
Alexander Taubin

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31EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Vyas Venkataraman, Zhen Wang, Alexander Taubin: Power Balanced Gates Insensitive to Routing Capacitance Mismatch. DATE 2008: 1280-1285
30EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Vyas Venkataraman, Zhen Wang, Alexander Taubin, Mark G. Karpovsky: Asynchronous balanced gates tolerant to interconnect variability. ISCAS 2008: 3190-3193
29EEAlexander Taubin, Jordi Cortadella, Luciano Lavagno, Luciano Lavagno, Alex Kondratyev, Ad M. G. Peeters: Design Automation of Real-Life Asynchronous Devices and Systems. Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation 2(1): 1-133 (2007)
28EETejpal Singh, Alexander Taubin: A Highly Scalable GALS Crossbar Using Token Ring Arbitration. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 24(5): 464-472 (2007)
27EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Mark G. Karpovsky, Alexander Taubin: Robust codes and robust, fault-tolerant architectures of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Journal of Systems Architecture 53(2-3): 139-149 (2007)
26EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Alexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin: Automated Design of Cryptographic Devices Resistant to Multiple Side-Channel Attacks. CHES 2006: 399-413
25EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Mark G. Karpovsky, Alexander Taubin: Fault Attack Resistant Cryptographic Hardware with Uniform Error Detection. FDTC 2006: 185-195
24EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Mark G. Karpovsky, Alexander Taubin: DPA on Faulty Cryptographic Hardware and Countermeasures. FDTC 2006: 211-222
23EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Mark G. Karpovsky, Alexander Taubin: Power Attacks on Secure Hardware Based on Early Propagation of Data. IOLTS 2006: 131-138
22EEAlexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin, Ming Su, Mark G. Karpovsky: An Automated Fine-Grain Pipelining Using Domino Style Asynchronous Library. ACSD 2005: 68-76
21EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Ming Su, Alexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin, Mark G. Karpovsky, Daniel MacDonald: Delay Insensitive Encoding and Power Analysis: A Balancing Act. ASYNC 2005: 116-125
20 Mark G. Karpovsky, Konrad J. Kulikowski, Alexander Taubin: Differential Fault Analysis Attack Resistant Architectures for the Advanced Encryption Standard. CARDIS 2004: 177-192
19EEMark G. Karpovsky, Konrad J. Kulikowski, Alexander Taubin: Robust Protection against Fault-Injection Attacks on Smart Cards Implementing the Advanced Encryption Standard. DSN 2004: 93-101
18EEJordi Cortadella, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Taubin, Yosinori Watanabe: Quasi-static Scheduling for Concurrent Architectures. Fundam. Inform. 62(2): 171-196 (2004)
17 Mark G. Karpovsky, Alexander Taubin: New Class of Nonlinear Systematic Error Detecting Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(8): 1818-1820 (2004)
16EEAlex Kondratyev, Oriol Roig, Lawrence Neukom, Karl Fant, Alexander Taubin: Checking Delay-Insensitivity: 104 Gates and Beyond. ASYNC 2002: 149-
15EEAlexander Taubin, Karl Fant, John McCardle: Design of Delay-Insensitive Three Dimension Pipeline Array Multiplier for Image Processing. ICCD 2002: 104-111
14EEJordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Steven M. Burns, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Ken S. Stevens, Alexander Taubin, Alexandre Yakovlev: Lazy transition systems and asynchronous circuit synthesis withrelative timing assumptions. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 21(2): 109-130 (2002)
13 Michiel M. Ligthart, Karl Fant, Ross Smith, Alexander Taubin, Alex Kondratyev: Asynchronous Design Using Commercial HDL Synthesis Tools. ASYNC 2000: 114-
12EEAlexander Taubin, Alex Kondratyev, Jordi Cortadella, Luciano Lavagno: Behavioral Transformations to Increase Noise Immunity in Asynchronous Specifications. ASYNC 1999: 36-
11EEAlex Kondratyev, Jordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Taubin, Alexandre Yakovlev: Identifying State Coding Conflicts in Asynchronous System Specifications Using Petri Net Unfoldings. ACSD 1998: 152-
10EEJordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Taubin, Alexandre Yakovlev: Lazy transition systems: application to timing optimization of asynchronous circuits. ICCAD 1998: 324-331
9 Alex Kondratyev, Michael Kishinevsky, Alexander Taubin, Sergei Ten: Analysis of Petri Nets by Ordering Relations in Reduced Unfoldings. Formal Methods in System Design 12(1): 5-38 (1998)
8EEMichael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Saldanha, Alexander Taubin: Partial-scan delay fault testing of asynchronous circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(11): 1184-1199 (1998)
7EEAlex Kondratyev, Michael Kishinevsky, Alexander Taubin, Jordi Cortadella, Luciano Lavagno: The Use of Petri Nets for the Design and Verification of Asynchronous Circuits and Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 8(1): 67-118 (1998)
6 Michael Kishinevsky, Jordi Cortadella, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Taubin, Alexandre Yakovlev: Coupling Asynchrony and Interrupts: Place Chart Nets. ICATPN 1997: 328-347
5EEMichael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexander Saldanha, Alexander Taubin: Partial scan delay fault testing of asynchronous circuits. ICCAD 1997: 728-735
4 Alex Kondratyev, Michael Kishinevsky, Alexander Taubin, Sergei Ten: A Structural Approach for the Analysis of Petri Nets by Reduced Unfoldings. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996: 346-365
3 Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Alexander Taubin, Victor Varshavsky: Analysis and Identification of Speed-Independent Circuits on an Event Model. Formal Methods in System Design 4(1): 33-75 (1994)
2EEMichael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Alexander Taubin: Specification and analysis of self-timed circuits. VLSI Signal Processing 7(1-2): 117-135 (1994)
1 Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Alexander Taubin, Victor Varshavsky: Analysis and Identification of Self-Timed Circuits. Designing Correct Circuits 1992: 275-287

Coauthor Index

1Steven M. Burns [14]
2Jordi Cortadella [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [14] [18] [29]
3Karl Fant [13] [15] [16]
4Mark G. Karpovsky [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27] [30]
5Michael Kishinevsky [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14]
6Alex Kondratyev [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [29]
7Konrad J. Kulikowski [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [30] [31]
8Luciano Lavagno [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [18] [29]
9Michiel M. Ligthart [13]
10Daniel MacDonald [21]
11John McCardle [15]
12Lawrence Neukom [16]
13Ad M. G. Peeters [29]
14Oriol Roig [16]
15Alexander Saldanha [5] [8]
16Tejpal Singh [28]
17Alexander B. Smirnov [21] [22] [26]
18Ross Smith [13]
19Ken S. Stevens [14]
20Ming Su [21] [22]
21Sergei Ten [4] [9]
22Victor Varshavsky [1] [3]
23Vyas Venkataraman [30] [31]
24Zhen Wang [30] [31]
25Yosinori Watanabe [18]
26Alexandre Yakovlev [6] [10] [11] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)