2009 |
200 | EE | Arnab Nandi,
H. V. Jagadish:
Qunits: queried units in database search.
CIDR 2009 |
199 | EE | Bin Liu,
H. V. Jagadish:
A Spreadsheet Algebra for a Direct Data Manipulation Query Interface.
ICDE 2009: 417-428 |
2008 |
198 | EE | Bin Cui,
H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Kian-Lee Tan:
Compacting music signatures for efficient music retrieval.
EDBT 2008: 229-240 |
197 | EE | Magesh Jayapandian,
H. V. Jagadish:
Expressive query specification through form customization.
EDBT 2008: 416-427 |
196 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Rajasekar Krishnamurthy,
Sriram Raghavan,
Shivakumar Vaithyanathan,
H. V. Jagadish:
Regular Expression Learning for Information Extraction.
EMNLP 2008: 21-30 |
195 | EE | Nuwee Wiwatwattana,
H. V. Jagadish:
A Query Processing Architecture for an XML Data Warehouse.
ICDE 2008: 1513-1515 |
194 | EE | Adriane Chapman,
H. V. Jagadish:
Provenance and the Price of Identity.
IPAW 2008: 106-119 |
193 | EE | Adriane Chapman,
H. V. Jagadish,
Prakash Ramanan:
Efficient provenance storage.
SIGMOD Conference 2008: 993-1006 |
192 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Rui Zhang:
iDistance Techniques.
Encyclopedia of GIS 2008: 469-471 |
191 | EE | Magesh Jayapandian,
H. V. Jagadish:
Automated creation of a forms-based database query interface.
PVLDB 1(1): 695-709 (2008) |
190 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
The conference reviewing crisis and a proposed solution.
SIGMOD Record 37(3): 40-45 (2008) |
189 | EE | Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
XML schema refinement through redundancy detection and normalization.
VLDB J. 17(2): 203-223 (2008) |
188 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Enabling Schema-Free XQuery with meaningful query focus.
VLDB J. 17(3): 355-377 (2008) |
2007 |
187 | | Yunyao Li,
Ishan Chaudhuri,
Huahai Yang,
Satinder Singh,
H. V. Jagadish:
Enabling Domain-Awareness for a Generic Natural Language Interface.
AAAI 2007: 833-838 |
186 | EE | Yingguang Li,
H. V. Jagadish,
Kian-Lee Tan:
SPRITE: A Learning-Based Text Retrieval System in DHT Networks.
ICDE 2007: 1106-1115 |
185 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish:
SIGOPT: Using Schema to Optimize XML Query Processing.
ICDE 2007: 1456-1460 |
184 | EE | Nuwee Wiwatwattana,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava:
X3: A Cube Operator for XML OLAP.
ICDE 2007: 916-925 |
183 | EE | Arnab Nandi,
H. V. Jagadish:
Assisted querying using instant-response interfaces.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1156-1158 |
182 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Ishan Chaudhuri,
Huahai Yang,
Satinder Singh,
H. V. Jagadish:
DaNaLIX: a domain-adaptive natural language interface for querying XML.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1165-1168 |
181 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Adriane Chapman,
Aaron Elkiss,
Magesh Jayapandian,
Yunyao Li,
Arnab Nandi,
Cong Yu:
Making database systems usable.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 13-24 |
180 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Some Challenges in Integrating Information on Protein Interactions and a Partial Solution.
SSDBM 2007: 17 |
179 | EE | Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Querying Complex Structured Databases.
VLDB 2007: 1010-1021 |
178 | EE | Arnab Nandi,
H. V. Jagadish:
Effective Phrase Prediction.
VLDB 2007: 219-230 |
177 | EE | Michael D. Morse,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish:
Efficient Skyline Computation over Low-Cardinality Domains.
