
Pei Hsia

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47 Chien-Hung Liu, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu: An Object-based Data Flow Testing Approach for Web Applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 11(2): 157-179 (2001)
46EEDavid Chenho Kung, Chien-Hung Liu, Pei Hsia: An Object-Oriented Web Test Model for Testing Web Applications . APAQS 2000: 111-120
45EEChien-Hung Liu, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu: Object-Based Data Flow Testing of Web Applications. APAQS 2000: 7-16
44EEDavid Chenho Kung, Chien-Hung Liu, Pei Hsia: An Object-Oriented Web Test Model for Testing Web Applications. COMPSAC 2000: 537-542
43EEChien-Hung Liu, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu: Structural Testing of Web Applications. ISSRE 2000: 84-96
42EEHwan Wook Sohn, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: CORBA Components Testing with Perception-Based State Behavior. COMPSAC 1999: 116-121
41EEPei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu, David Chenho Kung: Brooks' Law Revisited: A System Dynamics Approach. COMPSAC 1999: 370-375
40EEKuangnan Chang, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: OBL: A Formal Deduction Method for Object-Oriented Systems. COMPSAC 1999: 450-455
39EEBrian Keith Miller, Pei Hsia, David Chenho Kung: Object-Oriented Architecture Measures. HICSS 1999
38EEHwan Wook Sohn, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: State-Based Reproducible Testing for CORBA Applications. PDSE 1999: 24-
37EEDavid Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen, Jerry Gao: Object-Oriented Software Testing: Some Research and Development. HASE 1998: 158-165
36EEPei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu, David Chenho Kung, Eric J. Byrne: Incremental delivery reduces maintenance cost: a COCOMO-based study. Journal of Software Maintenance 10(4): 225-247 (1998)
35EEPei Hsia, Xiaolin Li, David Chenho Kung: Augmenting data flow criteria for class testing. CASCON 1997: 9
34EEPei Hsia, David Chenho Kung: An Object-Oriented Testing and Maintenance Environment. ICSE 1997: 608-609
33 Pei Hsia, David Chenho Kung, Chris Sell: Software Requirements and acceptance Testing. Ann. Software Eng. 3: 291-317 (1997)
32EEPei Hsia, Xiaolin Li, David Chenho Kung: Class testing and code-based criteria. CASCON 1996: 14
31EEPei Hsia, Xiaolin Li, David Chenho Kung: A History-Based Approach for Early Faulty State Detection. COMPSAC 1996: 321-
30EEJyhjong Lin, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: Top-down development of real-time software specification. HASE 1996: 271-
29EEPei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu, David Chenho Kung, Lawrence B. Holder: User-Centered System Decomposition: Z-Based Requirements Clustering. ICRE 1996: 126-135
28 Pei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu, David Chenho Kung, Michelle M. Hepner, J. W. Wang: An Object-Oriented Approach to Incremental Delivery of Software Systems. OOIS 1996: 431-
27 Pei Hsia, Xiaolin Li, David Chenho Kung: An Early Warning Approach for Method Sequence Testing. SEKE 1996: 330-337
26 Jyhjong Lin, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: Object-Oriented Specification and Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems. Ann. Software Eng. 2: 161-198 (1996)
25EEPei Hsia: Making Software Development Visible. IEEE Software 13(3): 23-26 (1996)
24 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen: Or Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. Journal of Systems and Software 32(1): 21-40 (1996)
23EEJerry Zeyu Gao, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: An object state test model: object state diagram. CASCON 1995: 23
22EEJyhjong Lin, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: Towards a real-time object-oriented modeling approach. CASCON 1995: 42
21EEJerry Z. Gao, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Object state testing for object-oriented programs. COMPSAC 1995: 232-238
20EEDavid Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: A Test Strategy for Object-Oriented Programs. COMPSAC 1995: 239-244
19 Pei Hsia, Chih-Tung Hsu, David Chenho Kung, Alan T. Yaung: The Impact of Incremental Delivery on Maintenance Effort: An Analytical Study. ESEC 1995: 405-422
18EEPei Hsia, A. Gupta, David Chenho Kung, J. Peng, S. Liu: A study on the effect of architecture on maintainability of object-oriented systems. ICSM 1995: 4-11
17 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen, Young-Si Kim, Young-Kee Song: Developing an Object-Oriented Software Testing and Maintenance Environment. Commun. ACM 38(10): 75-87 (1995)
16 Jyhjong Lin, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: An Object-Oriented Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Safety-Critical Real-time Systems. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995)
15 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Jeremy Lin, Yasufumi Toyoshima: Class Firewall, Test Order, and Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. JOOP 8(2): 51-65 (1995)
14EEDavid Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia: An object oriented testing and maintenance environment. CASCON 1994: 37
13 Pei Hsia, Richard H. S. Wang, David Chenho Kung: Guided Reuse for Programmers. CSEE 1994: 499-516
12 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, F. Wen, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Change Impact Identification in Object Oriented Software Maintenance. ICSM 1994: 202-211
11 David Chenho Kung, Jyhjong Lin, Pei Hsia: An Object-Oriented Conceptal Model for Information Systems. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 259-264
10EEAlan M. Davis, Pei Hsia: Guest Editors' Introduction: Giving Voice to Requirements Engineering. IEEE Software 11(2): 12-16 (1994)
9EEPei Hsia, Jayarajan Samuel, Jerry Gao, David Chenho Kung, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Formal Approach to Scenario Analysis. IEEE Software 11(2): 33-41 (1994)
8 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, J. Lin, Yasufumi Toyoshima: Design Recovery for Software Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. WCRE 1993: 202-211
7 Jason Jen-Yen Chen, Pei Hsia: MDL (Methodology Definition Language): A Language for Defining and Automating Software Development Processes. Comput. Lang. 17(3): 199-211 (1992)
6 Pei Hsia, David C. Rine: Introduction: Development of Computer Languages and Software. Comput. Lang. 16(2): 109-111 (1991)
5EEPei Hsia, Joseph E. Urban: Guest Editors' Introduction: Computer Languages. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(4): 442-443 (1988)
4 Pei Hsia, Frederick E. Petry: A Framework for Discipline in Programming. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 6(2): 226-232 (1980)
3 Peter A. Ng, Pei Hsia, Raymond T. Yeh: Graph Walking Automata. MFCS 1975: 330-336
2EEPei Hsia, Raymond T. Yeh: Marker automata. Inf. Sci. 8(1): 71-88 (1975)
1 Pei Hsia, Raymond T. Yeh: Finite Automata with Markers. ICALP 1972: 443-451

