [19]
45Olle Olsson [17] [18]
46Olivier Paillet [6]
47Ana Paiva [41]
48Simon Parsons [6] [7]
49Wilmer Pereira [6]
50Fabien Perriollat [12]
51Paolo Petta [41]
52Jeremy V. Pitt (Jeremy Pitt) [17] [18] [20] [22] [24] [25] [31] [32] [33] [34]
53Stefan Poslad [30]
54A. Potrich [36]
55Henri Prade [6]
56Alessandro Saffiotti [6]
57Phoebe Sengers [41]
58Arash G. Sichanie [34]
59Pierre Siegel [6]
60Paul Skarek [12]
61Philippe Smets [6]
62R. Smith [14]
63Fergal Somers [17] [18]
64Kostas Stathis [20]
65Kurt Sundermeyer [6]
66Appolo Tankeh [16]
67Elizabeth Umkehrer [6]
68Marco Vala [41]
69László Zsolt Varga [12]
70Annika Wærn (Annika Waern) [17] [18]
71Michael P. Wellman [10] [11]
72Chris Whitney [6]
73Nic Wilson [6]
74Hong Xu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)