VLDB 2007: 267-278 |
176 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Huahai Yang,
H. V. Jagadish:
NaLIX: A generic natural language search environment for XML data.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 32(4): (2007) |
175 | EE | Adriane Chapman,
H. V. Jagadish:
Issues in Building Practical Provenance Systems.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 30(4): 38-43 (2007) |
174 | EE | Shurug Al-Khalifa,
Bin Liu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Evaluating Universal Quantification in XML.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(11): 1494-1507 (2007) |
173 | EE | Magesh Jayapandian,
Adriane Chapman,
V. Glenn Tarcea,
Cong Yu,
Aaron Elkiss,
Angela Ianni,
Bin Liu,
Arnab Nandi,
Carlos Santos,
Philip Andrews,
Brian Athey,
David J. States,
H. V. Jagadish:
Michigan Molecular Interactions (MiMI): putting the jigsaw puzzle together.
Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 566-571 (2007) |
2006 |
172 | EE | Chee Yong Chan,
H. V. Jagadish,
Kian-Lee Tan,
Anthony K. H. Tung,
Zhenjie Zhang:
On High Dimensional Skylines.
EDBT 2006: 478-495 |
171 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Huahai Yang,
H. V. Jagadish:
Constructing a Generic Natural Language Interface for an XML Database.
EDBT 2006: 737-754 |
170 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
H. V. Jagadish:
The Importance of Algebra for XML Query Processing.
EDBT Workshops 2006: 126-135 |
169 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Huahai Yang,
H. V. Jagadish:
Term Disambiguation in Natural Language Query for XML.
FQAS 2006: 133-146 |
168 | EE | Magesh Jayapandian,
H. V. Jagadish:
Automating the Design and Construction of Query Forms.
ICDE 2006: 125 |
167 | EE | Nuwee Wiwatwattana,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava:
Making Designer Schemas with Colors.
ICDE 2006: 15 |
166 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Quang Hieu Vu,
Rong Zhang,
Aoying Zhou:
VBI-Tree: A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Supporting Multi-Dimensional Indexing Schemes.
ICDE 2006: 34 |
165 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Rajasekar Krishnamurthy,
Shivakumar Vaithyanathan,
H. V. Jagadish:
Getting work done on the web: supporting transactional queries.
SIGIR 2006: 557-564 |
164 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Kian-Lee Tan,
Quang Hieu Vu,
Rong Zhang:
Speeding up search in peer-to-peer networks with a multi-way tree structure.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 1-12 |
163 | EE | Chee Yong Chan,
H. V. Jagadish,
Kian-Lee Tan,
Anthony K. H. Tung,
Zhenjie Zhang:
Finding k-dominant skylines in high dimensional space.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 503-514 |
162 | EE | Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Efficient Discovery of XML Data Redundancies.
VLDB 2006: 103-114 |
161 | EE | Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Schema Summarization.
VLDB 2006: 319-330 |
160 | EE | Sudipto Guha,
H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
Divesh Srivastava,
Ting Yu:
Integrating XML data sources using approximate joins.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(1): 161-207 (2006) |
159 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Heng Tao Shen,
Kian-Lee Tan:
Toward Efficient Multifeature Query Processing.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(2): 350-362 (2006) |
158 | EE | Kanda Runapongsa,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish,
Yun Chen,
Shurug Al-Khalifa:
The Michigan benchmark: towards XML query performance diagnostics.
Inf. Syst. 31(2): 73-97 (2006) |
157 | EE | Shuqiao Guo,
Zhiyong Huang,
H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Zhenjie Zhang:
Relaxed space bounding for moving objects: a case for the buddy tree.
SIGMOD Record 35(4): 24-29 (2006) |
2005 |
156 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
David J. States,
Burkhard Rost:
ISMB 2005.
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 1-2 |
155 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
David J. States,
Burkhard Rost:
ISMB 2005 Organization.
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 3-6 |
154 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Huahai Yang,
H. V. Jagadish:
NaLIX: an interactive natural language interface for querying XML.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 900-902 |
153 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
H. V. Jagadish:
Pattern Tree Algebras: Sets or Sequences?
VLDB 2005: 349-360 |
152 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Quang Hieu Vu:
BATON: A Balanced Tree Structure for Peer-to-Peer Networks.
