
Alistair Moffat

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149EESri Devi Ravana, Alistair Moffat: Score Aggregation Techniques in Retrieval Experimentation. ADC 2009: 59-67
148EEAlistair Moffat, Simon J. Puglisi, Ranjan Sinha: Reducing Space Requirements for Disk Resident Suffix Arrays. DASFAA 2009: 730-744
147EEStefan Pohl, Alistair Moffat: Measurement Techniques and Caching Effects. ECIR 2009: 691-695
146 Amihood Amir, Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: String Processing and Information Retrieval, 15th International Symposium, SPIRE 2008, Melbourne, Australia, November 10-12, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
145EEWilliam Webber, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Statistical power in retrieval experimentation. CIKM 2008: 571-580
144EEWilliam Webber, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Score standardization for inter-collection comparison of retrieval systems. SIGIR 2008: 51-58
143EESri Devi Ravana, Alistair Moffat: Exploring evaluation metrics: GMAP versus MAP. SIGIR 2008: 687-688
142EEWilliam Webber, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel, Tetsuya Sakai: Precision-at-ten considered redundant. SIGIR 2008: 695-696
141EERanjan Sinha, Simon J. Puglisi, Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: Improving suffix array locality for fast pattern matching on disk. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 661-672
140EEVo Ngoc Anh, Raymond Wan, Alistair Moffat: Term Impacts as Normalized Term Frequencies for BM25 Similarity Scoring. SPIRE 2008: 51-62
139EEAlistair Moffat: Compressing Integer Sequences and Sets. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
138EENicholas Lester, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Efficient online index construction for text databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 33(3): (2008)
137EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Rank-biased precision for measurement of retrieval effectiveness. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 27(1): (2008)
136EENicola Stokes, Yi Li, Alistair Moffat, Jiawen Rong: An empirical study of the effects of NLP components on Geographic IR performance. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(3): 247-264 (2008)
135EEAlistair Moffat, William Webber, Justin Zobel: Strategic system comparisons via targeted relevance judgments. SIGIR 2007: 375-382
134EEJ. Shane Culpepper, Alistair Moffat: Compact Set Representation for Information Retrieval. SPIRE 2007: 137-148
133EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Incremental Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Length-Restricted Codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(3): 427-435 (2007)
132EEAlistair Moffat, William Webber, Justin Zobel, Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates: A pipelined architecture for distributed text query evaluation. Inf. Retr. 10(3): 205-231 (2007)
131EERaymond Wan, Alistair Moffat: Block merging for off-line compression. JASIST 58(1): 3-14 (2007)
130EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Pruning strategies for mixed-mode querying. CIKM 2006: 190-197
129EEYi Li, Nicola Stokes, Lawrence Cavedon, Alistair Moffat: NICTA I2D2 Group at GeoCLEF 2006. CLEF 2006: 938-945
128EEYi Li, Alistair Moffat, Nicola Stokes, Lawrence Cavedon: Exploring Probabilistic Toponym Resolution for Geographical Information Retrieval. GIR 2006
127EEAlistair Moffat, William Webber, Justin Zobel: Load balancing for term-distributed parallel retrieval. SIGIR 2006: 348-355
126EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Pruned query evaluation using pre-computed impacts. SIGIR 2006: 372-379
125EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Structured Index Organizations for High-Throughput Text Querying. SPIRE 2006: 304-315
124EEJ. Shane Culpepper, Alistair Moffat: Phrase-Based Pattern Matching in Compressed Text. SPIRE 2006: 337-345
123EEVo Ngoc Anh, William Webber, Alistair Moffat: Melbourne University at the 2006 Terabyte Track. TREC 2006
122EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat: Inverted files for text search engines. ACM Comput. Surv. 38(2): (2006)
121EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Improved Word-Aligned Binary Compression for Text Indexing. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(6): 857-861 (2006)
120EEAlistair Moffat, Vo Ngoc Anh: Binary codes for locally homogeneous sequences. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(5): 175-180 (2006)
119EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Decoding prefix codes. Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(15): 1687-1710 (2006)
118 Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates, Nivio Ziviani, Gary Marchionini, Alistair Moffat, John Tait: SIGIR 2005: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Salvador, Brazil, August 15-19, 2005 ACM 2005
