
Susan H. Rodger

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37EESusan Horwitz, Susan H. Rodger, Maureen Biggers, David Binkley, C. Kolin Frantz, Dawn Gundermann, Susanne E. Hambrusch, Steven Huss-Lederman, Ethan V. Munson, Barbara G. Ryder, Monica Sweat: Using peer-led team learning to increase participation and success of under-represented groups in introductory computer science. SIGCSE 2009: 163-167
36EESusan H. Rodger, Jenna Hayes, Gaetjens Lezin, Henry Qin, Deborah Nelson, Ruth Tucker, Mercedes Lopez, Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Don Slater: Engaging middle school teachers and students with alice in a diverse set of subjects. SIGCSE 2009: 271-275
35EESusan H. Rodger, Eric Wiebe, Kyung Min Lee, Chris Morgan, Kareem Omar, Jonathan Su: Increasing engagement in automata theory with JFLAP. SIGCSE 2009: 403-407
34 J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger, Sue Fitzgerald, Mark Guzdial: Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2008, Portland, OR, USA, March 12-15, 2008 ACM 2008
33 Ingrid Russell, Susan M. Haller, J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger: Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2007, Covington, Kentucky, USA, March 7-11, 2007 ACM 2007
32EESusan H. Rodger, Jinghui Lim, Stephen Reading: Increasing interaction and support in the formal languages and automata theory course. ITiCSE 2007: 58-62
31EESusan H. Rodger: Learning automata and formal languages interactively with JFLAP. ITiCSE 2006: 360
30EEEric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, James H. Cross II, Robb Cutler, Scott Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin: The ACM java task force: final report. SIGCSE 2006: 131-132
29EEThomas L. Naps, Susan H. Rodger, Guido Röbetaling, Rockford J. Ross: Animation and visualization in the curriculum: opportunities, challenges, and successes. SIGCSE 2006: 328-329
28EESusan H. Rodger, Bart Bressler, Thomas Finley, Stephen Reading: Turning automata theory into a hands-on course. SIGCSE 2006: 379-383
27EECasey Alt, Owen L. Astrachan, Jeffrey Forbes, Richard Lucic, Susan H. Rodger: Social networks generate interest in computer science. SIGCSE 2006: 438-442
26EEGuido Rößling, Thomas L. Naps, Mark S. Hall, Ville Karavirta, Andreas Kerren, Charles Leska, Andrés Moreno, Rainer Oechsle, Susan H. Rodger, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide: Merging interactive visualizations with hypertextbooks and course management. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(4): 166-181 (2006)
25EEEric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, Robb Cutler, James H. Cross II, Scott B. Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin: The ACM java task force: status report. SIGCSE 2005: 46-47
24EEValerie J. Harvey, Susan H. Rodger: Editorial for the special issue on software support for teaching discrete mathematics. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 5(2): 1-16 (2005)
23EERyan Cavalcante, Thomas Finley, Susan H. Rodger: A visual and interactive automata theory course with JFLAP 4.0. SIGCSE 2004: 140-144
22EEJohn P. Dougherty, Thomas B. Horton, Daniel D. Garcia, Susan H. Rodger: Panel on teaching faculty positions. SIGCSE 2004: 231-232
21EEAyonike Akingbade, Thomas Finley, Diana Jackson, Pretesh B. Patel, Susan H. Rodger: JAWAA: easy web-based animation from CS 0 to advanced CS courses. SIGCSE 2003: 162-166
20EEThomas L. Naps, Guido Rößling, Vicki L. Almstrum, Wanda Dann, Rudolf Fleischer, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Ari Korhonen, Lauri Malmi, Myles F. McNally, Susan H. Rodger, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide: Exploring the role of visualization and engagement in computer science education. SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 131-152 (2003)
19EESusan H. Rodger: Introducing computer science through animation and virtual worlds. SIGCSE 2002: 186-190
18EEFran Hunt, Joe Kmoch, Chris Nevison, Susan H. Rodger, Julie Zelenski: How to develop and grade an exam for 20, 000 students (or maybe just 200 or 20). SIGCSE 2002: 285-286
17EEDavid Gries, Kathleen Larson, Susan H. Rodger, Mark Allen Weiss, Ursula Wolz: AP CS goes OO. SIGCSE 2001: 423-24
16EETed Hung, Susan H. Rodger: Increasing visualization and interaction in theautomata theory course. SIGCSE 2000: 6-10
15EEEric Gramond, Susan H. Rodger: Using JFLAP to interact with theorems in automata theory. SIGCSE 1999: 336-340
14EEMark Stehlik, Susan H. Rodger, Kathleen Larson, Alyce Brady, Christopher H. Nevison: Current and future direction of the advanced placement exam. SIGCSE 1999: 358
