
Spencer Rugaber

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36EEAshok K. Goel, Spencer Rugaber, Swaroop Vattam: Structure, behavior, and function of complex systems: The structure, behavior, and function modeling language. AI EDAM 23(1): 23-35 (2009)
35EEDaniel Popescu, Spencer Rugaber, Nenad Medvidovic, Daniel M. Berry: Reducing Ambiguities in Requirements Specifications Via Automatically Created Object-Oriented Models. Monterey Workshop 2007: 103-124
34EEChris Parnin, Carsten Görg, Spencer Rugaber: Enriching revision history with interactions. MSR 2006: 155-158
33EESpencer Rugaber, Nissim Harel, Srihari Govindharaj, Dean F. Jerding: Problems Modeling Web Sites and User Behavior. WSE 2006: 83-94
32EEKurt Stirewalt, Spencer Rugaber: Automated Invariant Maintenance Via OCL Compilation. MoDELS 2005: 616-632
31EESpencer Rugaber, Kurt Stirewalt: Model-Driven Reverse Engineering. IEEE Software 21(4): 45-53 (2004)
30EEKathleen Arnold Gray, Mark Guzdial, Spencer Rugaber: Extending CRC cards into a complete design process. ITiCSE 2003: 226
29EESpencer Rugaber, Terry Shikano, Kurt Stirewalt: Adequate Reverse Engineering. ASE 2001: 232-
28 Margaret Ann Francel, Spencer Rugaber: The value of slicing while debugging. Sci. Comput. Program. 40(2-3): 151-169 (2001)
27 Spencer Rugaber: The use of domain knowledge in program understanding. Ann. Software Eng. 9: 143-192 (2000)
26 Kurt Stirewalt, Spencer Rugaber: The Model-Composition Problem in User-Interface Generation. Autom. Softw. Eng. 7(2): 101-124 (2000)
25 Dean F. Jerding, Spencer Rugaber: Using visualization for architectural localization and extraction. Sci. Comput. Program. 36(2-3): 267-284 (2000)
24EERobert Waters, Spencer Rugaber, Gregory D. Abowd: Architectural Element Matching Using Concept Analysis. ASE 1999: 291-294
23EESpencer Rugaber: A Tool Suite for Evolving Legacy Software. ICSM 1999: 33-39
22EEMargaret Ann Francel, Spencer Rugaber: The Relationship of Slicing and Debugging to Program Understanding. IWPC 1999: 106-113
21EEKurt Stirewalt, Spencer Rugaber: Automating UI Generation by Model Composition. ASE 1998: 177-
20EERichard Clayton, Spencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: Dowsing: A Tool Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing of Software Artifacts. ASE 1998: 204-
19 Richard Clayton, Spencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: On the Knowledge Required to Understand a Program. WCRE 1998: 69-78
18EESpencer Rugaber, Jim White: Restoring a Legacy: Lessons Learned. IEEE Software 15(4): 28-33 (1998)
17EEGregory D. Abowd, Ashok K. Goel, Dean F. Jerding, W. Michael McCracken, Melody M. Moore, J. William Murdock, Colin Potts, Spencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: MORALE. Mission ORiented Architectural Legacy Evolution. ICSM 1997: 150-159
16EEMelody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber: Domain Analysis for Transformational Reuse. WCRE 1997: 156-163
15EEDean F. Jerding, Spencer Rugaber: Using Visualization for Architectural Localization and Extraction. WCRE 1997: 56-65
14EERichard Clayton, Spencer Rugaber, Lyman Taylor, Linda M. Wills: A Case Study of Domain-based Program Understanding. WPC 1997: 102-110
13EESpencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: Position Paper on Research Infrastructure for Reengineering. WPC 1997: 162-164
12EEMelody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber: Using Knowledge Representation to Understand Interactive Systems. WPC 1997: 60-
11EESpencer Rugaber, Linda M. Wills: Creating a Research Infrastructure for Reengineering. WCRE 1996: 98-
10 Spencer Rugaber, Kurt Stirewalt, Linda M. Wills: Understanding Interleaved Code. Autom. Softw. Eng. 3(1/2): 47-76 (1996)
9EESastry Nanduri, Spencer Rugaber: Requirements validation via automated natural language parsing. HICSS (3) 1995: 362-368
8EEJean-Marc DeBaud, Spencer Rugaber: A software re-engineering method using domain models. ICSM 1995: 204-213
7EESpencer Rugaber, Kurt Stirewalt, Linda M. Wills: Detecting interleaving. ICSM 1995: 265-274
6 Spencer Rugaber, Kurt Stirewalt, Linda M. Wills: The Interleaving Problem in Program Understanding. WCRE 1995: 0-
5 Jean-Marc DeBaud, Bijith Moopen, Spencer Rugaber: Domain Analysis and Reverse Engineering. ICSM 1994: 326-335
4 Melody M. Moore, Spencer Rugaber, Phil Seaver: Knowledge-Based User Interface Migration. ICSM 1994: 72-79
3 Spencer Rugaber, Srinivas Doddapaneni: The Transition of Application Programs From COBOL to a Fourth Generation Language. ICSM 1993: 61-70
2EEMargaret Ann Francel, Spencer Rugaber: Fault localization using execution traces. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 69-76
1 Spencer Rugaber, Stephen B. Ornburn, Richard J. LeBlanc: Recognizing Design Decisions in Programs. IEEE Software 7(1): 46-54 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [17] [24]
2Daniel M. Berry [35]
3Richard Clayton [14] [19] [20]
4Jean-Marc DeBaud [5] [8]
5Srinivas Doddapaneni [3]
6Margaret Ann Francel [2] [22] [28]
7Ashok K. Goel [17] [36]
8Carsten Görg [34]
9Srihari Govindharaj [33]
10Kathleen Arnold Gray [30]
11Mark Guzdial [30]
12Nissim Harel [33]
13Melody Moore Jackson (Melody M. Moore) [4] [12] [16] [17]
14Dean F. Jerding [15] [17] [25] [33]
15Richard J. LeBlanc [1]
16W. Michael McCracken [17]
17Nenad Medvidovic [35]
18Bijith Moopen [5]
19J. William Murdock [17]
20Sastry Nanduri [9]
21Stephen B. Ornburn [1]
22Chris Parnin [34]
23Daniel Popescu [35]
24Colin Potts [17]
25Phil Seaver [4]
26Terry Shikano [29]
27R. E. Kurt Stirewalt (Kurt Stirewalt) [6] [7] [10] [21] [26] [29] [31] [32]
28Lyman Taylor [14]
29Swaroop Vattam [36]
30Robert Waters [24]
31Jim White [18]
32Linda M. Wills [6] [7] [10] [11] [13] [14] [17] [19] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)