117EEAlistair Moffat, Baden Hughes, Harald Søndergaard, Paul Gruba: Making Connections: First Year Transition for Computer Science and Software Engineering Students. ACE 2005: 229-238
116EEDonald Metzler, Yaniv Bernstein, W. Bruce Croft, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Similarity measures for tracking information flow. CIKM 2005: 517-524
115EENicholas Lester, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Fast on-line index construction by geometric partitioning. CIKM 2005: 776-783
114EEAlistair Moffat, Vo Ngoc Anh: Binary Codes for Non-Uniform Sources. DCC 2005: 133-142
113EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Simplified similarity scoring using term ranks. SIGIR 2005: 226-233
112EEDonald Metzler, Yaniv Bernstein, W. Bruce Croft, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: The recap system for identifying information flow. SIGIR 2005: 678
111EEJ. Shane Culpepper, Alistair Moffat: Enhanced Byte Codes with Restricted Prefix Properties. SPIRE 2005: 1-12
110EENicholas Lester, Alistair Moffat, William Webber, Justin Zobel: Space-Limited Ranked Query Evaluation Using Adaptive Pruning. WISE 2005: 470-477
109EEAlistair Moffat, R. Yugo Kartono Isal: Word-based text compression using the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(5): 1175-1192 (2005)
108EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Inverted Index Compression Using Word-Aligned Binary Codes. Inf. Retr. 8(1): 151-166 (2005)
107EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Recommended reading for IR research students. SIGIR Forum 39(2): 3-14 (2005)
106 Peter Bruza, Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: ADCS 2004, Proceedings of the Ninth Australasian Document Computing Symposium, December 13, 2004 University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science 2004
105EEPaul Gruba, Alistair Moffat, Harald Søndergaard, Justin Zobel: What Drives Curriculum Change? ACE 2004: 109-117
104EEMichael Ciavarella, Alistair Moffat: Lossless Image Compression Using Pixel Reordering. ACSC 2004: 125-132
103EENick Craswell, Francis Crimmins, David Hawking, Alistair Moffat: Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search.. ADC 2004: 161-169
102EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Index Compression Using Fixed Binary Codewords. ADC 2004: 61-67
101EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Collection-Independent Document-Centric Impacts. ADCS 2004: 25-32
100EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: What Does It Mean to "Measure Performance"? WISE 2004: 1-12
99EEOwen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat: SEFT: a search engine for text. Softw., Pract. Exper. 34(10): 1011-1023 (2004)
98EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Hybrid Prefix Codes for Practical Use. DCC 2003: 392-401
97EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Robust and Web Retrieval with Document-Centric Integral Impacts. TREC 2003: 726-731
96 Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: Compression and Coding Algorithms Kluwer 2002
95EER. Yugo Kartono Isal, Alistair Moffat, A. C. H. Ngai: Enhanced Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression. ACSC 2002: 129-137
94EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Vector Space Ranking: Can We Keep it Simple? ADCS 2002
93EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation. Australasian Database Conference 2002
92EERaymond Wan, Alistair Moffat: Block Merging for Off-Line Compression. CPM 2002: 32-41
91EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Incremental Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Length-Restricted Codes. DCC 2002: 182-191
90 Vo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Compression and an IR Approach to XML Retrieval. INEX Workshop 2002: 99-104
89EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Impact transformation: effective and efficient web retrieval. SIGIR 2002: 3-10
88EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Homepage Finding and Topic Distillation Using a Common Retrieval Strategy. TREC 2002
87EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Length-Restricted Coding Using Modified Probability Distributions. ACSC 2001: 117-124
86EER. Yugo Kartono Isal, Alistair Moffat: Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression. ACSC 2001: 92-99
85EERaymond Wan, Alistair Moffat: Effective compression for the web: exploiting document linkages. ADC 2001: 68-75
84EEMike Liddell, Alistair Moffat: Length-Restricted Coding in Static and Dynamic Frameworks. Data Compression Conference 2001: 133-142
83EEAnthony Ian Wirth, Alistair Moffat: Can We Do without Ranks in Burrows Wheeler Transform Compression? Data Compression Conference 2001: 419-428
