Volume 13,
Number 1,
September 2000
Volume 13,
Number 2,
December 2000
- Paula Bourges-Waldegg, Stephen A. R. Scrivener:
Applying and testing an approach to design for culturally diverse user groups.
111-126 BibTeX
- Noam Tractinsky, A. S. Katz, D. Ikar:
What is beautiful is usable.
127-145 BibTeX
- Helen C. Purchase:
Effective information visualisation: a study of graph drawing aesthetics and algorithms.
147-162 BibTeX
- Dan Diaper, P. Waelend:
World Wide Web working whilst ignoring graphics: good news for web page designers.
163-181 BibTeX
- S. Wolfson, G. Case:
The effects of sound and colour on responses to a computer game.
183-192 BibTeX
- Paul Luff, Christian Heath, Marina Jirotka:
Surveying the scene: technologies for everyday awareness and monitoring in control rooms.
193-228 BibTeX
- Fabio Paternò, Giulio Ballardin:
RemUSINE: a bridge between empirical and model-based evaluation when evaluators and users are distant.
229-251 BibTeX
- K. Hill, Andrew F. Monk:
Electronic mail versus printed text: the effects on recipients.
253-263 BibTeX
- Volker Wulf:
Exploration environments: supporting users to learn groupware functions.
265-299 BibTeX
- James L. Alty, Roger P. Knott, Ben Anderson, Michael Smyth:
A framework for engineering metaphor at the user interface.
301-322 BibTeX
Volume 13,
Number 3,
February 2001
Volume 13,
Number 4,
April 2001
Volume 13,
Number 5,
May 2001
Volume 13,
Number 6,
August 2001
- Dave Clarke, Alan J. Dix:
Interfaces for the Active Web (Part 2).
627-629 BibTeX
- Judi R. Thomson, Jim E. Greer, John Cooke:
Automatic generation of instructional hypermedia with APHID.
631-654 BibTeX
- Philip L. Isenhour, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll:
Supporting interactive collaboration on the Web with CORK.
655-676 BibTeX
- Paolo Ciancarini, Davide Rossi, Fabio Vitali:
Designing a document-centric coordination application over the Internet.
677-693 BibTeX
- Arnd Kohrs, Bernard Mérialdo:
Creating user-adapted Websites by the use of collaborative filtering.
695-716 BibTeX
- Simon Morris, Irene Neilson, Colin C. Charlton, Janet Little:
Interactivity and collaboration on the WWW is the `WWW shell' sufficient?
717-730 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:05:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)