
Vijay Pitchumani

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27EEZhuoyuan Li, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Shan Zeng, Jinian Bian, Wenjian Yu, Hannah Honghua Yang, Vijay Pitchumani, Chung-Kuan Cheng: Efficient Thermal via Planning Approach and Its Application in 3-D Floorplanning. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(4): 645-658 (2007)
26EEVijay Pitchumani: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the DFM Universe. APCCAS 2006: 1103-1106
25EESani R. Nassif, Vijay Pitchumani, N. Rodriguez, Dennis Sylvester, Clive Bittlestone, Riko Radojcic: Variation-aware analysis: savior of the nanometer era? DAC 2006: 411-412
24EEZhuoyuan Li, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Shan Zeng, Jinian Bian, Hannah Honghua Yang, Vijay Pitchumani, Chung-Kuan Cheng: Integrating dynamic thermal via planning with 3D floorplanning algorithm. ISPD 2006: 178-185
23EEZhuoyuan Li, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Jinian Bian, Hannah Honghua Yang, Vijay Pitchumani: Efficient thermal-oriented 3D floorplanning and thermal via planning for two-stacked-die integration. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 11(2): 325-345 (2006)
22EEVijay Pitchumani: Embedded tutorial I: design for manufacturability. ASP-DAC 2005
21EEChung-Kuan Cheng, Steve Lin, Andrew B. Kahng, Keh-Jeng Chang, Vijay Pitchumani, Toshiyuki Shibuya, Roberto Suaya, Zhiping Yu, Fook-Luen Heng, Don MacMillen: Panel I: who is responsible for the design for manufacturability issues in the era of nano-technologies? ASP-DAC 2005
20EEZhuoyuan Li, Xianlong Hong, Qiang Zhou, Yici Cai, Jinian Bian, Hannal Yang, Prashant Saxena, Vijay Pitchumani: A divide-and-conquer 2.5-D floorplanning algorithm based on statistical wirelength estimation. ISCAS (6) 2005: 6230-6233
19EEMehmet Emin Dalkiliç, Vijay Pitchumani: Multi-schedule design space exploration: an alternative synthesis framework. Integration 27(2): 87-112 (1999)
18 M. Kemal Unaltuna, Vijay Pitchumani: ANSA: A New Neural Net Based Scheduling Algorithm for High Level Synthesis. ISCAS 1995: 385-388
17 Mehmet Emin Dalkiliç, Vijay Pitchumani: Optimal Operation Scheduling Using Resource Lower Bound Estimations. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 319-324
16 Mehmet Emin Dalkiliç, Vijay Pitchumani: A Multi-Schedule Approach to High-Level Synthesis. ICCD 1994: 572-575
15 M. Kemal Unaltuna, Vijay Pitchumani: A Stochastic Reward & Punishment Neural Network Algorithm for Circuit Bipartitioning. ISCAS 1994: 181-184
14 Neeta Ganguly, Vijay Pitchumani: HSIM1 and HSIM2: Object Oriented Algorithms for VHDL Simulation. VLSI Design 1994: 175-178
13 M. Kemal Unaltuna, Vijay Pitchumani: Quadrisectioning Based Placement with a Normalized Mean Field Neural Network. ISCAS 1993: 2047-2050
12EEVijay Pitchumani, Pankaj Mayor, Nimish Radia: A VHDL Fault Diagnosis Tool Using Functional Fault Models. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 9(2): 33-41 (1992)
11EEVinod Narayanan, Vijay Pitchumani: Fault simulation on massively parallel SIMD machines algorithms, implementations and results. J. Electronic Testing 3(1): 79-92 (1992)
10EEVijay Pitchumani, Pankaj Mayor, Nimish Radia: A System for Fault Diagnosis and Simulation of VHDL Descriptions. DAC 1991: 144-150
9 Vijay Pitchumani, Pankaj Mayor, Nimish Radia: Fault Diagnosis using Functional Fault Models for VHDL descriptions. ITC 1991: 327-337
8EEVinod Narayanan, Vijay Pitchumani: A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Fault Simulation on the Connection Machine. DAC 1989: 734-737
7EES. Ganguly, Vijay Pitchumani: Compaction of a Routed Channel on the Connection Machine. DAC 1989: 779-782
6 Vinod Narayanan, Vijay Pitchumani: : A Parallel Algorithm for Fault Simulation on the Connection Machine. ITC 1988: 89-93
5 Vijay Pitchumani, Satish S. Soman: Functional Test Generation Based on Unate Function Theory. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(6): 756-760 (1988)
4EEVijay Pitchumani, Qisui Zhang: A Mixed HVH-VHV Algorithm for Three-Layer Channel Routing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(4): 497-502 (1987)
3 Zerksis D. Umrigar, Vijay Pitchumani: An Experiment in Programming with Full First-Order Logic. SLP 1985: 40-47
2 Vijay Pitchumani, Edward P. Stabler: Verification of Register Transfer Level Parallel Control Sequences. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(8): 761-765 (1985)
1 Vijay Pitchumani, Edward P. Stabler: An Inductive Assertion Method for Register Transfer Level Design Verification. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(12): 1073-1080 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Jinian Bian [20] [23] [24] [27]
2Clive Bittlestone [25]
3Yici Cai [20]
4Keh-Jeng Chang [21]
5Chung-Kuan Cheng [21] [24] [27]
6Mehmet Emin Dalkiliç [16] [17] [19]
7Neeta Ganguly [14]
8S. Ganguly [7]
9Fook-Luen Heng [21]
10Xianlong Hong [20] [23] [24] [27]
11Andrew B. Kahng [21]
12Zhuoyuan Li [20] [23] [24] [27]
13Steve Lin [21]
14Don MacMillen [21]
15Pankaj Mayor [9] [10] [12]
16Vinod Narayanan [6] [8] [11]
17Sani R. Nassif [25]
18Nimish Radia [9] [10] [12]
19Riko Radojcic [25]
20N. Rodriguez [25]
21Prashant Saxena [20]
22Toshiyuki Shibuya [21]
23Satish S. Soman [5]
24Edward P. Stabler (Edward P. Stabler Jr.) [1] [2]
25Roberto Suaya [21]
26Dennis Sylvester [25]
27Zerksis D. Umrigar [3]
28M. Kemal Unaltuna [13] [15] [18]
29Hannah Honghua Yang (Honghua Yang) [23] [24] [27]
30Hannal Yang [20]
31Wenjian Yu [27]
32Zhiping Yu [21]
33Shan Zeng [24] [27]
34Qisui Zhang [4]
35Qiang Zhou [20] [23] [24] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)