
Hans-Peter Kriegel

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281EEJohannes Aßfalg, Thomas Bernecker, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz: Periodic Pattern Analysis in Time Series Databases. DASFAA 2009: 354-368
280EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz: Techniques for Efficiently Searching in Spatial, Temporal, Spatio-temporal, and Multimedia Databases. DASFAA 2009: 780-783
279EEElke Achtert, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz, Andreas Züfle: Reverse k-nearest neighbor search in dynamic and general metric databases. EDBT 2009: 886-897
278EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz, Andreas Züfle, Alexander Katzdobler: Incremental Reverse Nearest Neighbor Ranking. ICDE 2009: 1560-1567
277EEThomas Bernecker, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Renz, Andreas Züfle: Hot Item Detection in Uncertain Data. PAKDD 2009: 673-680
276EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Erich Schubert, Arthur Zimek: Outlier Detection in Axis-Parallel Subspaces of High Dimensional Data. PAKDD 2009: 831-838
275EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek: Clustering high-dimensional data: A survey on subspace clustering, pattern-based clustering, and correlation clustering. TKDD 3(1): (2009)
274EEJohannes Aßfalg, Jing Gong, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Tiandi Wei, Arthur Zimek: Supervised Ensembles of Prediction Methods for Subcellular Localization. APBC 2008: 29-38
273EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz, Andrew Zherdin: Approximate Clustering of Time Series Using Compact Model-Based Descriptions. DASFAA 2008: 364-379
272EEJohannes Aßfalg, Michael Kats, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin: Index-Supported Similarity Search Using Multiple Representations. DASFAA 2008: 504-511
271EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Analysis of Time Series Using Compact Model-Based Descriptions. DASFAA 2008: 698-701
270EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz: Continuous proximity monitoring in road networks. GIS 2008: 12
269EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: MUSE: Multi-Represented Similarity Estimation. ICDE 2008: 1340-1342
268EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Matthias Renz, Tim Schmidt: Efficient Query Processing in Large Traffic Networks. ICDE 2008: 1451-1453
267EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: T-Time: Threshold-Based Data Mining on Time Series. ICDE 2008: 1620-1623
266EEChristian Hübler, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Karsten M. Borgwardt, Zoubin Ghahramani: Metropolis Algorithms for Representative Subgraph Sampling. ICDM 2008: 283-292
265EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert, Arthur Zimek: Angle-based outlier detection in high-dimensional data. KDD 2008: 444-452
264EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Similarity Search in Multimedia Time Series Data Using Amplitude-Level Features. MMM 2008: 123-133
263EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Distribution-Based Similarity for Multi-represented Multimedia Objects. MMM 2008: 155-164
262EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Renz, Matthias Schubert, Andreas Züfle: Statistical Density Prediction in Traffic Networks. SDM 2008: 692-703
261EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz, Tim Schmidt: Hierarchical Graph Embedding for Efficient Query Processing in Very Large Traffic Networks. SSDBM 2008: 150-167
260EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Erich Schubert, Arthur Zimek: A General Framework for Increasing the Robustness of PCA-Based Correlation Clustering Algorithms. SSDBM 2008: 418-435
259EEThomas Bernecker, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Renz: ProUD: Probabilistic Ranking in Uncertain Databases. SSDBM 2008: 558-565
258EEElke Achtert, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Arthur Zimek: ELKI: A Software System for Evaluation of Subspace Clustering Algorithms. SSDBM 2008: 580-585
257EEDaniel A. Keim, Benjamin Bustos, Stefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Indexing, X-Tree. Encyclopedia of GIS 2008: 543-547
256EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Matthias Renz: R*-Tree. Encyclopedia of GIS 2008: 987-992
255EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek: Detecting clusters in moderate-to-high dimensional data: subspace clustering, pattern-based clustering, and correlation clustering. PVLDB 1(2): 1528-1529 (2008)
254EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Ina Müller-Gorman, Arthur Zimek: Detection and Visualization of Subspace Cluster Hierarchies. DASFAA 2007: 152-163
253EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Matthias Renz: Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Query on Uncertain Objects. DASFAA 2007: 337-348
252EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Interval-Focused Similarity Search in Time Series Databases. DASFAA 2007: 586-597
251EEHuaien Gao, Rudolf Sollacher, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Spiral Recurrent Neural Network for Online Learning. ESANN 2007: 483-488
250EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Matthias Renz, Tim Schmidt: Proximity queries in large traffic networks. GIS 2007: 21
249EEOtmar Hilliges, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Andreas Butz, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Browsing and Sorting Digital Pictures Using Automatic Image Classification and Quality Analysis. HCI (3) 2007: 882-891
248EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Tobias Petri, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Hans-Peter Kriegel: An Efficient Sampling Scheme For Comparison of Large Graphs. MLG 2007
247EEZhao Xu, Volker Tresp, Shipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Fast Inference in Infinite Hidden Relational Models. MLG 2007
246EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Multi-represented Classification Based on Confidence Estimation. PAKDD 2007: 23-34
245EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Graph Kernels For Disease Outcome Prediction From Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2007: 4-15
244EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek: Robust, Complete, and Efficient Correlation Clustering. SDM 2007
243EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek: On Exploring Complex Relationships of Correlation Clusters. SSDBM 2007: 7
242EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Matthias Renz: Generalizing the Optimality of Multi-step k -Nearest Neighbor Query Processing. SSTD 2007: 75-92
241EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Karsten M. Borgwardt, Peer Kröger, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert, Arthur Zimek: Future trends in data mining. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 15(1): 87-97 (2007)
240EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Semi-Supervised Threshold Queries on Pharmacogenomics Time Sequences. APBC 2006: 307-316
239EEJohannes Aßfalg, Karsten M. Borgwardt, Hans-Peter Kriegel: 3DString: a feature string kernel for 3D object classification on voxelized data. CIKM 2006: 198-207
238EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Probabilistic Similarity Join on Uncertain Data. DASFAA 2006: 295-309
237EEShipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Variational Bayesian Dirichlet-Multinomial Allocation for Exponential Family Mixtures. ECML 2006: 841-848
236EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: TQuEST: Threshold Query Execution for Large Sets of Time Series. EDBT 2006: 1147-1150
235EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert, Michael Gruber: VICO: Visualizing Connected Object Orderings. EDBT 2006: 1151-1154
234EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Florian Vorberger: MUSCLE: Music Classification Engine with User Feedback. EDBT 2006: 1164-1167
233EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Similarity Search on Time Series Based on Threshold Queries. EDBT 2006: 276-294
232EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Threshold Similarity Queries in Large Time Series Databases. ICDE 2006: 149
231EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: ViEWNet: Visual Exploration of Region-Wide Traffic Networks. ICDE 2006: 166
230EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Wackersreuther: Pattern Mining in Frequent Dynamic Subgraphs. ICDM 2006: 818-822
229EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert, Arthur Zimek: COSMIC: Conceptually Specified Multi-Instance Clusters. ICDM 2006: 917-921
228EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin: Hierarchical Genre Classification for Large Music Collections. ICME 2006: 1385-1388
227EEShipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Collaborative ordinal regression. ICML 2006: 1089-1096
226EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Arthur Gretton, Malte J. Rasch, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander J. Smola: Integrating structured biological data by Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2006: 49-57
225EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek: Deriving quantitative models for correlation clusters. KDD 2006: 4-13
224EEShipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Mingrui Wu: Supervised probabilistic principal component analysis. KDD 2006: 464-473
223EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin: Effective similarity search in multimedia databases using multiple representations. MMM 2006
222EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: An EM-Approach for Clustering Multi-Instance Objects. PAKDD 2006: 139-148
221EEElke Achtert, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Clustering Multi-represented Objects Using Combination Trees. PAKDD 2006: 174-178
220EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Parallel Density-Based Clustering of Complex Objects. PAKDD 2006: 179-188
219EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Ina Müller-Gorman, Arthur Zimek: Finding Hierarchies of Subspace Clusters. PKDD 2006: 446-453
218EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Class Prediction from Time Series Gene Expression Profiles Using Dynamical Systems Kernels. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 547-558
217EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert: Advanced Prototype Machines: Exploring Prototypes for Classification. SDM 2006
216EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Sebastian Böttger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: VGM: visual graph mining. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 733-735
215EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Schubert, Ziyue Zhu: Efficient Query Processing in Arbitrary Subspaces Using Vector Approximations. SSDBM 2006: 184-190
214EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz: Time Series Analysis Using the Concept of Adaptable Threshold Similarity. SSDBM 2006: 251-260
213EEZhao Xu, Volker Tresp, Kai Yu, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Infinite Hidden Relational Models. UAI 2006
212EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Stefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Renz, Matthias Schubert: Komplexe Objektbeschreibungen zur Suche in Multimedia-Datenbanken. Datenbank-Spektrum 19: 32-39 (2006)
211EEShipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Multi-Output Regularized Feature Projection. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(12): 1600-1613 (2006)
210EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Stefan Schönauer: Extending metric index structures for efficient range query processing. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 10(2): 211-227 (2006)
209EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Multi-step density-based clustering. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 9(3): 284-308 (2006)
208 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Measuring the Quality of Approximated Clusterings. BTW 2005: 415-424
207 Stefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Efficient Similarity Search on Vector Sets. BTW 2005: 425-443
206EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Efficient and effective server-sided distributed clustering. CIKM 2005: 339-340
205EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Multi-represented kNN-Classification for Large Class Sets. DASFAA 2005: 511-522
204EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Distributed Intersection Join of Complex Interval Sequences. DASFAA 2005: 748-760
203EEElke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger: Online Hierarchical Clustering in a Data Warehouse Environment. ICDM 2005: 10-17
202EEYi Huang, Kai Yu, Matthias Schubert, Shipeng Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Hierarchy-Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing. ICDM 2005: 178-185
201EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Matthias Renz, Sebastian Wurst: A Generic Framework for Efficient Subspace Clustering of High-Dimensional Data. ICDM 2005: 250-257
200EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Effective and Efficient Distributed Model-Based Clustering. ICDM 2005: 258-265
199EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Hierarchical Density-Based Clustering of Uncertain Data. ICDM 2005: 689-692
198EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Shortest-Path Kernels on Graphs. ICDM 2005: 74-81
197 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Efficient Join Processing for Complex Rasterized Objects. ICEIS 2005: 20-30
196EEZhao Xu, Volker Tresp, Kai Yu, Shipeng Yu, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Dirichlet enhanced relational learning. ICML 2005: 1004-1011
195EEKarsten M. Borgwardt, Cheng Soon Ong, Stefan Schönauer, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Alexander J. Smola, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Protein function prediction via graph kernels. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 47-56
194EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Density-based clustering of uncertain data. KDD 2005: 672-677
193EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Database Support for Haptic Exploration in Very Large Virtual Environments. MMM 2005: 352-357
192EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Approximated Clustering of Distributed High-Dimensional Data. PAKDD 2005: 432-441
191EEShipeng Yu, Kai Yu, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: A Probabilistic Clustering-Projection Model for Discrete Data. PKDD 2005: 417-428
190 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Clustering Moving Objects via Medoid Clusterings. SSDBM 2005: 153-162
189 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Fuzzy Decomposition of Spatially Extended Objects. SSDBM 2005: 293-296
188EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Petra Linhart: Selectivity Estimation of High Dimensional Window Queries via Clustering. SSTD 2005: 1-18
187EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Marco Pötke: Accurate and Efficient Similarity Search on 3D Objects Using Point Sampling, Redundancy, and Proportionality. SSTD 2005: 200-217
186 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl, Jost Enderle: Object-Relational Spatial Indexing. Spatial Databases 2005: 49-80
185EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Statistic Driven Acceleration of Object-Relational Space-Partitioning Index Structures. DASFAA 2004: 169-183
184EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: A Cost Model for Spatial Intersection Queries on RI-Trees. DASFAA 2004: 331-338
183 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert: Classification of Websites as Sets of Feature Vectors. Databases and Applications 2004: 127-132
182 Eshref Januzaj, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: A Quality Measure for Distributed Clustering. Databases and Applications 2004: 133-138
181 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Effective Decompositioning of Complex Spatial Objects into Intervals. Databases and Applications 2004: 19-24
180EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Schönauer, Thomas Seidl: Efficient Similarity Search for Hierarchical Data in Large Databases. EDBT 2004: 676-693
179EEEshref Januzaj, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: DBDC: Density Based Distributed Clustering. EDBT 2004: 88-105
178EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Object-relational management of complex geographical objects. GIS 2004: 109-117
177EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Schönauer, Thomas Seidl: Efficient Similarity Search in Large Databases of Tree Structured Objects. ICDE 2004: 835-836
176EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Martin Pfeifle, Maximilian Viermetz, Marco Pötke: BOSS: Browsing OPTICS-Plots for Similarity Search. ICDE 2004: 858
175EEChristian Baumgartner, Claudia Plant, Karin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger: Subspace Selection for Clustering High-Dimensional Data. ICDM 2004: 11-18
174EEChristian Böhm, Karin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger: Density Connected Clustering with Local Subspace Preferences. ICDM 2004: 27-34
173EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Efficient Density-Based Clustering of Complex Objects. ICDM 2004: 43-50
172EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Schönauer: Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple Representations. KES 2004: 982-988
171EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Clustering Multi-represented Objects with Noise. PAKDD 2004: 394-403
170EEEshref Januzaj, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle: Scalable Density-Based Distributed Clustering. PKDD 2004: 231-244
169EEPeer Kröger, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Karin Kailing: Density-Connected Subspace Clustering for High-Dimensional Data. SDM 2004
168EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Alexey Pryakhin, Matthias Schubert: Using Support Vector Machines for Classifying Large Sets of Multi-Represented Objects. SDM 2004
167EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Martin Pfeifle: Visually Mining through Cluster Hierarchies. SDM 2004
166EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Efficient Query Processing on Relational Data-Partitioning Index Structures. SSDBM 2004: 119-122
165EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Spatial Join for High-Resolution Objects. SSDBM 2004: 151-160
164EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert: Accurate and Efficient Crawling for Relevant Websites. VLDB 2004: 396-407
163 Stefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Der virtualle Prototyp: Datenbankunterstützung für CAD-Anwendungen. Datenbank-Spektrum 10(9): 22-29 (2004)
162 Christian Böhm, Karin Kailing, Peer Kröger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Immer größere und komplexere Datenmengen: Herausforderungen für Clustering-Algorithmen. Datenbank-Spektrum 9: 11-17 (2004)
161EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Stefan Schönauer: Similarity Search in Biological and Engineering Databases. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 27(4): 37-44 (2004)
160EEKai Yu, Anton Schwaighofer, Volker Tresp, Xiaowei Xu, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Probabilistic Memory-Based Collaborative Filtering. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(1): 56-69 (2004)
159EEKai Yu, Wei-Ying Ma, Volker Tresp, Zhao Xu, Xiaofei He, HongJiang Zhang, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Knowing a tree from the forest: art image retrieval using a society of profiles. ACM Multimedia 2003: 622-631
158EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: The Paradigm of Relational Indexing: a Survey. BTW 2003: 285-304
157EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Matthias Renz, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Data Management for Virtual Product Development. Computer Science in Perspective 2003: 216-230
156EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Query Processing for High Resolutions. DASFAA 2003: 17-26
155EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Zahi Mashael, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Effective Similarity Search on Voxelized CAD Object. DASFAA 2003: 27-
154EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Irina Gotlibovich: Incremental OPTICS: Efficient Computation of Updates in a Hierarchical Cluster Ordering. DaWaK 2003: 224-233
153EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Schönauer: Similarity Search in Structured Data. DaWaK 2003: 309-319
152 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Efficient Query Processing on the Relational Quadtree. GeoInfo 2003
151 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz, Petra-Maria Strauß: Stochastic Driven Relational R-Tree. GeoInfo 2003
150EEKarin Kailing, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Stefanie Wanka: Ranking Interesting Subspaces for Clustering High Dimensional Data. PKDD 2003: 241-252
149EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Brecheisen, Peer Kröger, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Schubert: Using Sets of Feature Vectors for Similarity Search on Voxelized CAD Objects. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 587-598
148EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz: Acceleration of Relational Index Structures Based on Statistics. SSDBM 2003: 258-261
147EEKai Yu, Xiaowei Xu, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Feature Weighting and Instance Selection for Collaborative Filtering: An Information-Theoretic Approach*. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 201-224 (2003)
146EEKai Yu, Xiaowei Xu, Anton Schwaighofer, Volker Tresp, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Removing redundancy and inconsistency in memory-based collaborative filtering. CIKM 2002: 52-59
145EEChristian Böhm, Florian Krebs, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Optimal Dimension Order: A Generic Technique for the Similarity Join. DaWaK 2002: 135-149
144EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert: Web site mining: a new way to spot competitors, customers and suppliers in the world wide web. KDD 2002: 249-258
143EEKai Yu, Xiaowei Xu, Jianjua Tao, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Instance Selection Techniques for Memory-based Collaborative Filtering. SDM 2002
142EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: A Cost Model for Interval Intersection Queries on RI-Trees. SSDBM 2002: 131-141
141EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Optimale Dimensionswahl bei der Bearbeitung des Similarity Join. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 17(2): 68-76 (2002)
140 Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Combining Approximation Techniques and Vector Quantization for Adaptable Similarity Search. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 19(2): 207-230 (2002)
139 Remco C. Veltkamp, Hans Burkhardt, Hans-Peter Kriegel: State-of-the-Art in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval [Dagstuhl Seminar, 5-10 December 1999] Kluwer 2001
138 Kai Yu, Xiaowei Xu, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Selecting Relevant Instances for Efficient and Accurate Collaborative Filtering. CIKM 2001: 239-246
137EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Determining the Convex Hull in Large Multidimensional Databases. DaWaK 2001: 294-306
136EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Adaptable Similarity Search Using Vector Quantization. DaWaK 2001: 317-327
135EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: A Cost Model and Index Architecture for the Similarity Join. ICDE 2001: 411-420
134 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Müller, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: DIVE: Database Integration for Virtual Engineering. ICDE Demo Sessions 2001: 15-16
133EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Daniel A. Keim, Florian Krebs, Hans-Peter Kriegel: On Optimizing Nearest Neighbor Queries in High-Dimensional Data Spaces. ICDT 2001: 435-449
132EEChristian Böhm, Bernhard Braunmüller, Florian Krebs, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Epsilon Grid Order: An Algorithm for the Similarity Join on Massive High-Dimensional Data. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 379-388
131EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Müller, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Data Management for Computer Aided Design. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 614
130EEMarkus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Jörg Sander: Data Bubbles: Quality Preserving Performance Boosting for Hierarchical Clustering. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 79-90
129EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Interval Sequences: An Object-Relational Approach to Manage Spatial Data. SSTD 2001: 481-501
128EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Object-Relational Indexing for General Interval Relationships. SSTD 2001: 522-542
127EEBernhard Braunmüller, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Multiple Similarity Queries: A Basic DBMS Operation for Mining in Metric Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(1): 79-95 (2001)
126EEChristian Böhm, Bernhard Braunmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert: Efficient Similarity Search in Digital Libraries. ADL 2000: 193-206
125EEChristian Böhm, Bernhard Braunmüller, Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel: High Performance Clustering Based on the Similarity Join. CIKM 2000: 298-305
124EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Xiaowei Xu: Optimal Multidimensional Query Processing Using Tree Striping. DaWaK 2000: 244-257
123EEChristian Böhm, Bernhard Braunmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The Pruning Power: Theory and Heuristics for Mining Databases with Multiple k-Nearest-Neighbor Queries. DaWaK 2000: 372-381
122EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Dynamically Optimizing High-Dimensional Index Structures. EDBT 2000: 36-50
121EEBernhard Braunmüller, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Efficiently Supporting Multiple Similarity Queries for Mining in Metric Databases. ICDE 2000: 256-267
120EEMartin Ester, Jörn Kohlhammer, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The DC-Tree: A Fully Dynamic Index Structure for Data Warehouses. ICDE 2000: 379-388
119EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, H. V. Jagadish, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Independent Quantization: An Index Compression Technique for High-Dimensional Data Spaces. ICDE 2000: 577-588
