
Huosheng Hu

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41EETheodoros Theodoridis, Alexandros Agapitos, Huosheng Hu, Simon M. Lucas: Ubiquitous robotics in physical human action recognition: A comparison between dynamic ANNs and GP. ICRA 2008: 3064-3069
40EEMohammadreza Asghari Oskoei, Huosheng Hu: Myoelectric based virtual joystick applied to electric powered wheelchair. IROS 2008: 2374-2379
39EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Using Fuzzy Logic to Design Separation Function in Flocking Algorithms. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 16(4): 826-838 (2008)
38EELisheng Wei, Minrui Fei, Huosheng Hu: Modeling and stability analysis of grey-fuzzy predictive control. Neurocomputing 72(1-3): 197-202 (2008)
37EERenato Samperio, Huosheng Hu, Francisco Martín, Vicente Matellán: A hybrid approach to fast and accurate localization for legged robots. Robotica 26(6): 817-830 (2008)
36 Shumei Zhang, Huosheng Hu, Lian He: An Interactive Telecommunication System for Home-based Rehabilitation. IMECS 2007: 556-560
35EELisheng Wei, Minrui Fei, Taicheng Yang, Huosheng Hu: A New Grey Prediction Based Fuzzy Controller for Networked Control Systems. LSMS (1) 2007: 368-377
34EEErfu Yang, Dongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Performance Improvement for Formation-Keeping Control Using a Neural Network HJI Approach. Trends in Neural Computation 2007: 419-442
33 Julian Ryde, Huosheng Hu: Mutual Localization and 3D Mapping by Cooperative Mobile Robots. IAS 2006: 217-224
32 Huiyu Zhou, Huosheng Hu, Nigel Harris: Wearable inertial sensors for arm motion tracking in home-based rehabilitation. IAS 2006: 930-937
31EETheodoros Theodoridis, Huosheng Hu: The Fuzzy Sars'a'(lambda) Learning Approach Applied to a Strategic Route Learning Robot Behaviour. IROS 2006: 1767-1772
30EEHuosheng Hu, Jindong Liu, Ian Dukes, George Francis: Design of 3D Swim Patterns for Autonomous Robotic Fish. IROS 2006: 2406-2411
29EEJindong Liu, Huosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu: A Hybrid Control Architecture for Autonomous Robotic Fish. IROS 2006: 312-317
28EEDe Xu, Min Tan, Zemin Jiang, Huosheng Hu: A shape constraint based visual positioning method for a humanoid robot. Robotica 24(4): 429-431 (2006)
27 Julian Ryde, Huosheng Hu: Fast Circular Landmark Detection for Cooperative Localisation and Mapping. ICRA 2005: 2745-2750
26 Jindong Liu, Huosheng Hu: Mimicry of Sharp Turning Behaviours in a Robotic Fish. ICRA 2005: 3318-3323
25EEHuosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu: Hybrid learning architecture for fuzzy control of quadruped walking robots. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(2): 131-152 (2005)
24EEJohn Q. Gan, Eimei Oyama, Eric M. Rosales, Huosheng Hu: A complete analytical solution to the inverse kinematics of the Pioneer 2 robotic arm. Robotica 23(1): 123-129 (2005)
23EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Teaching robots to plan through Q-learning. Robotica 23(2): 139-147 (2005)
22EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Teaching Robots to Coordinate its Behaviours. ICRA 2004: 3721-3726
21EEYaqin Tao, Huosheng Hu: Colour based human motion tracking for home-based rehabilitation. SMC (1) 2004: 773-778
20 Bo Li, Huosheng Hu, Libor Spacek: An Adaptive Color Segmentation Algorithm for Sony Legged Robots. Applied Informatics 2003: 126-131
19 Carlos Antonio Acosta Calderon, Huosheng Hu: Robotic Societies: Elements of Learning by Imitation. Applied Informatics 2003: 315-320
18EEDragos Golubovic, Bo Li, Huosheng Hu: A Hybrid Software Platform for Sony AIBO Robots. RoboCup 2003: 478-486