Coauthor Index

1Eric J. Byrne [36]
2Kuangnan Chang [40]
3Chris Chen [17] [24]
4Cris Chen [9] [12] [20] [21] [37]
5Jason Jen-Yen Chen [7]
6Alan M. Davis [10]
7Jerry Zeyu Gao (Jerry Z. Gao, Jerry Gao) [8] [9] [12] [14] [15] [17] [20] [21] [23] [24] [37]
8A. Gupta [18]
9Michelle M. Hepner [28]
10Lawrence B. Holder [29]
11Chih-Tung Hsu [19] [28] [29] [36] [41] [43] [45] [47]
12Young-Si Kim [17]
13David Chenho Kung (Chenho Kung) [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47]
14Xiaolin Li [27] [31] [32] [35]
15J. Lin [8]
16Jeremy Lin [15]
17Jyhjong Lin [11] [16] [22] [26] [30]
18Chien-Hung Liu [43] [44] [45] [46] [47]
19S. Liu [18]
20Brian Keith Miller [39]
21Peter A. Ng [3]
22J. Peng [18]
23Frederick E. Petry [4]
24David C. Rine [6]
25Jayarajan Samuel [9]
26Chris Sell [33]
27Hwan Wook Sohn [38] [42]
28Young-Kee Song [17]
29Yasufumi Toyoshima [8] [9] [12] [15] [17] [20] [21] [24] [37]
30Joseph E. Urban [5]
31J. W. Wang [28]
32Richard H. S. Wang [13]
33F. Wen [12]
34Alan T. Yaung [19]
35Raymond T. Yeh [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)