
Jörn Kohlhammer

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9EETatiana Tekusova, Jörn Kohlhammer, Slawomir J. Skwarek, Galina V. Paramei: Perception of direction changes in animated data visualization. APGV 2008: 205
8EEThorsten May, Jörn Kohlhammer: Visual Verification of Hypotheses. ISVC (2) 2008: 31-42
7EEThorsten May, Jörn Kohlhammer: Towards closing the analysis gap: Visual generation of decision supporting schemes from raw data. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 911-918 (2008)
6EEKarim Khakzar, Rainer Blum, Jörn Kohlhammer, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Angela Maier, Axel Maier: Interactive Product Visualization for an In-Store Sales Support System for the Clothing Retail. HCI (8) 2007: 307-316
5EETatiana Tekusova, Jörn Kohlhammer: Applying Animation to the Visual Analysis of Financial Time-Dependent Data. IV 2007: 101-108
4EEJörn Kohlhammer, Daniel A. Keim, David S. Ebert: Introduction. Computers & Graphics 31(3): 314-315 (2007)
3EETobias Schreck, Tatiana Tekusova, Jörn Kohlhammer, Dieter W. Fellner: Trajectory-based visual analysis of large financial time series data. SIGKDD Explorations 9(2): 30-37 (2007)
2EEJörn Kohlhammer, David Zeltzer: Towards a visualization architecture for time-critical applications. IUI 2004: 271-273
1EEMartin Ester, Jörn Kohlhammer, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The DC-Tree: A Fully Dynamic Index Structure for Data Warehouses. ICDE 2000: 379-388

Coauthor Index

1Rainer Blum [6]
2David S. Ebert [4]
3Martin Ester [1]
4Dieter W. Fellner [3]
5Arnulph Fuhrmann [6]
6Daniel A. Keim [4]
7Karim Khakzar [6]
8Hans-Peter Kriegel [1]
9Angela Maier [6]
10Axel Maier [6]
11Thorsten May [7] [8]
12Galina V. Paramei [9]
13Tobias Schreck [3]
14Slawomir J. Skwarek [9]
15Tatiana Tekusova [3] [5] [9]
16David Zeltzer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)