17EEBo Li, Huosheng Hu: Texture-Based Pattern Recognition Algorithms for the RoboCup Challenge. RoboCup 2003: 611-620
16EETom Thurston, Huosheng Hu: Distributed Agent Architecture for Port Automation. COMPSAC 2002: 81-90
15EEDragos Golubovic, Huosheng Hu: An Interactive Software Environment for Gait Generation and Control Design of Sony Legged Robots. RoboCup 2002: 279-287
14EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Neural predictive control for a car-like mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 39(2): 73-86 (2002)
13EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Fuzzy behaviour learning for sony legged robots. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 281-288
12EEDongbing Gu, Huosheng Hu: Evolving Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Sony Legged Robots. RoboCup 2001: 356-361
11EEMatthew Hunter, Huosheng Hu: A Generalised Approach to Position Selection for Simulated Soccer Agents. RoboCup 2001: 380-386
10EEHuosheng Hu, Kostas Kostiadis, Matthew Hunter, Nikolaos Kalyviotis: Essex Wizards 2001 Team Description. RoboCup 2001: 511-514
9EEHuosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu, Dragos Golubovic, Bo Li, Zhengyu Liu: Essex Rovers 2001 Team Description. RoboCup 2001: 697-700
8EECiprian Candea, Huosheng Hu, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Maurizio Piaggio: Coordination in multi-agent RoboCup teams. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 36(2-3): 67-86 (2001)
7EEHuosheng Hu, Kostas Kostiadis, Matthew Hunter, Kostiadis Kalyviotis: Essex Wizards 2000 Team Description. RoboCup 2000: 441-444
6EEHuosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu, Bo Li: Essex Rovers Team Description. RoboCup 2000: 611-614
5 Kostas Kostiadis, Huosheng Hu: A Multi-threaded Approach to Simulated Soccer Agents for the RoboCup Competition. RoboCup 1999: 366-377
4 Huosheng Hu, Kostas Kostiadis, Matthew Hunter, M. Seabrook: Essex Wizards'99 Team Description. RoboCup 1999: 558-562
3 Michael Brady, Huosheng Hu: Software and hardware architecture of advanced mobile robots for manufacturing. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 9(2-3): 257-276 (1997)
2EEHuosheng Hu, Michael Brady: A parallel processing architecture for sensor-based control of intelligent mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 17(4): 235-257 (1996)
1EEPenny J. Probert, D. Djian, Huosheng Hu: Transputer architectures for sensing in a robot controller: Formal methods for design. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 3(4): 283-292 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Alexandros Agapitos [41]
2Michael Brady (J. Michael Brady) [2] [3]
3Carlos Antonio Acosta Calderon [19]
4Ciprian Candea [8]
5D. Djian [1]
6Ian Dukes [30]
7Minrui Fei [35] [38]
8George Francis [30]
9John Q. Gan [24]
10Dragos Golubovic [9] [15] [18]
11Dongbing Gu [6] [9] [12] [13] [14] [22] [23] [25] [29] [34] [39]
12Nigel Harris [32]
13Lian He [36]
14Matthew Hunter [4] [7] [10] [11]
15Luca Iocchi [8]
16Zemin Jiang [28]
17Kostiadis Kalyviotis [7]
18Nikolaos Kalyviotis [10]
19Kostas Kostiadis [4] [5] [7] [10]
20Bo Li [6] [9] [17] [18] [20]
21Jindong Liu [26] [29] [30]
22Zhengyu Liu [9]
23Simon M. Lucas [41]
24Francisco Martín [37]
25Vicente Matellán [37]
26Daniele Nardi [8]
27Mohammadreza Asghari Oskoei [40]
28Eimei Oyama [24]
29Maurizio Piaggio [8]
30Penny J. Probert [1]
31Eric M. Rosales [24]
32Julian Ryde [27] [33]
33Renato Samperio [37]
34M. Seabrook [4]
35Libor Spacek [20]
36Min Tan [28]
37Yaqin Tao [21]
38Theodoros Theodoridis [31] [41]
39Tom Thurston [16]
40Lisheng Wei [35] [38]
41De Xu [28]
42Erfu Yang [34]
43Taicheng Yang [35]
44Shumei Zhang [36]
45Huiyu Zhou [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)