118EEMihael Ankerst, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Towards an effective cooperation of the user and the computer for classification. KDD 2000: 179-188
117EEMarkus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Fast Hierarchical Clustering Based on Compressed Data and OPTICS. PKDD 2000: 232-242
116EEMarkus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Raymond T. Ng, Jörg Sander: LOF: Identifying Density-Based Local Outliers. SIGMOD Conference 2000: 93-104
115EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Managing Intervals Efficiently in Object-Relational Databases. VLDB 2000: 407-418
114 Martin Ester, Alexander Frommelt, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Spatial Data Mining: Database Primitives, Algorithms and Efficient DBMS Support. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 4(2/3): 193-216 (2000)
113EEStefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Indexing the Solution Space: A New Technique for Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Space. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(1): 45- (2000)
112 Christian Böhm, Stefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Urs Michel: Multidimensional Index Structures in Relational Databases. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 15(1): 51-70 (2000)
111 Martin Ester, Stefan Grundlach, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Database Primitives for Spatial Data Mining. BTW 1999: 137-150
110 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Databases. DAGM-Symposium 1999: 1-14
109EEChristian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Efficient Bulk Loading of Large High-Dimensional Indexes. DaWaK 1999: 251-260
108EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Urs Michel: Implementation of Multidimensional Index Structures for Knowledge Discovery in Relational Databases. DaWaK 1999: 261-270
107 Mihael Ankerst, Gabi Kastenmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Nearest Neighbor Classification in 3D Protein Databases. ISMB 1999: 34-43
106EEMihael Ankerst, Christian Elsen, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Visual Classification: An Interactive Approach to Decision Tree Construction. KDD 1999: 392-396
105EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Databases. KI 1999: 61-74
104 Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Raymond T. Ng, Jörg Sander: OPTICS-OF: Identifying Local Outliers. PKDD 1999: 262-270
103EEMihael Ankerst, Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 49-60
102EEMihael Ankerst, Gabi Kastenmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: 3D Shape Histograms for Similarity Search and Classification in Spatial Databases. SSD 1999: 207-226
101EEChristian Böhm, Gerald Klump, Hans-Peter Kriegel: XZ-Ordering: A Space-Filling Curve for Objects with Spatial Extension. SSD 1999: 75-90
100 Thomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Adaptable Similarity Search in Large Image Databases. State-of-the-Art in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval 1999: 297-317
99 Xiaowei Xu, Jochen Jäger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: A Fast Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Spatial Databases. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 3(3): 263-290 (1999)
98 Mihael Ankerst, Christian Elsen, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Perception-Based Classification. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(4): (1999)
97EERolf Backofen, François Bry, Peter Clote, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl, Klaus U. Schulz: Bioinformatik - Aktuelles Schlagwort. Informatik Spektrum 22(5): 376-378 (1999)
96EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Improving the Query Performance of High-Dimensional Index Structures by Bulk-Load Operations. EDBT 1998: 216-230
95 Thomas Seidl, Gabi Kastenmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Similarity Search in 3D Protein Databases. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1998
94EEStefan Berchtold, Bernhard Ertl, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Space. ICDE 1998: 209-218
93EEXiaowei Xu, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: A Distribution-Based Clustering Algorithm for Mining in Large Spatial Databases. ICDE 1998: 324-331
92 Martin Ester, Alexander Frommelt, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Algorithms for Characterization and Trend Detection in Spatial Databases. KDD 1998: 44-50
91 Stefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke: Database Support for Concurrent Digital Mock-up. PROLAMAT 1998: 499-510
90EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The Pyramid-Technique: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 142-153
89EEThomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Optimal Multi-Step k-Nearest Neighbor Search. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 154-165
88EEMihael Ankerst, Bernhard Braunmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Improving Adaptable Similarity Query Processing by Using Approximations. VLDB 1998: 206-217
87EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander, Michael Wimmer, Xiaowei Xu: Incremental Clustering for Mining in a Data Warehousing Environment. VLDB 1998: 323-333
86 Jörg Sander, Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Xiaowei Xu: Density-Based Clustering in Spatial Databases: The Algorithm GDBSCAN and Its Applications. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 2(2): 169-194 (1998)
85 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Approximation-Based Similarity Search for 3-D Surface Segments. GeoInformatica 2(2): 113-147 (1998)
84EEMihael Ankerst, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: A Multistep Approach for Shape Similarity Search in Image Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(6): 996-1004 (1998)
83 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander, Xiaowei Xu: Clustering for Mining in Large Spatial Databases. KI 12(1): 18-24 (1998)
82 Stefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Section Coding: Ein Verfahren zur Ähnlichkeitssuche in CAD-Datenbanken. BTW 1997: 152-171
81 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander, Xiaowei Xu: Density-Connected Sets and their Application for Trend Detection in Spatial Databases. KDD 1997: 10-15
80EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: A Cost Model For Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Data Space. PODS 1997: 78-86
79EEStefan Berchtold, Christian Böhm, Bernhard Braunmüller, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Fast Parallel Similarity Search in Multimedia Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 1-12
78EEStefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel: S3: Similarity Search in CAD Database Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 564-567
77EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Schmidt, Thomas Seidl: 3D Similarity Search by Shape Approximation. SSD 1997: 11-28
76EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander: Spatial Data Mining: A Database Approach. SSD 1997: 47-66
75EEThomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Efficient User-Adaptable Similarity Search in Large Multimedia Databases. VLDB 1997: 506-515
74EEStefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval. VLDB J. 6(4): 333-348 (1997)
73 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Wirth: Feature Based Classification of Protein Docking Sites: An Algorithm for Large Databases and Experimental Results. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1996: 193-196
72EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Parallel Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-trees. ICDE 1996: 258-265
71 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jörg Sander, Xiaowei Xu: A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise. KDD 1996: 226-231
70EEStefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The X-tree : An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data VLDB 1996: 28-39
69EEDaniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Visualization Techniques for Mining Large Databases: A Comparison. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(6): 923-938 (1996)
68 Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, A. Braun: Measuring the Complexity of Polygonal Objects. ACM-GIS 1995: 109-
67 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Visualisierungstechniken zur Exploration und Analyse sehr großer Datenbanken. BTW 1995: 262-281
66 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl, Xiaowei Xu: Formbasierte Suche nach komplementären 3D-Oberflächen in einer Protein-Datenbank. BTW 1995: 373-382
65EEDaniel A. Keim, Mihael Ankerst, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Recursive Pattern: A Technique for Visualizing Very Large Amounts of Data. IEEE Visualization 1995: 279-
64 Thomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Solvent Accessible Surface Representation in a Database System for Protein Docking. ISMB 1995: 350-358
63 Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Xiaowei Xu: A Database Interface for Clustering in Large Spatial Databases. KDD 1995: 94-99
62EEDaniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: VisDB: A System for Visualizing Large Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 482
61EEThomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: A 3D Molecular Surface Representation Supporting Neighborhood Queries. SSD 1995: 240-258
60EEMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Xiaowei Xu: Knowledge Discovery in Large Spatial Databases: Focusing Techniques for Efficient Class Identification. SSD 1995: 67-82
59 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Possibilities and Limits in Visualizing Large Databases. VDB 1995: 203-214
58 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Miethsam: Query Translation Supporting the Migration of Legacy Databases into Cooperative Information Systems. CoopIS 1994: 203-214
57EEDaniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Supporting Data Mining of Large Databases by Visual Feedback Queries. ICDE 1994: 302-313
56 Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Approximations for a Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins. IGIS 1994: 25-34
55EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 197-208
54EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: GENESYS: A System for Efficient Spatial Query Processing. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 519
53EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The Impact of Global Clustering on Spatial Database Systems. VLDB 1994: 168-179
52 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Thomas Brinkhoff: Potentials for Improving Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems (article invité). BDA 1993: 11-
51 Thomas Brinkhoff, Holger Horn, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider: Eine Speicher- und Zugriffsarchitektur zur effizienten Anfragebearbeitung in Geo-Datenbanksystemen. BTW 1993: 356-374
50 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Miethsam: Object-Oriented Querying of Existing Relations Databases. DEXA 1993: 325-336
49 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stephan Heep, Andreas Fahldiek, Norbert Mysliwitz: Query Processing of Geometric Objects with Free Form Boundaries in Spatial Datbases. DEXA 1993: 349-360
48EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider: Comparison of Approximations of Complex Objects Used for Approximation-based Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems. ICDE 1993: 40-49
47 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Visual Feedback in Querying Large Databases. IEEE Visualization 1993: 158-165
46 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Miethsam: Integration of Relational Databases in a Multidatabase System based on Schema Enrichment. RIDE-IMS 1993: 96-104
45EEThomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-Trees. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 237-246
44EEThomas Brinkhoff, Holger Horn, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider: A Storage and Access Architecture for Efficient Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems. SSD 1993: 357-376
43EEMichael Schiwietz, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Query Processing of Spatial Objects: Complexity versus Redundancy. SSD 1993: 377-396
42EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Stephan Heep, Andreas Fahldiek, Norbert Mysliwitz: Handling geometric objects with free form curves in spatial databases. Solid Modeling and Applications 1993: 471-472
41 Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Using Visualization to Support Data Mining of Large Existing Databases. Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization 1993: 210-229
40EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Brinkhoff, Ralf Schneider: Efficient Spatial Query Processing in Geographic Database Systems. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(3): 10-15 (1993)
39 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Holger Horn, Michael Schiwietz: The Performance of Object Decomposition Techniques for Spatial Query Processing. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms 1992: 104-123
