
Ian Utting

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7EEJonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Josh D. Tenenberg, Titus Winters, Stephen Edwards, Briana B. Morrison, David R. Musicant, Ian Utting, Carol Zander: It seemed like a good idea at the time. SIGCSE 2007: 346-347
6EEIan Utting: Problems in the initial teaching of programming using Java: the case for replacing J2SE with J2ME. ITiCSE 2006: 193-196
5EEEric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, James H. Cross II, Robb Cutler, Scott Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin: The ACM java task force: final report. SIGCSE 2006: 131-132
4EEEric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, Robb Cutler, James H. Cross II, Scott B. Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin: The ACM java task force: status report. SIGCSE 2005: 46-47
3 Michael E. Caspersen, Dan Joyce, Don Goelman, Ian Utting: Proceedings of the 7th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2002, Aarhus, Denmark, June 24-28, 2002 ACM 2002
2EESally Fincher, Ian Utting: Pedagogical patterns: their place in the genre. ITiCSE 2002: 199-202
1EEMichael McCracken, Vicki L. Almstrum, Danny Diaz, Mark Guzdial, Dianne Hagan, Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, Cary Laxer, Lynda Thomas, Ian Utting, Tadeusz Wilusz: A multi-national, multi-institutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(4): 125-180 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Vicki L. Almstrum [1]
2Jonas Boustedt [7]
3Kim B. Bruce [4] [5]
4Michael E. Caspersen [3]
5James H. Cross II (James H. Cross) [4] [5]
6Robb Cutler [4] [5]
7Danny Diaz [1]
8Stephen Edwards [7]
9Sally Fincher [2]
10Don Goelman [3]
11Scott Grissom (Scott B. Grissom) [4] [5]
12Mark Guzdial [1]
13Dianne Hagan [1]
14Dan Joyce [3]
15Karl Klee [4] [5]
16Yifat Ben-David Kolikant [1]
17Cary Laxer [1]
18Robert McCartney [7]
19Michael McCracken [1]
20Briana B. Morrison [7]
21David R. Musicant [7]
22Eric S. Roberts [4] [5]
23Susan H. Rodger [4] [5]
24Josh D. Tenenberg [7]
25Lynda Thomas [1]
26Fran Trees [4] [5]
27Tadeusz Wilusz [1]
28Titus Winters [7]
29Frank Yellin [4] [5]
30Carol Zander [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)