
Peter A. Buhr

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24EERoy Krischer, Peter A. Buhr: Asynchronous exception propagation in blocked tasks. Workshop on Exception Handling 2008: 8-15
23EEDavid Pariag, Tim Brecht, Ashif S. Harji, Peter A. Buhr, Amol Shukla, David R. Cheriton: Comparing the performance of web server architectures. EuroSys 2007: 231-243
22EEPeter A. Buhr, Roy Krischer: Bound Exceptions in Object-Oriented Programming. Advanced Topics in Exception Handling Techniques 2006: 1-21
21EEJiongxiong Chen, Ashif S. Harji, Peter A. Buhr: Solution Space for Fixed-Priority with Preemption Threshold. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 385-394
20EEPeter A. Buhr, Ashif S. Harji: Implicit-signal monitors. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 27(6): 1270-1343 (2005)
19EEPeter A. Buhr, Ashif S. Harji: Concurrent urban legends. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(9): 1133-1172 (2005)
18 Peter A. Buhr, Ashif S. Harji, W. Y. Russell Mok: Exception Handling. Advances in Computers 56: 246-305 (2002)
17EEPeter A. Buhr, Ashif S. Harji, Philipp E. Lim, Jiongxiong Chen: Object-oriented real-time concurrency. OOPSLA 2000: 29-46
16EEPeter A. Buhr, W. Y. Russell Mok: Advanced Exception Handling Mechanisms. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(9): 820-836 (2000)
15EEPeter A. Buhr, Robert Denda: µProfiler: Profiling User-Level Threads in a Shared-Memory Programming Environment. ISCOPE 1998: 159-166
14EEPeter A. Buhr, Anil K. Goel, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde: Parallel Pointer-Based Join Algorithms in Memory-mapped Environments. ICDE 1996: 266-275
13 Peter A. Buhr, Anil K. Goel, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde: µDatabase: Parallelism in a Memory-Mapped Environment. SPAA 1996: 196-199
12 Peter A. Buhr, Michael Fortier, Michael H. Coffin: Monitor Classification. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(1): 63-107 (1995)
11 Peter A. Buhr: Are Safe Concurrency Libraries Possible? Commun. ACM 38(2): 117-120 (1995)
10 Peter A. Buhr, G. Ditchfeld: Adding Concurrency to a Programming Language. C++ Conference 1992: 207-224
9EEPeter A. Buhr, Anil K. Goel, Anderson Wai: µDatabase: A Toolkit for Constructing Memory Mapped Databases. POS 1992: 166-185
8 Peter A. Buhr, Glen Ditchfield, Richard A. Stroobosscher, B. M. Younger, C. Robert Zarnke: Concurrency in the Object-oriented Language C++. Softw., Pract. Exper. 22(2): 137-172 (1992)
7 Peter A. Buhr, Hamish I. Macdonald, C. Robert Zarnke: Synchronous and Asynchronous Handling of Abnormal Events in the System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 22(9): 735-776 (1992)
6 Peter A. Buhr, Richard A. Stroobosscher: The System: Providing Light-weight Concurrency on Shared-memory Multiprocessor Computers Running UNIX. Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(9): 929-964 (1990)
5EEPeter A. Buhr, Glen Ditchfield, C. Robert Zarnke: Basic Abstractions for a Database Programming Language. DBPL 1989: 422-437
4EEPeter A. Buhr, C. Robert Zarnke: Addressing in a Persistent Environment. POS 1989: 200-217
3EEPeter A. Buhr, Glen Ditchfield, C. Robert Zarnke: Adding concurrency to a statically type-safe object-oriented programming language. SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 18-21 (1989)
2EEPeter A. Buhr, C. Robert Zarnke: Nesting in an Object-Oriented Language is NOT for the Birds. ECOOP 1988: 128-145
1EEPeter A. Buhr, C. Robert Zarnke: Persistence in an Environment for a Statically Typed Programming Language. POS 1987: 317-336

Coauthor Index

1Tim Brecht [23]
2Jiongxiong Chen [17] [21]
3David R. Cheriton [23]
4Michael H. Coffin [12]
5Robert Denda [15]
6G. Ditchfeld [10]
7Glen Ditchfield [3] [5] [8]
8Michael Fortier [12]
9Anil K. Goel [9] [13] [14]
10Ashif S. Harji [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23]
11Roy Krischer [22] [24]
12Philipp E. Lim [17]
13Hamish I. Macdonald [7]
14W. Y. Russell Mok [16] [18]
15Naomi Nishimura [13] [14]
16David Pariag [23]
17Prabhakar Ragde [13] [14]
18Amol Shukla [23]
19Richard A. Stroobosscher [6] [8]
20Anderson Wai [9]
21B. M. Younger [8]
22C. Robert Zarnke [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)