
Nell B. Dale

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26EENell B. Dale, Andrew D. McGettrick, John Impagliazzo, Robert Aiken, Elliot B. Koffman, Jim Leisy: A historical look at curricula and materials. SIGCSE 2009: 197-198
25EENell B. Dale: Most difficult topics in CS1: results of an online survey of educators. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(2): 49-53 (2006)
24EEVicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker, Barbara Boucher Owens, Elizabeth Adams, William Aspray, Nell B. Dale, Wanda Dann, Andrea Lawrence, Leslie Schwartzman: Building a sense of history: narratives and pathways of women computing educators. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4): 173-189 (2005)
23EENell B. Dale: Content and emphasis in CS1. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4): 69-73 (2005)
22EENell B. Dale, Judith Bishop, David J. Barnes, Christoph W. Keßler: A dialog between authors and teachers. ITiCSE 2002: 44-45
21EENell B. Dale: Increasing interest in CS ed research. SIGCSE Bulletin 34(4): 16-17 (2002)
20EEJohn T. Stasko, Mark Guzdial, Michael J. Clancy, Nell B. Dale, Sally Fincher: Models and areas for CS education research. SIGCSE 2001: 388-389
19EENell B. Dale, Rick Mercer, Elliot B. Koffman, Walter J. Savitch: Writing a textbook: walking the gauntlet. SIGCSE 2001: 408-409
18EENell B. Dale: ACE 2000. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(2): 12-14 (2001)
17 Boots Cassel, Nell B. Dale, Henry MacKay Walker, Susan M. Haller: Proceedings of the 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2000, Austin, Texas, USA, March 7-12, 2000 ACM 2000
16EERenée A. McCauley, Nell B. Dale, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Branson W. Murrill: The assimilation of software engineering into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (panel session). SIGCSE 2000: 423-424
15EECheng-Chih Wu, Nell B. Dale, Lowell J. Bethel: Conceptual models and cognitive learning styles in teaching recursion. SIGCSE 1998: 292-296
14EEDaniel D. McCracken, A. Michael Berman, Ursula Wolz, Owen L. Astrachan, Nell B. Dale: Possible futures for CS2 (panel). SIGCSE 1998: 357-358
13EERichard A. Howard, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Frederick N. Springsteel, Nell B. Dale: Learning style models and computer science education (panel). SIGCSE 1997: 383
12EERenée A. McCauley, Clark B. Archer, Nell B. Dale, Rym Mili, James Robergé, Harriet G. Taylor: The effective integration of software engineering principles throughout the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 364-365
11EEJames Caristi, Nell B. Dale, Bill Marion, A. Joe Turner: Assessment in computer science (abstract). SIGCSE 1994: 401-402
10EEBarry L. Kurtz, Nell B. Dale, Jerry Engel, Jim Miller, Keith Barker, Harriet G. Taylor: Evaluating effectiveness in computer science education. SIGCSE 1993: 293
9EEAngel Syang, Nell B. Dale: Computerized adaptive testing in computer science: assessing student programming abilities. SIGCSE 1993: 53-56
8 Nell B. Dale: Proceedings of the 23rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1992, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, March 5-6, 1992 ACM 1992
7 Nell B. Dale: Proceedings of the 22nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1991, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 7-8, 1991 ACM 1991
6EENell B. Dale: If you were lost on a desert island, what one ADT would you like to have with you? SIGCSE 1990: 139-142
5EEVirginia Eaton, Sharon Bell, Nell B. Dale, Susie Gallagher, Helen M. Gigley, Cindy Hanchey: Where have all the women gone? (panel session). SIGCSE 1990: 251
4EESharon Cogdill, Pamela S. Kirshen, J. Mack Adams, John Beidler, Nell B. Dale, Malcolm Lane, Karen A. Lemone, James Quasney, Don Spencer: Publishing a computer science textbook (panel session). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 397-398
3 Eugene I. Lowenthal, Nell B. Dale: Proceedings of the 1978 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Austin, Texas, May 31 - June 2, 1978 ACM 1978
2EEAlfred G. Dale, Nell B. Dale: Main Schema-External Schema Interaction in Hierarchically Organized Data Bases. SIGMOD Conference 1977: 102-110
1EEAlfred G. Dale, Nell B. Dale: Schema and Occurence Structure Transformations in Hierarchical Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1976: 157-168

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth Adams [24]
2J. Mack Adams [4]
3Robert Aiken [26]
4Vicki L. Almstrum [24]
5Clark B. Archer [12]
6William Aspray [24]
7Owen L. Astrachan [14]
8Keith Barker [10]
9Lecia Jane Barker [24]
10David J. Barnes [22]
11John Beidler [4]
12Sharon Bell [5]
13A. Michael Berman [14]
14Lowell J. Bethel [15]
15Judith Bishop [22]
16James Caristi [11]
17Boots Cassel [17]
18Michael J. Clancy [20]
19Sharon Cogdill [4]
20Alfred G. Dale [1] [2]
21Wanda Dann [24]
22Virginia Eaton [5]
23Jerry Engel [10]
24Sally Fincher [20]
25Susie Gallagher [5]
26Helen M. Gigley [5]
27Mark Guzdial [20]
28Susan M. Haller [17]
29Cindy Hanchey [5]
30Thomas B. Hilburn [16]
31Richard A. Howard [13]
32John Impagliazzo [26]
33Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk [13]
34Christoph W. Keßler (Christoph W. Kessler) [22]
35Pamela S. Kirshen [4]
36Elliot B. Koffman [19] [26]
37Barry L. Kurtz [10]
38Malcolm Lane [4]
39Andrea Lawrence [24]
40Jim Leisy [26]
41Karen A. Lemone [4]
42Eugene I. Lowenthal [3]
43Bill Marion [11]
44Renée A. McCauley [12] [16]
45Daniel D. McCracken [14]
46Andrew D. McGettrick [26]
47Susan A. Mengel [16]
48Rick Mercer [19]
49Rym Mili [12]
50Jim Miller [10]
51Branson W. Murrill [16]
52Barbara Boucher Owens [24]
53James Quasney [4]
54James Robergé [12]
55Walter J. Savitch [19]
56Leslie Schwartzman [24]
57Don Spencer [4]
58Frederick N. Springsteel [13]
59John T. Stasko [20]
60Angel Syang [9]
61Harriet G. Taylor [10] [12]
62A. Joe Turner [11]
63Henry MacKay Walker [17]
64Ursula Wolz [14]
65Cheng-Chih Wu [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)