38 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Brinkhoff, Ralf Schneider: The Combination of Spatial Access Methods and Computational Geometry in Geographic Database Systems. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms 1992: 70-86
37 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Heep, Stephan Heep, Michael Schiwietz, Ralf Schneider: A Flexible and Extensible Index Manager for Spatial Database Systems. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms 1992: 87-103
36 Holger Horn, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Zeitversionen geometrischer Szenen in Datenbanksystemen. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1992: 71-77
35 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Heep, Stephan Heep, Michael Schiwietz, Ralf Schneider: A Flexible and Extensible Index Manager for Spatial Database Systems. DEXA 1991: 179-184
34 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Heep, Holger Horn: Ein zerlegungsbasierter Anfrageprozessor für Geo-Objekte und sein Leistungsverhalten. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1991: 70-72
33 Hans-Peter Kriegel: Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems. New Results and New Trends in Computer Science 1991: 172-191
32EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Holger Horn, Michael Schiwietz: The Performance of Object Decomposition Techniques for Spatial Query Processing. SSD 1991: 257-276
31EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Brinkhoff, Ralf Schneider: Combination of Spatial Access Methods and Computational Geometry in Geographic Database Systems. SSD 1991: 5-21
30 Ralf Schneider, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The TR*-Tree: A New Representation of Polygonal Objects Supporting Spatial Queries and Operations. Workshop on Computational Geometry 1991: 249-263
29 Bernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Design, Implementation and Performance Comparison of the Buddy-Tree. DEXA 1990: 203-207
28 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Heep, Ralf Schneider: Homogene Triangulation von Polygonen und deren Einbettung in einen Anfrageprozessor für Raumobjekte. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1990: 53-54
27 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Michael Schiwietz: Eine effiziente und robuste Zugriffsstruktur für große Mengen polygonaler Objekte. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1990: 55-56
26 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider: Entwurf eines Bioindikations-Datenbanksystems. Informatik für den Umweltschutz 1990: 17-26
25EENorbert Beckmann, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: The R*-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 322-331
24EEBernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The Buddy-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Spatial Data Base Systems. VLDB 1990: 590-601
23 Ralf Schneider, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger, Stephan Heep: Retrieving of Parts with Geometric Similarity. FODO 1989: 241-245
22 Andreas Becker, Axel Bücker, Redelf Janßen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Klaus Matthes, Walter F. Henschel: Ein System zur postoperativen Erfassung von Narkoseprotokollen. GI Jahrestagung (2) 1989: 688-703
21 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Michael Schiwietz, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: Effiziente Punkt- und Raumzugriffsstrukturen für Geo-Datenbanksysteme - Ein Leistungsvergleich. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1989
20EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Michael Schiwietz: Performance Comparison of Point and Spatial Access Methods. SSD 1989: 89-114
19EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Multidimensional quantile hashing is very efficient for nonuniform distributions. Inf. Sci. 48(2): 99-117 (1989)
18EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: PLOP-Hashing: A Grid File without Directory. ICDE 1988: 369-376
17 Stephan Heep, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: Konzepte zur Suche geometrisch ähnlicher Bauteile. Non-Standard Datenbanken für Anwendungen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung 1988: 166-183
16 Bernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Spatial Access Methods based on Dynamic Hashing. Non-Standard Datenbanken für Anwendungen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung 1988: 22-36
15EEBernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods. VLDB 1988: 360-371
14EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Multidimensional Dynamic Quantile Hashing is Very Efficient for Non-Uniform Record Distributions. ICDE 1987: 10-17
13EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Multidimensional Order Preserving Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions. ICDT 1986: 203-220
12 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Rita Mannss, Mark H. Overmars: The Inverted File Tree Machine: Efficient Multi-Key Retrieval for VLSI. FODO 1985: 279-291
11EEHans-Peter Kriegel: Performance Comparison of Index Structures for Multi-Key Retrieval. SIGMOD Conference 1984: 186-196
10 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Y. S. Kwong: Insertion-Safeness in Balanced Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 16(5): 259-264 (1983)
9 Armin B. Cremers, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Theoretical Computer Science, 6th GI-Conference, Dortmund, Germany, January 5-7, 1983, Proceedings Springer 1982
8 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Vijay K. Vaishnavi: Weighted Multidimensional B-trees Used as Nearly Optimal Dynamic Dictionaries. MFCS 1981: 410-417
7 Ralf Hartmut Güting, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Dynamic k-Dimensional Multiway Search under Time-Varying Access Frequencies. Theoretical Computer Science 1981: 135-145
6 Ralf Hartmut Güting, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Multidimensional B-tree: An Efficient Dynamic File Structure for Exact Match Queries. GI Jahrestagung 1980: 375-388
5 Vijay K. Vaishnavi, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Derick Wood: Optimum Multiway Search Trees. Acta Inf. 14: 119-133 (1980)
4EEVijay K. Vaishnavi, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Derick Wood: Space and time optimal algorithms for a class of rectangle intersection problems. Inf. Sci. 21(1): 59-67 (1980)
3 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Ottmann: Left-Fitting Translations. ICALP 1977: 309-322
2 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Hermann A. Maurer: Formal Translations and Szilard Languages Information and Control 30(2): 187-198 (1976)
