Comparison of Approximations of Complex Objects Used for Approximation-based Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems.

Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider: Comparison of Approximations of Complex Objects Used for Approximation-based Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems. ICDE 1993: 40-49
  author    = {Thomas Brinkhoff and
               Hans-Peter Kriegel and
               Ralf Schneider},
  title     = {Comparison of Approximations of Complex Objects Used for Approximation-based
               Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Engineering,
               April 19-23, 1993, Vienna, Austria},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1993},
  isbn      = {0-8186-3570-3},
  pages     = {40-49},
  ee        = {db/conf/icde/BrinkhoffKS93.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icde/93},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1993 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Engineering, April 19-23, 1993, Vienna, Austria. IEEE Computer Society 1993, ISBN 0-8186-3570-3
Contents BibTeX


Norbert Beckmann, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: The R*-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 322-331 BibTeX
Ronald L. Graham: An Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Convex Hull of a Finite Planar Set. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(4): 132-133(1972) BibTeX
Oliver Günther: The Design of the Cell Tree: An Object-Oriented Index Structure for Geometric Databases. ICDE 1989: 598-605 BibTeX
Antonin Guttman: R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching. SIGMOD Conference 1984: 47-57 BibTeX
Erik G. Hoel, Hanan Samet: A Qualitative Comparison Study of Data Structures for Large Line Segment Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 205-214 BibTeX
H. V. Jagadish: Spatial Search with Polyhedra. ICDE 1990: 311-319 BibTeX
Hans-Peter Kriegel, Holger Horn, Michael Schiwietz: The Performance of Object Decomposition Techniques for Spatial Query Processing. SSD 1991: 257-276 BibTeX
Avraham A. Melkman: On-Line Construction of the Convex Hull of a Simple Polyline. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 11-12(1987) BibTeX
Jürg Nievergelt, Hans Hinterberger, Kenneth C. Sevcik: The Grid File: An Adaptable, Symmetric Multikey File Structure. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(1): 38-71(1984) BibTeX
Jack A. Orenstein: Redundancy in Spatial Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 295-305 BibTeX
Mark J. Post: Minimum Spanning Ellipsoids. STOC 1984: 108-116 BibTeX
Hanan Samet: The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures. Addison-Wesley 1990
Michel Scholl, Agnès Voisard: Thematic Map Modeling. SSD 1989: 167-190 BibTeX
Bernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods. VLDB 1988: 360-371 BibTeX
Bernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: The Buddy-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Spatial Data Base Systems. VLDB 1990: 590-601 BibTeX
Raimund Seidel: Linear Programming and Convex Hulls Made Easy. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 211-215 BibTeX
Hans-Werner Six, Peter Widmayer: Spatial Searching in Geometric Databases. ICDE 1988: 496-503 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Weidong Chen, Jyh-Herng Chow, You-Chin Fuh, Jean Grandbois, Michelle Jou, Nelson Mendonça Mattos, Brian T. Tran, Yun Wang: High Level Indexing of User-Defined Types. VLDB 1999: 554-564
  2. Daniel A. Keim: Efficient Geometry-based Similarity Search of 3D Spatial Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 419-430
  3. Miyeon Kim, Sumi Lim, Jangsu Kim: Development of Multi-step Filtering Processor. DASFAA 1999: 169-176
  4. Volker Gaede, Oliver Günther: Multidimensional Access Methods. ACM Comput. Surv. 30(2): 170-231(1998)
  5. Geraldo Zimbrao, Jano Moreira de Souza: A Raster Approximation For Processing of Spatial Joins. VLDB 1998: 558-569
  6. Roger Weber, Hans-Jörg Schek, Stephen Blott: A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in High-Dimensional Spaces. VLDB 1998: 194-205
  7. Mihael Ankerst, Bernhard Braunmüller, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Improving Adaptable Similarity Query Processing by Using Approximations. VLDB 1998: 206-217
  8. Stefan Berchtold, Bernhard Ertl, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Seidl: Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Space. ICDE 1998: 209-218
  9. Hiroyuki Horinokuchi, Botao Wang, Susumu Kuroki, Akifumi Makinouchi: A Spatiotemporal Query Processor Based on Simplicial Representation. ER Workshops 1998: 520-531
  10. Stefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval. VLDB J. 6(4): 333-348(1997)
  11. Dimitris Papadias, Yannis Theodoridis, Timos K. Sellis, Max J. Egenhofer: Topological Relations in the World of Minimum Bounding Rectangles: A Study with R-trees. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 92-103
  12. Jean-Pierre Cheiney, Vincent Oria: Spatial Database Querying with Logic Languages. DASFAA 1995: 342-349
  13. Ralf Hartmut Güting: An Introduction to Spatial Database Systems. VLDB J. 3(4): 357-399(1994)
  14. Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: GENESYS: A System for Efficient Spatial Query Processing. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 519
  15. Thomas Brinkhoff, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, Bernhard Seeger: Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 197-208
  16. Hans-Peter Kriegel, Thomas Brinkhoff, Ralf Schneider: Efficient Spatial Query Processing in Geographic Database Systems. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(3): 10-15(1993)
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