Armin B. Cremers, Hans-Peter Kriegel (Eds.):
Theoretical Computer Science, 6th GI-Conference, Dortmund, Germany, January 5-7, 1983, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 145 Springer 1982, ISBN 3-540-11973-6 BibTeX
editor = {Armin B. Cremers and
Hans-Peter Kriegel},
title = {Theoretical Computer Science, 6th GI-Conference, Dortmund, Germany,
January 5-7, 1983, Proceedings},
booktitle = {Theoretical Computer Science},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {145},
year = {1982},
isbn = {3-540-11973-6},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Invited Lectures
Contributed Papers
- Gerhard Barth:
Interprocedural data flow systems.
49-59 BibTeX
- Bernd Becker:
On the crossing-free, rectangular embedding of weighted graphs in the plane.
61-72 BibTeX
- Eike Best, Agathe Merceron:
Discreteness, k-density and d-continuity of occurrence nets.
73-83 BibTeX
- Ronald V. Book, Timothy J. Long, Alan L. Selman:
Controlled relativizations of P and NP.
85-90 BibTeX
- Franz-Josef Brandenburg:
The computational complexity of certain graph grammars.
91-99 BibTeX
- Andreas Eick, Elfriede Fehr:
Inconsistencies of pure LISP.
101-110 BibTeX
- Alain Finkel, Gérard Memmi:
Fifo nets: a new model of parallel computation.
111-121 BibTeX
- Françoise Gire:
Une extension aux mots infinis de la notion de transduction rationelle.
123-139 BibTeX
- Martin Gogolla, Klaus Drosten, Udo W. Lipeck, Hans-Dieter Ehrich:
Algebraic and operational semantics of exceptions and errors.
141-151 BibTeX
- R. Kemp:
The expected number of nodes and leaves at level k in ordered trees.
153-163 BibTeX
- Christoph Kreitz, Klaus Weihrauch:
Complexity theory on real numbers and functions.
165-174 BibTeX
- Manfred Kunde:
A multifit algorithm for uniform multiprocessor scheduling.
175-185 BibTeX
- Karl J. Lieberherr, Stephen A. Vavasis:
Analysis of polynomial approximation algorithms for constraint expressions.
187-197 BibTeX
- Andrzej Lingas:
Heuristics for minimum edge length rectangular partitions of rectilinear figures.
199-210 BibTeX
- Johann A. Makowsky, Bernd Mahr:
An axiomatic approach to semantics of specification languages.
211-219 BibTeX
- Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide:
Efficiency of universal parallel computers.
221-241 BibTeX
- Anton Nijholt, Jan Pittl:
A general scheme for some deterministically parsable grammars and their strong equivalents.
243-255 BibTeX
- Tobias Nipkow, Gerhard Weikum:
A decidability result about sufficient-completeness of axiomatically specified abstract data types.
257-268 BibTeX
- Christos H. Papadimitriou, Stathis Zachos:
Two remarks on the power of counting.
269-276 BibTeX
- Jean-Eric Pin, Jacques Sakarovitch:
Some operations and transductions that preserve rationality.
277-288 BibTeX
- Axel Poigné:
On algebras of computation sequences and proofs of equivalence of operational and denotational semantics.
289-300 BibTeX
- Patrice Séébold:
Sur les morphismes qui engendrent des mots infinis ayant des facteurs prescrits.
301-311 BibTeX
- Géraud Sénizergues:
The equivalence problem for N.T.S. languages is decidable.
313-323 BibTeX
- Kurt Sieber:
Weakest expressible preconditions: a new tool for proving completeness results about Hoare calculi.
325-334 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Thomas:
A hierarchy of sets of infinite trees.
335-342 BibTeX
- Athanasios K. Tsakalidis:
Maintaining order in a generalized linked list.
343-352 BibTeX
- Harry A. G. Wijshoff, Jan van Leeuwen:
Periodic versus arbitrary tessellations of the plane using polyominos of a single type.
353-366 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:43:39 2009
by Michael Ley (