Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval.

Stefan Berchtold, Daniel A. Keim, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval. VLDB J. 6(4): 333-348(1997)
  author    = {Stefan Berchtold and
               Daniel A. Keim and
               Hans-Peter Kriegel},
  title     = {Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval},
  journal   = {VLDB J.},
  volume    = {6},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {1997},
  pages     = {333-348},
  ee        = {db/journals/vldb/BerchtoldKK97.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


In this paper, we introduce the concept of extended feature objects for similarity retrieval. Conventional approaches for similarity search in databases map each object in the database to a point in some high-dimensional feature space and define similarity as some distance measure in this space. For many similarity search problems, this feature-based approach is not sufficient. When retrieving partially similar polygons, for example, the search cannot be restricted to edge sequences, since similar polygon sections may start and end anywhere on the edges of the polygons. In general, inherently continuous problems such as the partial similarity search cannot be solved by using point objects in feature space. In our solution, we therefore introduce extended feature objects consisting of an infinite set of feature points. For an efficient storage and retrieval of the extended feature objects, we determine the minimal bounding boxes of the feature objects in multidimensional space and store these boxes using a spatial access structure. In our concrete polygon problem, sets of polygon sections are mapped to 2D feature objects in high-dimensional space which are then approximated by minimal bounding boxes and stored in an R*-tree. The selectivity of the index is improved by using an adaptive decomposition of very large feature objects and a dynamic joining of small feature objects. For the polygon problem, translation, rotation, and scaling invariance is achieved by using the Fourier-transformed curvature of the normalized polygon sections. In contrast to vertex-based algorithms, our algorithm guarantees that no false dismissals may occur and additionally provides fast search times for realistic database sizes. We evaluate our method using real polygon data of a supplier for the car manufacturing industry.

Key Words

Indexing and query processing of spatial objects, Partial similarity retrieval, CAD databases, Fourier transformation

Copyright © 1997 by Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Permission to make digital or hard copies of the abstract is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice along with the full citation.

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Referenced by

  1. Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Dynamically Optimizing High-Dimensional Index Structures. EDBT 2000: 36-50
  2. Flip Korn, Nikolaos Sidiropoulos, Christos Faloutsos, Eliot Siegel, Zenon Protopapas: Fast and Effective Retrieval of Medical Tumor Shapes. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(6): 889-904(1998)
  3. Thomas Seidl, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Efficient User-Adaptable Similarity Search in Large Multimedia Databases. VLDB 1997: 506-515
  4. Stefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel: S3: Similarity Search in CAD Database Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 564-567
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