VLDB 2005: 661-672 |
151 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Kian-Lee Tan,
Cui Yu,
Rui Zhang:
iDistance: An adaptive B+-tree based indexing method for nearest neighbor search.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 30(2): 364-397 (2005) |
150 | EE | Terry Gaasterland,
H. V. Jagadish,
Louiqa Raschid:
Special issue on data management, analysis, and mining for the life sciences.
VLDB J. 14(3): 279-280 (2005) |
2004 |
149 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Raymond T. Ng,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Anthony K. H. Tung:
ItCompress: An Iterative Semantic Compression Algorithm.
ICDE 2004: 646-657 |
148 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Monica Scannapieco,
Divesh Srivastava,
Nuwee Wiwatwattana:
Colorful XML: One Hierarchy Isn't Enough.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 251-262 |
147 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
Yuqing Wu,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
H. V. Jagadish:
Tree Logical Classes for Efficient Evaluation of XQuery.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 71-82 |
146 | EE | Magesh Jayapandian,
Brian D. Noble,
James W. Mickens,
H. V. Jagadish:
Using Delay to Defend Against Database Extraction.
Secure Data Management 2004: 202-218 |
145 | EE | Thodoros Topaloglou,
Susan B. Davidson,
H. V. Jagadish,
Victor M. Markowitz,
Evan W. Steeg,
Mike Tyers:
Biological Data Management: Research, Practice and Opportunities.
VLDB 2004: 1233-1236 |
144 | EE | Yunyao Li,
Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Schema-Free XQuery.
VLDB 2004: 72-83 |
143 | EE | Ting Yu,
Divesh Srivastava,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
H. V. Jagadish:
A compressed accessibility map for XML.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 29(2): 363-402 (2004) |
142 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Frank Olken:
Database Management for Life Sciences Research.
SIGMOD Record 33(2): 15-20 (2004) |
2003 |
141 | EE | Yuqing Wu,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish:
Structural Join Order Selection for XML Query Optimization.
ICDE 2003: 443-454 |
140 | EE | Cinda Heeren,
H. V. Jagadish,
Leonard Pitt:
Optimal indexing using near-minimal space.
PODS 2003: 244-251 |
139 | EE | Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish,
Dragomir R. Radev:
Querying XML using structures and keywords in timber.
SIGIR 2003: 463 |
138 | EE | Shurug Al-Khalifa,
Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Querying Structured Text in an XML Database.
SIGMOD Conference 2003: 4-15 |
137 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
Shurug Al-Khalifa,
Adriane Chapman,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Andrew Nierman,
Jignesh M. Patel,
Divesh Srivastava,
Nuwee Wiwatwattana,
Yuqing Wu,
Cong Yu:
TIMBER: A Native System for Querying XML.
SIGMOD Conference 2003: 672 |
136 | EE | Zhimin Chen,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Stelios Paparizos:
From Tree Patterns to Generalized Tree Patterns: On Efficient Evaluation of XQuery.
VLDB 2003: 237-248 |
135 | EE | Yuqing Wu,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish:
Using histograms to estimate answer sizes for XML queries.
Inf. Syst. 28(1-2): 33-59 (2003) |
134 | EE | Frank Olken,
H. V. Jagadish:
Data Management for Integrative Biology.
OMICS 7(1): 1-2 (2003) |
133 | EE | Adriane Chapman,
Cong Yu,
H. V. Jagadish:
Effective Integration of Protein Data through Better Data Modeling.
OMICS 7(1): 101-102 (2003) |
132 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Frank Olken:
Database Management for Life Science Research: Summary Report of the Workshop on Data Management for Molecular and Cell Biology at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, February 2-3, 2003.
OMICS 7(1): 131-137 (2003) |
2002 |
131 | EE | Shurug Al-Khalifa,
H. V. Jagadish:
Multi-level operator combination in XML query processing.
CIKM 2002: 134-141 |
130 | EE | Yuqing Wu,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish:
Estimating Answer Sizes for XML Queries.
EDBT 2002: 590-608 |
129 | EE | Stelios Paparizos,
Shurug Al-Khalifa,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Andrew Nierman,
Divesh Srivastava,
Yuqing Wu:
Grouping in XML.