13EEWillard C. Pierson, Susan H. Rodger: Web-based animation of data structures using JAWAA. SIGCSE 1998: 267-271
12EEOwen L. Astrachan, Susan H. Rodger: Animation, visualization, and interaction in CS 1 assignments. SIGCSE 1998: 317-321
11EEMark Stehlik, Sarah Fix, Susan H. Rodger, Chris Nevison, Mark Allen Weiss: Advanced placement transition to C++ (panel). SIGCSE 1998: 372
10EESusan H. Rodger, Anna O. Bilska, Kenneth H. Leider, Cecilia Magdalena Procopiuc, Octavian Procopiuc, Jason R. Salemme, Edwin Tsang: A collection of tools for making automata theory and formal languages come alive. SIGCSE 1997: 15-19
9EESusan H. Rodger, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker: Activities to attract high school girls to computer science. SIGCSE 1996: 373-377
8 Susan H. Rodger: Integrating Hands-on Work into the Formal Languages Course via Tools and Programming. Workshop on Implementing Automata 1996: 132-148
7EESusan H. Rodger: An interactive lecture approach to teaching computer science. SIGCSE 1995: 278-282
6EEScott B. Grissom, Thomas L. Naps, Rocky Ross, Dalton Hunkins, Susan H. Rodger, Dino Schweitzer: Using visual demonstrations to teach computer science (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 370-371
5EEStephen A. Blythe, Michael C. James, Susan H. Rodger: LLparse and LRparse: visual and interactive tools for parsing. SIGCSE 1994: 208-212
4 Greg N. Frederickson, Susan H. Rodger: An NC Algorithm for Scheduling Unit-Time Jobs With Arbitrary Release Times and Deadlines. SIAM J. Comput. 23(1): 185-211 (1994)
3EERobin Trahan, Susan H. Rodger: Simulation and visualization tools for teaching parallel merge sort. SIGCSE 1993: 237-241
2 Eric Luce, Susan H. Rodger: A Visual Programming Environment for Turing Machines. VL 1993: 231-236
1 Greg N. Frederickson, Susan H. Rodger: A New Approach to the Dynamic Maintaince of Maximal Points in a Plane. Discrete & Computational Geometry 5: 365-374 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Ayonike Akingbade [21]
2Vicki L. Almstrum [20]
3Casey Alt [27]
4Owen L. Astrachan [12] [27]
5Maureen Biggers [37]
6Anna O. Bilska [10]
7David Binkley [37]
8Stephen A. Blythe [5]
9Alyce Brady [14]
10Bart Bressler [28]
11Kim B. Bruce [25] [30]
12Ryan Cavalcante [23]
13Stephen Cooper [36]
14James H. Cross II (James H. Cross) [25] [30]
15Robb Cutler [25] [30]
16Wanda Dann [20] [36]
17J. D. Dougherty [33] [34]
18John P. Dougherty [22]
19Thomas Finley [21] [23] [28]
20Sue Fitzgerald [34]
21Sarah Fix [11]
22Rudolf Fleischer [20]
23Jeffrey Forbes [27]
24C. Kolin Frantz [37]
25Greg N. Frederickson [1] [4]
26Daniel D. Garcia [22]
27Eric Gramond [15]
28David Gries [17]
29Scott Grissom (Scott B. Grissom) [6] [25] [30]
30Dawn Gundermann [37]
31Mark Guzdial [34]
32Mark S. Hall [26]
33Susan M. Haller [33]
34Susanne E. Hambrusch [37]
35Valerie J. Harvey [24]
36Jenna Hayes [36]
37Thomas B. Horton [22]
38Susan Horwitz [37]
39Christopher D. Hundhausen [20]
40Ted Hung [16]
41Dalton Hunkins [6]
42Fran Hunt [18]
43Steven Huss-Lederman [37]
44Diana Jackson [21]
45Michael C. James [5]
46Ville Karavirta [26]
47Andreas Kerren [26]
48Karl Klee [25] [30]
49Joe Kmoch (Joseph W. Kmoch) [18]
50Ari Korhonen [20]
51Kathleen Larson [14] [17]
52Kyung Min Lee [35]
53Kenneth H. Leider [10]
54Charles Leska [26]
55Gaetjens Lezin [36]
56Jinghui Lim [32]
57Mercedes Lopez [36]
58Eric Luce [2]
59Richard Lucic [27]
60Lauri Malmi [20]
61Myles F. McNally [20]
62Andrés Moreno [26]
63Chris Morgan [35]
64Ethan V. Munson [37]
65Thomas L. Naps [6] [20] [26] [29]
66Deborah Nelson [36]
67Christopher H. Nevison (Chris Nevison) [11] [14] [18]
68Rainer Oechsle [26]
69Kareem Omar [35]
70Pretesh B. Patel [21]
71Willard C. Pierson [13]
72Cecilia Magdalena Procopiuc [10]
73Octavian Procopiuc [10]
74Henry Qin [36]
75Stephen Reading [28] [32]
76Eric S. Roberts [25] [30]
77Guido Röbetaling [29]
78Rockford J. Ross [29]
79Rocky Ross [6]
80Guido Rößling [20] [26]
81Ingrid Russell [33]
82Barbara G. Ryder [37]
83Jason R. Salemme [10]
84Dino Schweitzer [6]
85Don Slater [36]
86Mark Stehlik [11] [14]
87Jonathan Su [35]
88Monica Sweat [37]
89Robin Trahan [3]
90Fran Trees [25] [30]
91Edwin Tsang [10]
92Ruth Tucker [36]
93Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes [26]
94Ian Utting [25] [30]
95J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide [20] [26]
96Ellen Lowenfeld Walker (Ellen Walker) [9]
97Mark Allen Weiss [11] [17]
98Eric Wiebe [35]
99Ursula Wolz [17]
100Frank Yellin [25] [30]
101Julie Zelenski [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)