82EER. Yugo Kartono Isal, Alistair Moffat: Parsing Strategies for BWT Compression. Data Compression Conference 2001: 429-438
81 Vo Ngoc Anh, Owen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat: Vector-Space Ranking with Effective Early Termination. SIGIR 2001: 35-42
80 Raymond Wan, Alistair Moffat: Interactive Phrase Browsing Within Compressed Text. SIGIR 2001: 410-411
79 Alistair Moffat, Raymond Wan: Re-Store: A System for Compressing, Browsing, and Searching Large Documents (Invited Paper). SPIRE 2001: 162-174
78 Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: On-line adaptive canonical prefix coding with bounded compression loss. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(1): 88-98 (2001)
77EEOwen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat: Needles and Haystacks: A Search Engine for Personal Information Collections. ACSC 2000: 58-65
76 Alistair Moffat, Lang Stuiver: Binary Interpolative Coding for Effective Index Compression. Inf. Retr. 3(1): 25-47 (2000)
75 Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C. Bell: Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images, Second Edition Morgan Kaufmann 1999
74 Owen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat: Locality-Based Information Retrieval. Australasian Database Conference 1999: 177-188
73EEN. Jesper Larsson, Alistair Moffat: Offline Dictionary-Based Compression. Data Compression Conference 1999: 296-305
72EEOwen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat: Effective Document Presentation with a Locality-Based Similarity Heuristic. SIGIR 1999: 113-120
71EEAndrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: Statistical Phrases for Vector-Space Information Retrieval (poster abstract). SIGIR 1999: 309-310
70EEAlistair Moffat: An Improved Data Structure for Cumulative Probability Tables. Softw., Pract. Exper. 29(7): 647-659 (1999)
69EELang Stuiver, Alistair Moffat: Piecewise Integer Mapping for Arithmetic Coding. Data Compression Conference 1998: 3-12
68EEOwen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat, Tim Shimmin, Justin Zobel: Methodologies for Distributed Information Retrieval. ICDCS 1998: 66-73
67EEVo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat: Compressed Inverted Files with Reduced Decoding Overheads. SIGIR 1998: 290-297
66EEOwen de Kretser, Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Teraphim: An Engine for Distributed Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1998: 384
65EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Inverted Files Versus Signature Files for Text Indexing. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 23(4): 453-490 (1998)
64EEAlistair Moffat, Radford M. Neal, Ian H. Witten: Arithmetic Coding Revisited. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 16(3): 256-294 (1998)
63EEAlistair Moffat, Ola Petersson, Nicholas C. Wormald: A Tree-Based Mergesort. Acta Inf. 35(9): 775-793 (1998)
62 Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: Efficient Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes for Large Alphabets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(4): 1650-1657 (1998)
61EEAndrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: Comment on ``Efficient Huffman Decoding'' and ``An Efficient Finite-State Machine Implementation of Huffman Decoders''. Inf. Process. Lett. 68(1): 1-2 (1998)
60EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat: Exploring the Similarity Space. SIGIR Forum 32(1): 18-34 (1998)
59 Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: Efficient Approximate Adaptive Coding. Data Compression Conference 1997: 357-366
58EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel, Neil Sharman: Text Compression for Dynamic Document Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(2): 302-313 (1997)
57 L. Huynh, Alistair Moffat: A probability-ratio approach to approximate binary arithmetic coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(5): 1658-1662 (1997)
56EERoy Johnston, Alistair Moffat, Harald Søndergaard, Peter J. Stuckey: Low-contact learning in a first year programming course. ACSE 1996: 19-26
55 Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: On the Implementation of Minimum-Redundancy Prefix Codes. Data Compression Conference 1996: 170-179
54 Alistair Moffat, Lang Stuiver: Exploiting Clustering in Inverted File Compression. Data Compression Conference 1996: 82-91
53EETimothy A. H. Bell, Alistair Moffat: The Design of a High Performance Information Filtering System. SIGIR 1996: 12-20
52EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 14(4): 349-379 (1996)
51EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Guidelines for Presentation and Comparison of Indexing Techniques. SIGMOD Record 25(3): 10-15 (1996)
50 Alistair Moffat, Gary Eddy, Ola Petersson: Splaysort: Fast, Versatile, Practical. Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(7): 781-797 (1996)