1 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Hermann A. Maurer: Formal translations and the containment problem for Szilard languages. Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1975: 233-238

Coauthor Index

1Elke Achtert [203] [212] [219] [221] [225] [243] [244] [254] [258] [279]
2Mihael Ankerst [65] [84] [88] [98] [102] [103] [106] [107] [118]
3Johannes Aßfalg [187] [214] [232] [233] [236] [239] [240] [246] [252] [264] [267] [272] [274] [281]
4Rolf Backofen [97]
5Christian Baumgartner [175]
6Andreas Becker [22]
7Norbert Beckmann [25]
8Stefan Berchtold [70] [74] [78] [79] [80] [82] [90] [91] [94] [96] [108] [112] [113] [119] [124] [133] [257]
9Thomas Bernecker [259] [277] [281]
10Christian Böhm [79] [80] [90] [96] [101] [108] [109] [112] [119] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [132] [133] [135] [136] [137] [140] [141] [145] [162] [174] [188] [203] [212] [219] [225] [243] [244] [254]
11Karsten M. Borgwardt [195] [198] [216] [218] [226] [230] [239] [241] [245] [248] [266]
12Sebastian Böttger [216]
13A. Braun [68]
14Bernhard Braunmüller [79] [88] [121] [123] [125] [126] [127] [132]
15Stefan Brecheisen [149] [163] [167] [173] [176] [207] [209] [212] [220] [228] [234] [235]
16Markus M. Breunig [103] [104] [116] [117] [125] [130]
17Thomas Brinkhoff [31] [38] [40] [44] [45] [48] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [68] [72]
18François Bry (François Bry-Haußer) [97]
19Axel Bücker [22]
20Hans Burkhardt [139]
21Benjamin Bustos [257]
22Andreas Butz [249]
23Peter Clote [97]
24Armin B. Cremers [9]
25Christian Elsen [98] [106]
26Jost Enderle [186]
27Bernhard Ertl [94]
28Martin Ester [60] [63] [66] [71] [73] [76] [81] [83] [86] [87] [92] [93] [98] [105] [106] [110] [111] [114] [118] [120] [121] [127] [138] [143] [144] [147] [164]
29Andreas Fahldiek [42] [49]
30Alexander Frommelt [92] [114]
31Huaien Gao [251]
32Zoubin Ghahramani [266]
33Jing Gong [274]
34Irina Gotlibovich [154]
35Arthur Gretton [226]
36Michael Gruber [235]
37Stefan Grundlach [111]
38Ralf Hartmut Güting [6] [7]
39Xiaofei He [159]
40Peter Heep [28] [34] [35] [37]
41Stephan Heep [17] [23] [35] [37] [42] [49]
42Walter F. Henschel [22]
43Otmar Hilliges [249]
44Holger Horn [32] [34] [36] [39] [44] [51]
45Yi Huang [202]
46Christian Hübler [266]
47H. V. Jagadish [119]
48Jochen Jäger [99]
49Redelf Janßen [22]
50Eshref Januzaj [170] [179] [182]
51Karin Kailing [150] [162] [169] [171] [172] [174] [175] [177] [180] [210]
52Gabi Kastenmüller [95] [102] [107]
53Michael Kats [272]
54Alexander Katzdobler [278]
55Daniel A. Keim [41] [46] [47] [50] [57] [58] [59] [62] [65] [67] [69] [70] [74] [79] [80] [82] [94] [113] [124] [133] [257]
56Gerald Klump [101]
57Jörn Kohlhammer [120]
58Florian Krebs [132] [133] [145]
59Peer Kröger [130] [149] [150] [154] [155] [162] [167] [168] [169] [174] [175] [176] [187] [188] [200] [201] [203] [214] [215] [219] [223] [225] [232] [233] [236] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [250] [252] [254] [255] [260] [261] [264] [267] [268] [270] [271] [273] [275] [276] [278] [279] [280] [281]
60Peter Kunath [148] [151] [152] [163] [165] [166] [178] [181] [185] [192] [193] [197] [204] [212] [214] [223] [228] [231] [232] [233] [234] [236] [238] [240] [242] [249] [250] [252] [253] [256] [263] [264] [267] [268] [269] [272]
61Y. S. Kwong [10]
62Petra Linhart [188]
63Wei-Ying Ma [159]
64Rita Mannss [12]
65Zahi Mashael [155]
66Klaus Matthes [22]
67Hermann A. Maurer [1] [2]
68Urs Michel [108] [112]
69Andreas Miethsam [46] [50] [58]
70Andreas Müller [131] [134]
71Ina Müller-Gorman [219] [254]
72Norbert Mysliwitz [42] [49]
73Raymond T. Ng [104] [116]
74Cheng Soon Ong [195]
75Thomas Ottmann [3]
76Mark H. Overmars [12]
77Tobias Petri [248]
78Martin Pfeifle [142] [148] [149] [151] [152] [155] [156] [157] [158] [161] [163] [165] [166] [167] [170] [173] [176] [178] [179] [181] [182] [184] [185] [186] [189] [190] [192] [193] [194] [197] [199] [204] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [220] [231] [238]
79Claudia Plant [175]
80Marco Pötke [91] [115] [128] [129] [131] [134] [142] [155] [156] [157] [158] [176] [184] [186] [187]
81Alexey Pryakhin [168] [171] [200] [205] [212] [214] [221] [222] [223] [228] [229] [232] [233] [234] [236] [240] [241] [246] [249] [252] [263] [264] [267] [269] [271] [272] [273] [274]
82Malte J. Rasch [226]
83Matthias Renz [148] [151] [152] [157] [163] [165] [166] [178] [181] [185] [192] [193] [197] [201] [204] [212] [214] [231] [232] [233] [236] [238] [240] [242] [250] [252] [253] [256] [259] [261] [262] [264] [267] [268] [270] [271] [273] [277] [278] [279] [280] [281]
84Jörg Sander [71] [76] [81] [83] [86] [87] [92] [93] [103] [104] [105] [110] [111] [114] [116] [117] [119] [121] [127] [130]
85Michael Schiwietz [20] [21] [27] [32] [35] [37] [39] [43]
86Thomas Schmidt [77]
87Tim Schmidt [250] [261] [268]
88Ralf Schneider [17] [21] [23] [25] [26] [28] [30] [31] [35] [37] [38] [40] [44] [48] [51] [52] [54] [55] [68]
89Bernhard Schölkopf [226]
90Stefan Schönauer [153] [161] [172] [177] [180] [195] [210]
91Erich Schubert [260] [276]
92Matthias Schubert [126] [144] [149] [164] [168] [171] [183] [200] [202] [205] [212] [215] [217] [221] [222] [229] [235] [241] [246] [262] [263] [265] [269]
93Klaus U. Schulz [97]
94Anton Schwaighofer [146] [160]
95Bernhard Seeger [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [23] [24] [25] [29] [45] [54] [55] [72]
96Thomas Seidl [47] [57] [61] [64] [66] [75] [77] [84] [85] [88] [89] [94] [95] [97] [100] [102] [107] [113] [115] [128] [129] [131] [134] [136] [140] [142] [155] [156] [157] [158] [177] [180] [184] [186]
97Alexander J. Smola (Alex J. Smola) [195] [226]
98Rudolf Sollacher [251]
99Petra-Maria Strauß [151]
100Jianjua Tao [143]
101Volker Tresp [146] [159] [160] [191] [196] [202] [211] [213] [224] [227] [237] [247]
102Vijay K. Vaishnavi [4] [5] [8]
103Remco C. Veltkamp [139]
104Maximilian Viermetz [176]
105S. V. N. Vishwanathan (Vishy Vishwanathan) [195] [218] [248]
106Florian Vorberger [234]
107Peter Wackersreuther [230]
108Stefanie Wanka [150]
109Tiandi Wei [274]
110Michael Wimmer [87]
111Stefan Wirth [73]
112Derick Wood [4] [5]
113Mingrui Wu [224]
114Sebastian Wurst [201]
115Xiaowei Xu [60] [63] [66] [71] [81] [83] [86] [87] [93] [99] [124] [138] [143] [146] [147] [160]
116Zhao Xu [159] [196] [213] [247]
117Kai Yu [138] [143] [146] [147] [159] [160] [191] [196] [202] [211] [213] [224] [227] [237] [247]
118Shipeng Yu [191] [196] [202] [211] [224] [227] [237] [247]
119HongJiang Zhang (Hong-Jiang Zhang) [159]
120Andrew Zherdin [273]
121Ziyue Zhu [215]
122Arthur Zimek [219] [225] [229] [241] [243] [244] [254] [255] [258] [260] [265] [274] [275] [276]
123Andreas Züfle [262] [277] [278] [279]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)