EDBT Workshops 2002: 128-147 |
128 | EE | Kanda Runapongsa,
Jignesh M. Patel,
H. V. Jagadish,
Shurug Al-Khalifa:
The Michigan Benchmark: A Microbenchmark for XML Query Processing Systems.
EEXTT 2002: 160-161 |
127 | EE | Shurug Al-Khalifa,
H. V. Jagadish,
Jignesh M. Patel,
Yuqing Wu,
Nick Koudas,
Divesh Srivastava:
Structural Joins: A Primitive for Efficient XML Query Pattern Matching.
ICDE 2002: 141- |
126 | | Cong Yu,
Hong Qi,
H. V. Jagadish:
Integration of IR into an XML Database.
INEX Workshop 2002: 162-169 |
125 | EE | Hui Jin,
H. V. Jagadish:
Indexing Hidden Markov Models for Music Retrieval.
ISMIR 2002 |
124 | EE | Sudipto Guha,
H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
Divesh Srivastava,
Ting Yu:
Approximate XML joins.
SIGMOD Conference 2002: 287-298 |
123 | EE | Ting Yu,
Divesh Srivastava,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
H. V. Jagadish:
Compressed Accessibility Map: Efficient Access Control for XML.
VLDB 2002: 478-489 |
122 | EE | Andrew Nierman,
H. V. Jagadish:
ProTDB: Probabilistic Data in XML.
VLDB 2002: 646-657 |
121 | EE | Andrew Nierman,
H. V. Jagadish:
Evaluating Structural Similarity in XML Documents.
WebDB 2002: 61-66 |
120 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Shurug Al-Khalifa,
Adriane Chapman,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Andrew Nierman,
Stelios Paparizos,
Jignesh M. Patel,
Divesh Srivastava,
Nuwee Wiwatwattana,
Yuqing Wu,
Cong Yu:
TIMBER: A native XML database.
VLDB J. 11(4): 274-291 (2002) |
2001 |
119 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava,
Keith Thompson:
TAX: A Tree Algebra for XML.
DBPL 2001: 149-164 |
118 | EE | Zhiyuan Chen,
H. V. Jagadish,
Flip Korn,
Nick Koudas,
S. Muthukrishnan,
Raymond T. Ng,
Divesh Srivastava:
Counting Twig Matches in a Tree.
ICDE 2001: 595-604 |
117 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Incompleteness in Data Mining.
PAKDD 2001: 1 |
116 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Hui Jin,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Kian-Lee Tan:
Global Optimization of Histograms.
SIGMOD Conference 2001: 223-234 |
115 | EE | Cui Yu,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Kian-Lee Tan,
H. V. Jagadish:
Indexing the Distance: An Efficient Method to KNN Processing.
VLDB 2001: 421-430 |
114 | EE | Luis Gravano,
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis,
H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
S. Muthukrishnan,
Divesh Srivastava:
Approximate String Joins in a Database (Almost) for Free.
VLDB 2001: 491-500 |
113 | EE | Luis Gravano,
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis,
H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
S. Muthukrishnan,
Lauri Pietarinen,
Divesh Srivastava:
Using q-grams in a DBMS for Approximate String Processing.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(4): 28-34 (2001) |
112 | EE | Bongki Moon,
H. V. Jagadish,
Christos Faloutsos,
Joel H. Saltz:
Analysis of the Clustering Properties of the Hilbert Space-Filling Curve.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(1): 124-141 (2001) |
111 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Information Warfare and Security - Book Review.
SIGMOD Record 30(4): 69-70 (2001) |
2000 |
110 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Raymond T. Ng:
Incompleteness in Data Mining.
ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2000: 1-10 |
109 | EE | Sihem Amer-Yahia,
H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava:
On Bounding-Schemas for LDAP Directories.
EDBT 2000: 287-301 |
108 | EE | Qiang Cao,
Josep Torrellas,
H. V. Jagadish:
Unified Fine-Granularity Buffering of Index and Data: Approach and Implementation.
