
Michael F. Zaeh

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6EEStella M. Clarke, Gerhard Schillhuber, Michael F. Zaeh, Heinz Ulbrich: Prediction-based methods for teleoperation across delayed networks. Multimedia Syst. 13(4): 253-261 (2008)
5EEStella M. Clarke, Gerhard Schillhuber, Michael F. Zaeh, Heinz Ulbrich: The Effects of Simulated Inertia and Force Prediction on Delayed Telepresence. Presence 16(5): 543-558 (2007)
4EEMichael F. Zaeh, Stella M. Clarke, Peter Hinterseer, Eckehard G. Steinbach: Telepresence Across Networks: A Combined Deadband and Prediction Approach. IV 2006: 597-604
3EEAlexander Kron, Günther Schmidt, Bernd Petzold, Michael F. Zaeh, Peter Hinterseer, Eckehard G. Steinbach: Disposal of Explosive Ordnances by Use of a Bimanual Haptic Telepresence System. ICRA 2004: 1968-1973
2 Bernd Petzold, Michael F. Zaeh, Berthold Färber, Barbara Deml, Hans Egermeier, Johannes Schilp, Stella M. Clarke: A Study on Visual, Auditory and Haptic Feedback for Assembly Tasks. Presence 13(1): 16-21 (2004)
1 Stella M. Clarke, Michael F. Zaeh, J. H. Griebsch: Predicting Haptic Data with Support Vector Regression for Telepresence Applications. HIS 2003: 572-581

Coauthor Index

1Stella M. Clarke [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
2Barbara Deml [2]
3Hans Egermeier [2]
4Berthold Färber [2]
5J. H. Griebsch [1]
6Peter Hinterseer [3] [4]
7Alexander Kron [3]
8Bernd Petzold [2] [3]
9Gerhard Schillhuber [5] [6]
10Johannes Schilp [2]
11Günther Schmidt [3]
12Eckehard G. Steinbach [3] [4]
13Heinz Ulbrich [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)