
Salvatore T. March

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38EESalvatore T. March, Alan R. Hevner: Integrated decision support systems: A data warehousing perspective. Decision Support Systems 43(3): 1031-1043 (2007)
37 Ananth Srinivasan, Salvatore T. March, Carol S. Saunders: Information Technology and Organizational Contexts: Orienting Our Work Along Key Dimensions. ICIS 2005
36EESalvatore T. March, Stefano Spaccapietra: ER 2002. Data Knowl. Eng. 54(1): 1-2 (2005)
35EEAlan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park, Sudha Ram: Design Science in Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly 28(1): (2004)
34 Stefano Spaccapietra, Salvatore T. March, Karl Aberer: Journal on Data Semantics I Springer 2003
33 Salvatore T. March, Gove N. Allen: On The Representation Of Temporal Dynamics. Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 2 2003: 37-53
32EEAlan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March: The Information Systems Research Cycle. IEEE Computer 36(11): 111-113 (2003)
31 Gove N. Allen, Salvatore T. March: Modeling Temporal Dynamics for Business Systems. J. Database Manag. 14(3): 21-36 (2003)
30 Stefano Spaccapietra, Salvatore T. March, Yahiko Kambayashi: Conceptual Modeling - ER 2002, 21st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Tampere, Finland, October 7-11, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
29EESalvatore T. March: Reflections on Computer Science and Information Systems Research. ER 2000: 16-26
28EEJesper M. Johansson, Salvatore T. March, J. David Naumann: The effects of parallel processing on update response time in distributed database design. ICIS 2000: 187-196
27EEGove N. Allen, Salvatore T. March: Developing internet agents: a tutorial using Visual Basic 6.0. ICIS 2000: 733-738
26EEJagdish Chandra, Salvatore T. March, Satyen Mukherjee, Will Pape, Ram Ramesh, H. Raghav Rao, Ray O. Waddoups: Information Systems Frontiers. Commun. ACM 43(1): 71-79 (2000)
25EESalvatore T. March, Sangkyu Rho: A Semantic Object-Oriented Data Access System. Inf. Syst. 25(1): 23-41 (2000)
24EESalvatore T. March, Charles A. Wood, Gove N. Allen: Research Frontiers in Object Technology. Information Systems Frontiers 1(1): 51-74 (1999)
23EERam Ramesh, H. Raghav Rao, Roy Radner, Will Pape, Larry H. Reeker, Jagdish Chandra, S. N. Mukherjee, Salvatore T. March, John Pientka: Information systems frontiers (panel session): emerging vistas. ICIS 1997: 507-508
22 Sangkyu Rho, Salvatore T. March: Designing Distributed Database Systems for Efficient Operation. ICIS 1995: 237-253
21EEYoung-Gul Kim, Salvatore T. March: Comparing Data Modeling Formalisms. Commun. ACM 38(6): 103-115 (1995)
20EESalvatore T. March, Sangjyu Rho: Allocating Data and Operations to Nodes in Distributed Database Design. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(2): 305-317 (1995)
19 Sangkyu Rho, Salvatore T. March: A Nested Genetic Algorithm for Distributed Database Design. HICSS (3) 1994: 33-42
18EESalvatore T. March, Young-Gul Kim: Information Resource Management: Integrating the Pieces. DATA BASE 23(3): 27-38 (1992)
17EEDanielle Boulanger, Salvatore T. March: An Approach to Analyzing the Information Content of Existing Databases. DATA BASE 20(2): 1-8 (1989)
16EEJames C. Brancheau, Larry Schuster, Salvatore T. March: Building and Implementing an Information Architecture. DATA BASE 20(2): 9-17 (1989)
15 Salvatore T. March: Entity-Relationship Approach, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, New York, USA, November 9-11, 1987 North-Holland 1988
14EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins, Salvatore T. March: An object-oriented semantic data model for CAD applications. Inf. Sci. 46(1-2): 109-139 (1988)
13EEMohammad A. Ketabchi, Valdis Berzins, Salvatore T. March: ODM: an object oriented data model for design databases. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 261-269
12EEAndré Flory, Salvatore T. March: SCRABBLE: A Local Database Management System. ER 1986: 271-286
11EEBeverly K. Kahn, Salvatore T. March: IRM and the System Life-Cycle. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 9(2): 21-49 (1986)
10 Salvatore T. March, John V. Carlis: Physical Database Design: Techniques for Improved Database Performance. Query Processing in Database Systems 1985: 279-296
9EEJohn V. Carlis, Salvatore T. March: A Descriptive Model of Physical Database Design Problems and Solutions. ICDE 1984: 253-260
8EESalvatore T. March, Gary D. Scudder: On the Selection of Efficient Record Segmentations and Backup Strategies for Large Shared Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(3): 409-438 (1984)
7EESalvatore T. March, Sunder Mendu, Michael Prietula, Dzenan Ridjanovic, John V. Carlis, Diane Beyer, Karen Ryan: Current Research in Database Design at the University of Minnesota. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 7(4): 52-57 (1984)
6 Prashant Palvia, Salvatore T. March: Approximating Block Accesses in Database Organizations. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(2): 75-79 (1984)
5EESalvatore T. March: Techniques for Structuring Database Records. ACM Comput. Surv. 15(1): 45-79 (1983)
4EESalvatore T. March, John V. Carlis: An Overview of Physical Database Design Research at the University of Minnesota. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(1): 31-38 (1982)
3EESalvatore T. March, Dennis G. Severance, Michael Wilens: Frame Memory: A Storage Architecture to Support Rapid Design and Implementation of Efficient Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(3): 441-463 (1981)
2EESalvatore T. March, Dennis G. Severance: A Mathematical Modeling Approach to the Automatic Selection of Database Designs. SIGMOD Conference 1978: 52-65
1EESalvatore T. March, Dennis G. Severance: The Determination of Efficient Record Segmentations and Blocking Factors for Shared Data Files. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(3): 279-296 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Karl Aberer [34]
2Gove N. Allen [24] [27] [31] [33]
3Valdis Berzins [13] [14]
4Diane Beyer [7]
5Danielle Boulanger [17]
6James C. Brancheau [16]
7John V. Carlis [4] [7] [9] [10]
8Jagdish Chandra [23] [26]
9André Flory [12]
10Alan R. Hevner [32] [35] [38]
11Jesper M. Johansson [28]
12Beverly K. Kahn [11]
13Yahiko Kambayashi [30]
14Mohammad A. Ketabchi [13] [14]
15Young-Gul Kim [18] [21]
16Sunder Mendu [7]
17S. N. Mukherjee [23]
18Satyen Mukherjee [26]
19J. David Naumann [28]
20Prashant Palvia (Prashant C. Palvia) [6]
21Will Pape [23] [26]
22Jinsoo Park [35]
23John Pientka [23]
24Michael Prietula [7]
25Roy Radner [23]
26Sudha Ram [35]
27Ram Ramesh [23] [26]
28H. Raghav Rao [23] [26]
29Larry H. Reeker [23]
30Sangjyu Rho [20]
31Sangkyu Rho [19] [22] [25]
32Dzenan Ridjanovic [7]
33Karen Ryan [7]
34Carol S. Saunders [37]
35Larry Schuster [16]
36Gary D. Scudder [8]
37Dennis G. Severance [1] [2] [3]
38Stefano Spaccapietra [30] [34] [36]
39Ananth Srinivasan [37]
40Ray O. Waddoups [26]
41Michael Wilens [3]
42Charles A. Wood [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)