ICCD 2000: 175-186 |
107 | EE | Byoung-Kee Yi,
Nikolaos Sidiropoulos,
Theodore Johnson,
H. V. Jagadish,
Christos Faloutsos,
Alexandros Biliris:
Online Data Mining for Co-Evolving Time Sequences.
ICDE 2000: 13-22 |
106 | EE | Stefan Berchtold,
Christian Böhm,
H. V. Jagadish,
Hans-Peter Kriegel,
Jörg Sander:
Independent Quantization: An Index Compression Technique for High-Dimensional Data Spaces.
ICDE 2000: 577-588 |
105 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
Divesh Srivastava:
On Effective Multi-Dimensional Indexing for Strings.
SIGMOD Conference 2000: 403-414 |
104 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Concurrency Control Performance Modeling: Alternatives and Implications.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
103 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
ACM-SIGMOD Digital Review.
SIGMOD Record 29(1): 16-20 (2000) |
102 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Olga Kapitskaia,
Raymond T. Ng,
Divesh Srivastava:
One-dimensional and multi-dimensional substring selectivity estimation.
VLDB J. 9(3): 214-230 (2000) |
1999 |
101 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Raymond T. Ng,
Divesh Srivastava:
Substring Selectivity Estimation.
PODS 1999: 249-260 |
100 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Tova Milo,
Divesh Srivastava,
Dimitra Vista:
Querying Network Directories.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 133-144 |
99 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava:
Snakes and Sandwiches: Optimal Clustering Strategies for a Data Warehouse.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 37-48 |
98 | EE | Flip Korn,
Theodore Johnson,
H. V. Jagadish:
Range Selectivity Estimation for Continuous Attributes.
SSDBM 1999: 244-253 |
97 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
S. Muthukrishnan:
Mining Deviants in a Time Series Database.
VLDB 1999: 102-113 |
96 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
J. Madar,
Raymond T. Ng:
Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles.
VLDB 1999: 186-198 |
95 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Olga Kapitskaia,
Raymond T. Ng,
Divesh Srivastava:
Multi-Dimensional Substring Selectivity Estimation.
VLDB 1999: 387-398 |
94 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,
Divesh Srivastava:
What can Hierarchies do for Data Warehouses?
VLDB 1999: 530-541 |
93 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - A Novel Index Supporting High Volume Data Warehouse Insertion.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
92 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Aqua: A Fast Decision Support Systems Using Approximate Query Answers.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
91 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Datawarehousing Has More Colours Than Just Black & White.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
90 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Explaining Differences in Multidimensional Aggregates.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
89 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Landmarks: a New Model for Similarity-based Pattern Querying in Time Series Databases.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
88 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Review - Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
87 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Inderpal Singh Mumick:
Managing Conflicts Between Rules.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 58(1): 13-28 (1999) |
86 | EE | Kenneth A. Ross,
Surajit Chaudhuri,
Gösta Grahne,
H. V. Jagadish,
Jan Van den Bussche,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 28(4): 39-41 (1999) |
1998 |
85 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Mark A. Jones,
Divesh Srivastava,
Dimitra Vista:
Flexible List Management in a Directory.
CIKM 1998: 10-19 |
84 | EE | Byoung-Kee Yi,
H. V. Jagadish,
Christos Faloutsos:
Efficient Retrieval of Similar Time Sequences Under Time Warping.
ICDE 1998: 201-208 |
83 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick,
Michael Rabinovich:
Asynchronous Version Advancement in a Distributed Three-Version Database.
ICDE 1998: 424-435 |
82 | | Stefan Berchtold,
H. V. Jagadish,
Kenneth A. Ross:
Independence Diagrams: A Technique for Visual Data Mining.
KDD 1998: 139-143 |
81 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Nick Koudas,
S. Muthukrishnan,
Viswanath Poosala,
Kenneth C. Sevcik,
Torsten Suel:
Optimal Histograms with Quality Guarantees.
