2009 |
50 | | Sue Fitzgerald,
Mark Guzdial,
Gary Lewandowski,
Steven A. Wolfman:
Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN, USA, March 4-7, 2009
ACM 2009 |
49 | EE | Jill P. Dimond,
Sarita Yardi,
Mark Guzdial:
Mediating programming through chat for the OLPC.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4465-4470 |
2008 |
48 | | J. D. Dougherty,
Susan H. Rodger,
Sue Fitzgerald,
Mark Guzdial:
Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2008, Portland, OR, USA, March 12-15, 2008
ACM 2008 |
47 | EE | Svetlana Yarosh,
Mark Guzdial:
Narrating data structures: The role of context in CS2.
ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 7(4): (2008) |
46 | EE | Allison Elliott Tew,
Brian Dorn,
William D. Leahy Jr.,
Mark Guzdial:
Context as Support for Learning Computer Organization.
ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 8(3): (2008) |
45 | EE | Tucker R. Balch,
Jay Summet,
Douglas S. Blank,
Deepak Kumar,
Mark Guzdial,
Keith J. O'Hara,
Daniel Walker,
Monica Sweat,
Gaurav Gupta,
Stewart Tansley,
Jared Jackson,
Mansi Gupta,
Marwa Nur Muhammad,
Shikha Prashad,
Natasha Eilbert,
Ashley Gavin:
Designing Personal Robots for Education: Hardware, Software, and Curriculum.
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(2): 5-9 (2008) |
2007 |
44 | EE | Barbara Ericson,
Mark Guzdial,
Maureen Biggers:
Improving secondary CS education: progress and problems.
SIGCSE 2007: 298-301 |
43 | EE | Lillian N. Cassel,
Andrew D. McGettrick,
Mark Guzdial,
Eric Roberts:
The current crisis in computing: what are the real issues?
SIGCSE 2007: 329-330 |
42 | EE | Merrick L. Furst,
Charles L. Isbell,
Mark Guzdial:
ThreadsTM: how to restructure a computer science curriculum for a flat world.
SIGCSE 2007: 420-424 |
41 | EE | Brian Dorn,
Allison Elliott Tew,
Mark Guzdial:
Introductory Computing Construct Use in an End-User Programming Community.
VL/HCC 2007: 27-32 |
2006 |
40 | EE | Brian M. Landry,
Mark Guzdial:
iTell: supporting retrospective storytelling with digital photos.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 160-168 |
39 | EE | David Ranum,
Bradley Miller,
John M. Zelle,
Mark Guzdial:
Successful approaches to teaching introductory computer science courses with python.
SIGCSE 2006: 396-397 |
2005 |
38 | EE | Rebecca F. Bruce,
Charles Fowler,
Mark Guzdial,
Merle S. King,
Amy Woszczynski:
CS0/CS1: filter or funnel: recruitment, retention and student success.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference (1) 2005: 29-30 |
37 | EE | Vicki L. Almstrum,
Orit Hazzan,
Mark Guzdial,
Marian Petre:
Challenges to computer science education research.
SIGCSE 2005: 191-192 |
36 | EE | Barbara Ericson,
Mark Guzdial,
Maureen Biggers:
A model for improving secondary CS education.
SIGCSE 2005: 332-336 |
35 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Andrea Forte:
Design process for a non-majors computing course.
SIGCSE 2005: 361-365 |
34 | EE | Allison Elliott Tew,
Charles Fowler,
Mark Guzdial:
Tracking an innovation in introductory CS education from a research university to a two-year college.
SIGCSE 2005: 416-420 |
33 | EE | Ela Zur,
Lilly Irani,
Lecia Jane Barker,
Mark Guzdial:
Contrasting women's experiences in computer science at different institutions.
SIGCSE 2005: 63-64 |
2004 |
32 | EE | Andrea Forte,
Mark Guzdial:
Computers for Communication, Not Calculation: Media as a Motivation and Context for Learning.
HICSS 2004 |
31 | EE | Lauren Rich,
Heather Perry,
Mark Guzdial:
A CS1 course designed to address interests of women.
SIGCSE 2004: 190-194 |
30 | EE | David Ginat,
Owen L. Astrachan,
Daniel D. Garcia,
Mark Guzdial:
"But it looks right!": the bugs students don't see.
SIGCSE 2004: 284-285 |
29 | EE | Peter J. Denning,
Rudolph P. Darken,
Eric Roberts,
Mark Guzdial:
Panel session: great principles in computing.
SIGCSE 2004: 447 |
2003 |
28 | EE | Ellen Francine Barbosa,
José Carlos Maldonado,
Richard J. LeBlanc,
Mark Guzdial:
Introducing Testing Practices into Objects and Design Course.
CSEE&T 2003: 279- |
27 | EE | Mark Guzdial:
A media computation course for non-majors.
ITiCSE 2003: 104-108 |
26 | EE | Kathleen Arnold Gray,
Mark Guzdial,
Spencer Rugaber:
Extending CRC cards into a complete design process.
ITiCSE 2003: 226 |
25 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Elliot Soloway:
Computer science is more important than calculus: the challenge of living up to our potential.
SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 5-8 (2003) |
2002 |
24 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Elliot Soloway:
Teaching the Nintendo generation to program.
Commun. ACM 45(4): 17-21 (2002) |
2001 |
23 | EE | Mark Guzdial:
Use of collaborative multimedia in computer science classes.
ITiCSE 2001: 17-20 |
22 | EE | Mark Guzdial:
Using squeak for teaching user interface software.
SIGCSE 2001: 219-223 |
21 | EE | John T. Stasko,
Mark Guzdial,
Michael J. Clancy,
Nell B. Dale,
Sally Fincher:
Models and areas for CS education research.
SIGCSE 2001: 388-389 |
20 | | Gordon Davies,
Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler,
C. Fay Cover,
Mark Guzdial:
Quality in Distance Education.
WebNet 2001: 260-261 |
19 | | Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel,
Yoshihide Ishiguro,
Bolot Kerimbaev,
Gregory D. Abowd,
Mark Guzdial:
Supporting educational activities through dynamic web interfaces.
Interacting with Computers 13(3): 353-374 (2001) |
18 | EE | Michael McCracken,
Vicki L. Almstrum,
Danny Diaz,
Mark Guzdial,
Dianne Hagan,
Yifat Ben-David Kolikant,
Cary Laxer,
Lynda Thomas,
Ian Utting,
Tadeusz Wilusz:
A multi-national, multi-institutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students.
SIGCSE Bulletin 33(4): 125-180 (2001) |
2000 |
17 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Jochen Rick,
Bolot Kerimbaev:
Recognizing and supporting roles in CSCW.
CSCW 2000: 261-268 |
16 | EE | John T. Stasko,
Richard Catrambone,
Mark Guzdial,
Kevin Mcdonald:
An evaluation of space-filling information visualizations for depicting hierarchical structures.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(5): 663-694 (2000) |
1999 |
15 | EE | Ashwin Ram,
Richard Catrambone,
Mark Guzdial,
Colleen M. Kehoe,
D. Scott McCrickard,
John T. Stasko:
PML: Adding Flexibility to Multimedia Presentations.
IEEE MultiMedia 6(2): 40-52 (1999) |
1998 |
14 | | Mark Guzdial:
Technological Support for Apprenticeship.
WebNet 1998 |
1997 |
13 | EE | Mark Guzdial:
A Shared Command Line in a Virtual Space: The Working Man's MOO.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1997: 73-74 |
12 | | Noel Rappin,
Mark Guzdial,
Matthew Realff,
Pete Ludovice:
Balancing Usability and Learning in an Interface.
CHI 1997: 479-486 |
11 | EE | Roland Hübscher,
Sadhana Puntambekar,
Mark Guzdial,
Janet L. Kolodner:
Integrating Tools into the Classroom.
CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 244-245 |
1996 |
10 | EE | David Carlson,
Mark Guzdial,
Colleen M. Kehoe,
Viren Shah,
John T. Stasko:
WWW interactive learning environments for computer science education.
SIGCSE 1996: 290-294 |
9 | | Mark Guzdial,
Janet L. Kolodner,
Cindy E. Hmelo,
N. Hari Narayanan,
David Carlson,
Noel Rappin,
Roland Hübscher,
J. Turns,
Wendy Newstetter:
Computer Support for Learning through Complex Problem Solving.
Commun. ACM 39(4): 43-45 (1996) |
1995 |
8 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Noel Rappin,
David Carlson:
Collaborative and multimedia interactive learning environment for engineering education.
SAC 1995: 5-9 |
7 | EE | Mark Guzdial:
Centralized mindset: a student problem with object-oriented programming.
SIGCSE 1995: 182-185 |
6 | EE | Mark Guzdial,
Yasmin B. Kafai,
John M. Carroll,
Gerhard Fischer,
Roger C. Schank,
Elliot Soloway,
Ben Shneiderman:
Learner-Centered System Design: HCI Perspective for the Future.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1995: 143-147 |
1994 |
5 | EE | Philip Miller,
Michael J. Clancy,
Andrea A. diSessa,
Jeremy Roschelle,
Michael Eisenberg,
Mark Guzdial,
Elliot Soloway,
Mitchel Resnick:
The future of programming instruction (abstract).
SIGCSE 1994: 400 |
4 | EE | Elliot Soloway,
Mark Guzdial,
Kenneth E. Hay:
Learner-centered design: the challenge for HCI in the 21st century.
Interactions 1(2): 36-48 (1994) |
3 | EE | Kathleen Brade,
Mark Guzdial,
Mark Steckel,
Elliot Soloway:
Whorf: a Hypertext Tool for Software Maintenance.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 4(1): 1-16 (1994) |
1992 |
2 | | Luke Hohmann,
Mark Guzdial,
Elliot Soloway:
SODA: A Computer Aided Design Environment for the Doing and Learning of Software Design.
ICCAL 1992: 307-319 |
1 | | Kathleen Brade,
Mark Guzdial,
Mark Steckel,
Elliot Soloway:
Whorf: A Visualization Tool for Software Maintenance.
VL 1992: 148-154 |