
Alexander B. Smirnov

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7EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Alexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin: Automated Design of Cryptographic Devices Resistant to Multiple Side-Channel Attacks. CHES 2006: 399-413
6EEAlexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin, Ming Su, Mark G. Karpovsky: An Automated Fine-Grain Pipelining Using Domino Style Asynchronous Library. ACSD 2005: 68-76
5EEKonrad J. Kulikowski, Ming Su, Alexander B. Smirnov, Alexander Taubin, Mark G. Karpovsky, Daniel MacDonald: Delay Insensitive Encoding and Power Analysis: A Balancing Act. ASYNC 2005: 116-125
4EEAlexander B. Smirnov, Mikhail Pashkin, Nikolai Chilov, Tatiana Levashova, Andrew Krizhanovsky, Alexey Kashevnik: Ontology-Based Users & Requests Clustering in Customer Service Management System CoRR abs/cs/0501077: (2005)
3EEMarco A. Peña, Jordi Cortadella, Alexander B. Smirnov, Enric Pastor: A Case Study for the Verification of Complex Timed Circuits: IPCMOS. DATE 2002: 44-53
2EENikolai Starodoubtsev, Sergei Bystrov, Michael V. Goncharov, Ilya V. Klotchkov, Alexander B. Smirnov: Towards Synthesis of Monotonic Asynchronous Circuits from Signal Transition Graphs. ACSD 2001: 179-188
1EEMichael V. Goncharov, Alexander B. Smirnov, Nikolai Starodoubtsev, Ilya V. Klotchkov: Timing Extensions of STG Model and a Method to Simulate Timed STG Behavior in VHDL Environment. ACSD 1998: 120-

Coauthor Index

1Sergei Bystrov [2]
2Nikolai Chilov [4]
3Jordi Cortadella [3]
4Michael V. Goncharov [1] [2]
5Mark G. Karpovsky [5] [6]
6Alexey Kashevnik [4]
7Ilya V. Klotchkov [1] [2]
8Andrew Krizhanovsky [4]
9Konrad J. Kulikowski [5] [7]
10Tatiana Levashova [4]
11Daniel MacDonald [5]
12Mikhail Pashkin [4]
13Enric Pastor [3]
14Marco A. Peña [3]
15Nikolai Starodoubtsev [1] [2]
16Ming Su [5] [6]
17Alexander Taubin [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)