VLDB 1998: 275-286 |
80 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael L. Brodie,
Stefano Ceri,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jim Gray,
Gerald Held,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
H. V. Jagadish,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Asilomar Report on Database Research
CoRR cs.DB/9811013: (1998) |
79 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael L. Brodie,
Stefano Ceri,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jim Gray,
Gerald Held,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
H. V. Jagadish,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Asilomar Report on Database Research.
SIGMOD Record 27(4): 74-80 (1998) |
1997 |
78 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick,
Michael Rabinovich:
Scalable Versioning in Distributed Databases with Commuting Updates.
ICDE 1997: 520-531 |
77 | EE | Abhaya Asthana,
Nandit Soparkar,
H. V. Jagadish,
Paul Krzyzanowski:
Logic-enhanced memory for high performance databases.
KES (2) 1997: 517-524 |
76 | | Ashish Gupta,
H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick:
Maintenance and Self Maintenance of Outer-Join Views.
NGITS 1997: 0- |
75 | EE | Flip Korn,
H. V. Jagadish,
Christos Faloutsos:
Efficiently Supporting Ad Hoc Queries in Large Datasets of Time Sequences.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 289-300 |
74 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
P. P. S. Narayan,
S. Seshadri,
S. Sudarshan,
Rama Kanneganti:
Incremental Organization for Data Recording and Warehousing.
VLDB 1997: 16-25 |
73 | EE | Christos Faloutsos,
H. V. Jagadish,
Nikolaos Sidiropoulos:
Recovering Information from Summary Data.
VLDB 1997: 36-45 |
72 | | H. V. Jagadish:
Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval.
Handbook of Multimedia Information Management 1997: 0- |
71 | EE | Daniel Barbará,
William DuMouchel,
Christos Faloutsos,
Peter J. Haas,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
H. V. Jagadish,
Theodore Johnson,
Raymond T. Ng,
Viswanath Poosala,
Kenneth A. Ross,
Kenneth C. Sevcik:
The New Jersey Data Reduction Report.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 20(4): 3-45 (1997) |
70 | EE | Christos Faloutsos,
H. V. Jagadish,
Yannis Manolopoulos:
Analysis of the n-Dimensional Quadtree Decomposition for Arbitrary Hyperectangles.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(3): 373-383 (1997) |
69 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Analysis of the Hilbert Curve for Representing Two-Dimensional Space.
Inf. Process. Lett. 62(1): 17-22 (1997) |
1996 |
68 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick:
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 4-6, 1996.
ACM Press 1996 |
67 | EE | Ashish Gupta,
H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick:
Data Integration using Self-Maintainable Views.
EDBT 1996: 140-144 |
66 | EE | Euthimios Panagos,
Alexandros Biliris,
H. V. Jagadish,
Rajeev Rastogi:
Fine-granularity Locking and Client-Based Logging for Distributed Architectures.
EDBT 1996: 388-402 |
65 | EE | Euthimios Panagos,
Alexandros Biliris,
H. V. Jagadish,
Rajeev Rastogi:
Client-Based Logging for High Performance Distributed Architectures.
ICDE 1996: 344-351 |
64 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Inderpal Singh Mumick:
Managing Rule Conflicts in an Active Database.
PODS 1996: 192-201 |
63 | EE | Divesh Srivastava,
Shaul Dar,
H. V. Jagadish,
Alon Y. Levy:
Answering Queries with Aggregation Using Views.
VLDB 1996: 318-329 |
62 | | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish:
Active Database Facilities in Ode
Active Database Systems: Triggers and Rules For Advanced Database Processing 1996: 207-232 |
61 | | H. V. Jagadish:
Indexing for Retrieval by Similarity.
Multimedia Database System: Issues and Research Direction 1996: 165-184 |
1995 |
60 | EE | Nandit Soparkar,
Paul Krzyzanowski,
H. V. Jagadish,
Abhaya Asthana:
Run-Time Parallelization of Sequential Database Programs.
CIKM 1995: 74-81 |
59 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Inderpal Singh Mumick,
Abraham Silberschatz:
View Maintenance Issues for the Chronicle Data Model.
PODS 1995: 113-124 |
58 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Tova Milo:
Similarity-Based Queries.
