
Marco Pötke

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15EEJohannes Aßfalg, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Marco Pötke: Accurate and Efficient Similarity Search on 3D Objects Using Point Sampling, Redundancy, and Proportionality. SSTD 2005: 200-217
14 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl, Jost Enderle: Object-Relational Spatial Indexing. Spatial Databases 2005: 49-80
13EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: A Cost Model for Spatial Intersection Queries on RI-Trees. DASFAA 2004: 331-338
12EEStefan Brecheisen, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Martin Pfeifle, Maximilian Viermetz, Marco Pötke: BOSS: Browsing OPTICS-Plots for Similarity Search. ICDE 2004: 858
11EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: The Paradigm of Relational Indexing: a Survey. BTW 2003: 285-304
10EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Matthias Renz, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Data Management for Virtual Product Development. Computer Science in Perspective 2003: 216-230
9EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Query Processing for High Resolutions. DASFAA 2003: 17-26
8EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Zahi Mashael, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Effective Similarity Search on Voxelized CAD Object. DASFAA 2003: 27-
7EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Martin Pfeifle, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: A Cost Model for Interval Intersection Queries on RI-Trees. SSDBM 2002: 131-141
6 Hans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Müller, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: DIVE: Database Integration for Virtual Engineering. ICDE Demo Sessions 2001: 15-16
5EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Andreas Müller, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Spatial Data Management for Computer Aided Design. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 614
4EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Interval Sequences: An Object-Relational Approach to Manage Spatial Data. SSTD 2001: 481-501
3EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Object-Relational Indexing for General Interval Relationships. SSTD 2001: 522-542
2EEHans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, Thomas Seidl: Managing Intervals Efficiently in Object-Relational Databases. VLDB 2000: 407-418
1 Stefan Berchtold, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke: Database Support for Concurrent Digital Mock-up. PROLAMAT 1998: 499-510

Coauthor Index

1Johannes Aßfalg [15]
2Stefan Berchtold [1]
3Stefan Brecheisen [12]
4Jost Enderle [14]
5Hans-Peter Kriegel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
6Peer Kröger [8] [12] [15]
7Zahi Mashael [8]
8Andreas Müller [5] [6]
9Martin Pfeifle [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
10Matthias Renz [10]
11Thomas Seidl [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14]
12Maximilian Viermetz [12]

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