
Eimei Oyama

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12EEJohn Q. Gan, Eimei Oyama, Eric M. Rosales, Huosheng Hu: A complete analytical solution to the inverse kinematics of the Pioneer 2 robotic arm. Robotica 23(1): 123-129 (2005)
11EETaro Maeda, Eimei Oyama, Susumu Tachi: Why is binocular visual space distorted compared to physical space ? Neurocomputing 44-46: 907-914 (2002)
10EEEimei Oyama, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi, Karl F. MacDorman, Arvin Agah: On the use of forward kinematic models in visually guided hand position control - analysis based on ISLES model. Neurocomputing 44-46: 965-972 (2002)
9 Eimei Oyama, Nak Young Chong, Arvin Agah, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi: Inverse Kinematics Learning by Modular Architecture Neural Networks with Performance Prediction Networks. ICRA 2001: 1006-1012
8 Eimei Oyama, Nak Young Chong, Arvin Agah, Karl F. MacDorman: Learning a Coordinate Transformation for a Human Visual Feedback Controller based on Disturbance Noise and the Feedback Error Signal. ICRA 2001: 4186-4193
7EEEimei Oyama, Karl F. MacDorman, Arvin Agah, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi: Coordinate transformation learning of hand position feedback controller with time delay. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1503-1509 (2001)
6EEEimei Oyama, Arvin Agah, Karl F. MacDorman, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi: A modular neural network architecture for inverse kinematics model learning. Neurocomputing 38-40: 797-805 (2001)
5 Eimei Oyama, Susumu Tachi: Modular Neural Net System for Inverse Kinematics Learning. ICRA 2000: 3239-3246
4EEEimei Oyama, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi: Goal-Directed Property of On-line Direct Inverse Modeling. IJCNN (4) 2000: 383-388
3EEEimei Oyama, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi: Coordinate Transformation Learning of Hand Position Feedback Controller Based on Disturbance Noise and Feedback Error Signal. IJCNN (5) 2000: 317-322
2EEEimei Oyama, Susumu Tachi: Coordinate Transformation Learning of Hand Position Feedback Controller by Using Change of Position Error Norm. NIPS 1998: 1038-1044
1 Eimei Oyama, Naoki Tsunemoto, Susumu Tachi, Yasuyuki Inoue: Experimental Study on Remote Manipulation Using Virtual Reality. Presence 2(2): 112-124 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Arvin Agah [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Nak Young Chong [8] [9]
3John Q. Gan [12]
4Huosheng Hu [12]
5Yasuyuki Inoue [1]
6Karl F. MacDorman [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Taro Maeda [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]
8Eric M. Rosales [12]
9Susumu Tachi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]
10Naoki Tsunemoto [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)