PODS 1995: 36-45 |
57 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
The INCINERATE Data Model.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 20(1): 71-110 (1995) |
56 | | Shaul Dar,
Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
J. Srinivasan:
Queries in an Object-Oriented Graphical Interface.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 6(1): 27-52 (1995) |
1994 |
55 | EE | Alexandros Biliris,
Shaul Dar,
Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
Krithi Ramamritham:
ASSET: A System for Supporting Extended Transactions.
SIGMOD Conference 1994: 44-54 |
54 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Databases for Networks.
SIGMOD Conference 1994: 522 |
53 | EE | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
William D. Roome:
OdeFS: A File System Interface to an Object-Oriented Database.
VLDB 1994: 249-260 |
52 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Daniel F. Lieuwen,
Rajeev Rastogi,
Abraham Silberschatz,
S. Sudarshan:
Dalí: A High Performance Main Memory Storage Manager.
VLDB 1994: 48-59 |
51 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Algorithms for Searching Massive Graphs.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 225-238 (1994) |
50 | EE | King-Ip Lin,
H. V. Jagadish,
Christos Faloutsos:
The TV-Tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data
VLDB J. 3(4): 517-542 (1994) |
1993 |
49 | | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
Oded Shmueli:
COMPOSE: A System For Composite Specification And Detection.
Advanced Database Systems 1993: 3-15 |
48 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Issues in Multimedia Datbases (Panel).
SIGMOD Conference 1993: 419 |
47 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Abraham Silberschatz,
S. Sudarshan:
Recovering from Main-Memory Lapses.
VLDB 1993: 391-404 |
46 | EE | Hector Garcia-Molina,
H. V. Jagadish:
Guest Editors' Introduction.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 1(1): 7 (1993) |
45 | EE | Brian C. Schmult,
H. V. Jagadish,
S. Kicha Ganapathy:
Interactive Spatial Directories.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(3): 22-27 (1993) |
44 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Database Research at AT&T Bell Laboratories.
SIGMOD Record 22(1): 82-88 (1993) |
1992 |
43 | EE | Shaul Dar,
Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish:
CQL++: A SQL for the Ode Object-Oriented DBMS.
EDBT 1992: 201-216 |
42 | EE | Christos Faloutsos,
H. V. Jagadish:
Hybrid Index Organizations for Text Databases.
EDBT 1992: 310-327 |
41 | EE | Shaul Dar,
H. V. Jagadish:
A Spanning Tree Transitive Closure Algorithm.
ICDE 1992: 2-11 |
40 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Oded Shmueli:
Composite Events in a Distributed Object-Oriented Database.
IWDOM 1992: 248-268 |
39 | EE | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
Oded Shmueli:
Event Specification in an Active Object-Oriented Database.
SIGMOD Conference 1992: 81-90 |
38 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Oded Shmueli:
Proclamation-Based Model for Cooperating Transactions.
VLDB 1992: 265-276 |
37 | EE | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish,
Oded Shmueli:
Composite Event Specification in Active Databases: Model & Implementation.
VLDB 1992: 327-338 |
36 | EE | Christos Faloutsos,
H. V. Jagadish:
On B-Tree Indices for Skewed Distributions.
VLDB 1992: 363-374 |
35 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Xiaolei Qian:
Integrity Maintenance in Object-Oriented Databases.
VLDB 1992: 469-480 |
34 | | Guy A. Story,
Lawrence O'Gorman,
David Fox,
Louise Levy Schaper,
H. V. Jagadish:
The RightPages Image-Based Electronic Library for Alerting and Browsing.
IEEE Computer 25(9): 17-26 (1992) |
33 | EE | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish:
Active Database Facilities in Ode.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 19-22 (1992) |
32 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Alfred M. Bruckstein:
On sequential shape descriptions.
Pattern Recognition 25(2): 165-172 (1992) |
1991 |
31 | | Abhaya Asthana,
H. V. Jagadish,
Paul Krzyzanowski:
The Design of a Back-end Object Management System.
Code Generation 1991: 294-319 |
30 | EE | Shaul Dar,
Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Optimization of Generalized Transitive Closure Queries.
ICDE 1991: 345-354 |
29 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
A Retrieval Technique for Similar Shapes.
