
Alexandros Agapitos

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8EEAlexandros Agapitos, Matthew Dyson, Simon M. Lucas, Francisco Sepulveda: Learning to recognise mental activities: genetic programming of stateful classifiers for brain-computer interfacing. GECCO 2008: 1155-1162
7EEAlexandros Agapitos, Matthew Dyson, Jenya Kovalchuk, Simon M. Lucas: On the genetic programming of time-series predictors for supply chain management. GECCO 2008: 1163-1170
6EETheodoros Theodoridis, Alexandros Agapitos, Huosheng Hu, Simon M. Lucas: Ubiquitous robotics in physical human action recognition: A comparison between dynamic ANNs and GP. ICRA 2008: 3064-3069
5EEAlexandros Agapitos, Simon M. Lucas: Evolving a Statistics Class Using Object Oriented Evolutionary Programming. EuroGP 2007: 291-300
4EEAlexandros Agapitos, Simon M. Lucas: Evolving Modular Recursive Sorting Algorithms. EuroGP 2007: 301-310
3EEAlexandros Agapitos, Julian Togelius, Simon M. Lucas: Evolving controllers for simulated car racing using object oriented genetic programming. GECCO 2007: 1543-1550
2EEAlexandros Agapitos, Julian Togelius, Simon M. Lucas: Multiobjective techniques for the use of state in genetic programming applied to simulated car racing. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1562-1569
1EEAlexandros Agapitos, Simon M. Lucas: Learning Recursive Functions with Object Oriented Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2006: 166-177

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Dyson [7] [8]
2Huosheng Hu [6]
3Jenya Kovalchuk [7]
4Simon M. Lucas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Francisco Sepulveda [8]
6Theodoros Theodoridis [6]
7Julian Togelius [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)