49 John Staples, Peter Eades, Naoki Katoh, Alistair Moffat: Algorithms and Computation, 6th International Symposium, ISAAC '95, Cairns, Australia, December 4-6, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
48 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel, Shmuel T. Klein: Improved Inverted File Processing for Large Text Databases. Australasian Database Conference 1995: 0-
47 Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin, Jyrki Katajainen: Space-Efficient Construction of Optimal Prefix Codes. Data Compression Conference 1995: 192-201
46 Alistair Moffat, Radford M. Neal, Ian H. Witten: Arithmetic Coding Revisited. Data Compression Conference 1995: 202-211
45 Jyrki Katajainen, Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin: A Fast and Space - Economical Algorithm for Length - Limited Coding. ISAAC 1995: 12-21
44 Alistair Moffat, Jyrki Katajainen: In-Place Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Codes. WADS 1995: 393-402
43EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Index Organization for Multimedia Database Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(4): 607-609 (1995)
42 Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat, Ian H. Witten, Justin Zobel: The MG Retrieval System: Compressing for Space and Speed. Commun. ACM 38(4): 41-42 (1995)
41 Andrew Turpin, Alistair Moffat: Practical Length-limited Coding for Large Alphabets. Comput. J. 38(5): 339-347 (1995)
40EEOla Petersson, Alistair Moffat: A Framework for Adaptive Sorting. Discrete Applied Mathematics 59(2): 153-179 (1995)
39 Justin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Ross Wilkinson, Ron Sacks-Davis: Efficient Retrieval of Partial Documents. Inf. Process. Manage. 31(3): 361-377 (1995)
38 Alistair Moffat, Timothy A. H. Bell: In Situ Generation of Compressed Inverted Files. JASIS 46(7): 537-550 (1995)
37 Justin Zobel, Alistair Moffat: Adding Compression to a Full-text Retrieval System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 25(8): 891-903 (1995)
36 Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C. Bell: Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1994
35 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Self-Indexing Inverted Files. Australasian Database Conference 1994: 79-91
34 Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C. Bell: Compression and Full-Text Indexing for Digital Libraries. DL 1994: 181-201
33 Alistair Moffat, Neil Sharman, Justin Zobel: Static Compression for Dynamic Texts. Data Compression Conference 1994: 126-135
32EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Fast Ranking in Limited Space. ICDE 1994: 428-437
31 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Information Retrieval Systems for Large Document Collections. TREC 1994: 0-
30 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Compression and Fast Indexing for Multi-Gigabyte Text Databases. Australian Computer Journal 26(1): 1-9 (1994)
29 Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat, Craig G. Nevill-Manning, Tony C. Smith, Harold W. Thimbleby: Semantic and Generative Models for Lossy Text Compression. Comput. J. 37(2): 83-87 (1994)
28 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel, Ron Sacks-Davis: Memory Efficient Ranking. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(6): 733-744 (1994)
27 Alistair Moffat, Neil Sharman, Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell: An Empirical Evaluation of Coding Methods for Multi-symbol Alphabets. Inf. Process. Manage. 30(6): 791-804 (1994)
26 Justin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Ron Sacks-Davis: Storage Management for Files of Dynamic Records. Australian Database Conference 1993: 26-38
25 Alistair Moffat, Neil Sharman, Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell: An Empirical Evaluation of Coding Techniques for Multi-Symbol Alphabets. Data Compression Conference 1993: 108-117
24EEAlistair Moffat, Ron Sacks-Davis, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel: Retrieval of Partial Documents. TREC 1993: 181-190
23EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Ron Sacks-Davis: Searching Large Lexicons for Partially Specified Terms using Compressed Inverted Files. VLDB 1993: 290-301
22 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Supporting Random Access in Files of Variable Length Records. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(2): 71-77 (1993)
21 Alistair Moffat, Ola Petersson: Historical Searching. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 4(1): 85-98 (1993)
20 Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat, Craig G. Nevill-Manning, Ian H. Witten, Justin Zobel: Data Compression in Full-Text Retrieval Systems. JASIS 44(9): 508-531 (1993)
