
Luke Hohmann

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11EEPeter Hodgkins, Luke Hohmann: Agile Program Management: Lessons Learned from the VeriSign Managed Security Services Team. AGILE 2007: 194-199
10EEPhilipp K. Janert, Shantha Mohan, Robert C. Larrabee, Stephen P. Berczuk, Brad Appleton, Fergus O'Connell, Luke Hohmann: Bookshelf. IEEE Software 21(1): 104-106 (2004)
9EELuke Hohmann: The Difference between Marketecture and Tarchitecture. IEEE Software 20(4): 51-53 (2003)
8EELuke Hohmann: Usability: Happier Users Mean Greater Profits. IS Management 20(4): 66-76 (2003)
7EELuke Hohmann: Manager - Coaching the Rookie Manager. IEEE Software 16(1): (1999)
6EESteven Fraser, Maggie Davis, Martin L. Griss, Luke Hohmann, Ian Hopper, Rebecca Joos, Bill Opdyke: Software Reuse: Nemesis or Nirvana? (Panel). OOPSLA 1998: 417-420
5 James Coplien, Luke Hohmann, Norman L. Kerth, John Rae-Grant, Eileen Strider: Changing the Engine of the Car? While Driving 60 Miles an Hour! (Panel). OOPSLA 1997: 158-161
4 Luke Hohmann: In Methods We Trust? IEEE Computer 30(10): 119-121 (1997)
3 Paul S. R. Chisholm, Larry L. Constantine, Ward Cunningham, Luke Hohmann, Norman L. Kerth: Soft Issues in Software Development (Panel Session). OOPSLA 1996: 232-234
2 Luke Hohmann: The First Step in Training: Analysis and Design of Implementation Language? JOOP 9(6): 61-63 (1996)
1 Luke Hohmann, Mark Guzdial, Elliot Soloway: SODA: A Computer Aided Design Environment for the Doing and Learning of Software Design. ICCAL 1992: 307-319

Coauthor Index

1Brad Appleton [10]
2Stephen P. Berczuk [10]
3Paul S. R. Chisholm [3]
4Larry L. Constantine [3]
5James Coplien [5]
6Ward Cunningham [3]
7Maggie Davis [6]
8Steven Fraser [6]
9Martin L. Griss [6]
10Mark Guzdial [1]
11Peter Hodgkins [11]
12Ian Hopper [6]
13Philipp K. Janert [10]
14Rebecca Joos [6]
15Norman L. Kerth [3] [5]
16Robert C. Larrabee [10]
17Shantha Mohan [10]
18Fergus O'Connell [10]
19William F. Opdyke (Bill Opdyke) [6]
20John Rae-Grant [5]
21Elliot Soloway [1]
22Eileen Strider [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)