10. CIKM 2001:
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 5-10, 2001.
ACM 2001, ISBN 1-58113-436-3 BibTeX
title = {Proceedings of the 2001 ACM CIKM International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
November 5-10, 2001},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2001},
isbn = {1-58113-436-3},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Session 1:
Similarity Search
Session 2:
Session 3:
Query Processing
Session 4:
Pattern Mining
- Manuel Vilares Ferro, Francisco J. Ribadas, Jorge Graña Gil:
Approximately Common Patterns in Shared-Forests.
73-80 BibTeX
- Helen Pinto, Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, Ke Wang, Qiming Chen, Umeshwar Dayal:
Multi-Dimensional Sequential Pattern Mining.
81-88 BibTeX
- Ke Wang, Yu He, David Wai-Lok Cheung, Francis Y. L. Chin:
Mining Confident Rules Without Support Requirement.
89-96 BibTeX
Session 5:
Text Extraction and Summarization
Session 6:
World Wide Web
- William P. Jones, Harry Bruce, Susan T. Dumais:
Keeping Found Things Found on the Web.
119-126 BibTeX
- Theodora Tsikrika, Mounia Lalmas:
Merging Techniques for Performing Data Fusion on the Web.
127-134 BibTeX
- Mark Hansen, Elizabeth Shriver:
Using navigation Data to Improve IR functions in the Context of Web Search.
135-142 BibTeX
- Dragomir R. Radev, Hong Qi, Zhiping Zheng, Sasha Blair-Goldensohn, Zhu Zhang, Weiguo Fan, John M. Prager:
Mining the Web for Answers to Natural Language Questions.
143-150 BibTeX
Session 7:
Semistructured Data
Session 8:
Distributed Information Retrieval
Session 9:
Query Optimization
Session 10:
Collaborative Filtering and Algorithms
Session 11:
Sequence Mining
Session 12:
Corpus Linguistics
Session 13:
Session 14:
Data Warehouse
Session 15:
String Match and Text Extraction
Session 16:
Session 17:
Similarity Measures
Session 18:
Mobile Computing
- Jiun-Long Huang, Wen-Chih Peng, Ming-Syan Chen:
Binary Interpolation Search for Solution Mapping on Broadcast and On-demand Channels in a Mobile Computing Environment.
434-441 BibTeX
- Subhasish Mazumdar, Mateusz Pietrzyk, Panos K. Chrysanthis:
Caching Constrained Mobile Data.
442-449 BibTeX
- Wai Gen Yee, Edward Omiecinski, Michael J. Donahoo, Shamkant B. Navathe:
Scaling Replica Maintenance In Intermittently Synchronized Mobile Databases.
450-457 BibTeX
- Wen-Chi Hou, Meng Su, Hongyan Zhang, Hong Wang:
An Optimal Construction of Invalidation Reports for Mobile Databases.
458-465 BibTeX
Session 19:
Association Rule Mining
Session 20:
Multimedia Information Processing
Session 1:
Knowledge Management:
Organizing What You Know
- Daniel Alexander Ford, Joann Ruvolo, Stefan Edlund, Jussi Myllymaki, James H. Kaufman, Jared Jackson, Martin Gerlach:
Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections.
520-522 BibTeX
- Hwee-Leng Ong, Ah-Hwee Tan, Jamie Ng, Hong Pan, Qiu-Xiang Li:
FOCI: Flexible Organizer for Competitive Intelligence.
523-525 BibTeX
- Eric W. Brown, Savitha Srinivasan, Anni Coden, Dulce B. Ponceleon, James W. Cooper, Arnon Amir, Jan Pieper:
Towards Speech as a Knowledge Resource.
526-528 BibTeX
Session 2:
Text Summarization and Question Answering
Session 3:
Data Management:
Beyound the Traditional
Session 1:
Data Access and Knowledge Management
- Eike Schallehn, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Gunter Saake:
Advanced Grouping and Aggregation for Data Integration.
547-549 BibTeX
- Ying Xia, Sung-Hee Kim, Sook-Kyoung Cho, Kee-Wook Rim, Hae-Young Bae:
Dynamic Versioning Concurrency Control for Index-Based Data Access in Main Memory Database Systems.
550-552 BibTeX
- SungSuk Kim, SangKeun Lee, Soon Young Jung, Chong-Sun Hwang:
O-PreH: Optimistic Transaction Processing Algorithm based on Pre-Reordering in Hybrid Broadcast Environments.
553-555 BibTeX
- Men Hin Yan, Ada Wai-Chee Fu:
Algorithm for Discovering Multivalued Dependencies.
556-558 BibTeX
- Kesheng Wu, Ekow J. Otoo, Arie Shoshani:
A Performance Comparison of bitmap indexes.
559-561 BibTeX
- Jeanette Bruno:
Faciliating Knowledge Flow through the Enterprise.
562-564 BibTeX
- Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Paolo Massa, Sabrina Recla:
Information Access in Implicit Culture Framework.
565-567 BibTeX
Session 2:
Information Retrieval and Text Mining
- Travis Bauer, David B. Leake:
Real Time User Context Modeling for Information Retrieval Agents.
568-570 BibTeX
- K. Krishna, Raghu Krishnapuram:
A Clustering Algorithm for Asymmetrically Related Data with Applications to Text Mining.
571-573 BibTeX
- Luo Si, James P. Callan:
A Statistical Model for Scientific Readability.
574-576 BibTeX
- King-Lup Liu, Clement T. Yu, Weiyi Meng, Adrian Santoso:
Discovering the Representative of a Search Engine.
577-579 BibTeX
- Arnon Amir, Alon Efrat, Savitha Srinivasan:
Advances in Phonetic Word Spotting.
580-582 BibTeX
- Yongjian Fu, Mario Creado, Chunhua Ju:
Reorganizing Web Sites Based on User Access Patterns.
583-585 BibTeX
- Ronen Feldman, Yonatan Aumann, Yair Liberzon, Kfir Ankori, Yonatan Schler, Binyamin Rosenfeld:
A Domain Independent Environment for Creating Information Extraction Modules.
586-588 BibTeX
- Andrian Marcus, Jonathan I. Maletic, King-Ip Lin:
Ordinal Association Rules for Error Identification in Data Sets.
589-591 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:02:07 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)