19 Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell, M. E. Harrison, Mark L. James, Alistair Moffat: Textual Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 1992: 42-51
18 Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Coding for Compression in Full-Text Retrieval Systems. Data Compression Conference 1992: 72-81
17 Alistair Moffat, Ola Petersson, Nicholas C. Wormald: Sorting and/by Merging Finger Trees. ISAAC 1992: 499-508
16EEAlistair Moffat, Justin Zobel: Parameterised Compression for Sparse Bitmaps. SIGIR 1992: 274-285
15 Ola Petersson, Alistair Moffat: A Framework for Adaptive Sorting. SWAT 1992: 422-433
14EEAlan J. Kent, Alistair Moffat, Ron Sacks-Davis, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel: Compression, Fast Indexing, and Structured Queries on a Gigabyte of Text. TREC 1992: 229-244
13EEJustin Zobel, Alistair Moffat, Ron Sacks-Davis: An Efficient Indexing Technique for Full Text Databases. VLDB 1992: 352-362
12 Alistair Moffat, Ola Petersson: An Overview of Adaptive Sorting. Australian Computer Journal 24(2): 70-77 (1992)
11 Alistair Moffat: Economical Inversion of Large Text Files. Computing Systems 5(2): 125-139 (1992)
10 Alistair Moffat: Two-Level Context Based Compression of Binary Images. Data Compression Conference 1991: 382-391
9 Alistair Moffat, Ola Petersson: Historical Searching and Sorting. ISA 1991: 263-272
8 Alistair Moffat: Linear time adaptive arithmetic coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(2): 401-406 (1990)
7 Graeme Port, Alistair Moffat: A Fast Algorithm for Melding Splay Trees. WADS 1989: 450-459
6 Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat: A Note on the DMC Data Compression Scheme. Comput. J. 32(1): 16-20 (1989)
5 Alistair Moffat: Word-based Text Compression. Softw., Pract. Exper. 19(2): 185-198 (1989)
4 Alistair Moffat, Tadao Takaoka: An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Time O(n² log n). SIAM J. Comput. 16(6): 1023-1031 (1987)
3 Alistair Moffat, Tadao Takaoka: An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Running Time O(n^2 log n) FOCS 1985: 101-105
2 Alistair Moffat, Tadao Takaoka: A Priority Queue for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(4): 189-193 (1984)
1 Tadao Takaoka, Alistair Moffat: An O(n² log log log n) Expected Time Algorithm for the all Shortest Distance Problem. MFCS 1980: 643-655

Coauthor Index

1Amihood Amir [146]
2Vo Ngoc Anh [67] [81] [88] [89] [90] [93] [94] [97] [101] [102] [108] [113] [114] [120] [121] [123] [125] [126] [130] [140]
3Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates [118] [132]
4Timothy A. H. Bell [38] [53]
5Timothy C. Bell (Tim Bell) [6] [19] [20] [25] [27] [29] [34] [36] [42] [75]
6Yaniv Bernstein [112] [116]
7Peter Bruza (Peter D. Bruza) [106]
8Lawrence Cavedon [128] [129]
9Michael Ciavarella [104]
10Nick Craswell [103]
11Francis Crimmins [103]
12W. Bruce Croft [112] [116]
13J. Shane Culpepper [111] [124] [134]
14Peter Eades [49]
15Gary Eddy [50]
16Paul Gruba [105] [117]
17M. E. Harrison [19]
18David Hawking [103]
19Baden Hughes [117]
20L. Huynh [57]
21R. Yugo Kartono Isal [82] [86] [95] [109]
22Mark L. James [19]
23Roy Johnston [56]
24Jyrki Katajainen [44] [45] [47]
25Naoki Katoh [49]
26Alan J. Kent [14]
27Shmuel Tomi Klein (Shmuel T. Klein) [48]
28Owen de Kretser [66] [68] [72] [74] [77] [81] [99]
29N. Jesper Larsson [73]
30Nicholas Lester [110] [115] [138]
31Yi Li [128] [129] [136]
32Mike Liddell [84] [87] [91] [98] [119] [133]
33Gary Marchionini [118]
34Donald Metzler [112] [116]
35Radford M. Neal [46] [64]
36Craig G. Nevill-Manning [20] [29]
37A. C. H. Ngai [95]
38Ola Petersson [9] [12] [15] [17] [21] [40] [50] [63]
39Stefan Pohl [147]
40Graeme Port [7]
41Simon J. Puglisi [141] [148]
42Kotagiri Ramamohanarao [51] [65]
43Sri Devi Ravana [143] [149]
44Jiawen Rong [136]
45Ron Sacks-Davis [13] [14] [23] [24] [26] [28] [39]
46Tetsuya Sakai [142]
47Neil Sharman [25] [27] [33] [58]
48Tim Shimmin [68]
49Ranjan Sinha [141] [148]
50Tony C. Smith [29]
51Harald Søndergaard [56] [105] [117]
52John Staples [49]
53Nicola Stokes [128] [129] [136]
54Peter J. Stuckey [56]
55Lang Stuiver [54] [69] [76]
56John Tait [118]
57Tadao Takaoka [1] [2] [3] [4]
58Harold W. Thimbleby [29]
59Andrew Turpin [41] [45] [47] [55] [59] [61] [62] [71] [78] [96] [106] [141] [146]
60Raymond Wan [79] [80] [85] [92] [131] [140]
61William Webber [110] [123] [127] [132] [135] [142] [144] [145]
62Ross Wilkinson [14] [24] [39]
63Anthony Ian Wirth [83]
64Ian H. Witten [19] [20] [25] [27] [29] [34] [36] [42] [46] [64] [75]
65Nicholas C. Wormald [17] [63]
66Nivio Ziviani [118]
67Justin Zobel [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [22] [23] [24] [26] [28] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35] [37] [39] [42] [43] [48] [51] [52] [58] [60] [65] [66] [68] [100] [105] [107] [110] [112] [115] [116] [122] [127] [132] [135] [137] [138] [142] [144] [145]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)