SIGMOD Conference 1991: 208-217 |
28 | EE | Narain H. Gehani,
H. V. Jagadish:
Ode as an Active Database: Constraints and Triggers.
VLDB 1991: 327-336 |
1990 |
27 | | Hector Garcia-Molina,
H. V. Jagadish:
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Atlantic City, NJ, May 23-25, 1990.
ACM Press 1990 |
26 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Spatial Search with Polyhedra.
ICDE 1990: 311-319 |
25 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Linear Clustering of Objects with Multiple Atributes.
SIGMOD Conference 1990: 332-342 |
24 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Hybrid Transitive Closure Algorithms.
VLDB 1990: 326-334 |
23 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
On Indexing Line Segments.
VLDB 1990: 614-625 |
22 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
Shaul Dar,
H. V. Jagadish:
Direct Transitive Closure Algorithms: Design and Performance Evaluation.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 15(3): 427-458 (1990) |
21 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
A Compression Technique to Materialize Transitive Closure.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 15(4): 558-598 (1990) |
1989 |
20 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
Shaul Dar,
H. V. Jagadish:
Composition of Database Relations.
ICDE 1989: 102-108 |
19 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Materialization and Incremental Update of Path Information.
ICDE 1989: 374-383 |
18 | | Abhaya Asthana,
H. V. Jagadish,
Boyd Mathews:
Impact of Advanced VLSI Packaging on the Design of a Large Parallel Computer.
ICPP (1) 1989: 323-327 |
17 | | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Recovery Algorithms for Database Machines with Nonvolatile Main Memory.
IWDM 1989: 269-285 |
16 | | Abhaya Asthana,
H. V. Jagadish,
Scott C. Knauer:
An Intelligent Memory Transaction Engine.
IWDM 1989: 286-300 |
15 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
Alexander Borgida,
H. V. Jagadish:
Efficient Management of Transitive Relationships in Large Data and Knowledge Bases.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 253-262 |
14 | EE | H. V. Jagadish:
Incorporating Hierarchy in a Relational Model of Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 78-87 |
13 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
On Correctly Configuring Versioned Objects.
VLDB 1989: 367-374 |
12 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Lawrence O'Gorman:
An Object Model for Image Recognition.
IEEE Computer 22(12): 33-41 (1989) |
11 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Multiprocessor Transitive Closure Algorithms.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 12(1): 30-36 (1989) |
10 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Thomas Kailath:
A Family of New Efficient Arrays for Matrix Multiplication.
IEEE Trans. Computers 38(1): 149-155 (1989) |
1988 |
9 | | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Multiprocessor Transitive Closure Algorithms.
DPDS 1988: 56-66 |
8 | | H. V. Jagadish:
A Compressed Transitive Closure Technique for Efficient Fixed-Point Query Processing.
Expert Database Conf. 1988: 423-446 |
7 | EE | J. A. Chandross,
H. V. Jagadish,
Abhaya Asthana:
The trap as a control flow mechanism.
MICRO 1988: 50-52 |
6 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Efficient Search in Very Large Databases.
VLDB 1988: 407-418 |
5 | | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Partitioning Techniques for Large-Grained Parallelism.
IEEE Trans. Computers 37(12): 1627-1634 (1988) |
1987 |
4 | EE | Prathima Agrawal,
William J. Dally,
Ahmed K. Ezzat,
W. C. Fischer,
H. V. Jagadish,
A. S. Krishnakumar:
Architecture and Design of the MARS Hardware Accelerator.
DAC 1987: 101-107 |
3 | EE | H. V. Jagadish,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Linda Ness:
A Study of Transitive Closure As a Recursion Mechanism.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 331-344 |
2 | EE | Rakesh Agrawal,
H. V. Jagadish:
Direct Algorithms for Computing the Transitive Closure of Database Relations.
VLDB 1987: 255-266 |
1986 |
1 | | H. V. Jagadish,
Robert G. Mathews,
Thomas Kailath,
John A. Newkirk:
A Study of Pipelining in Computing Arrays.
IEEE Trans. Computers 35(5): 431-440 (1986) |