
Sarita Yardi

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8EESarita Yardi, Scott A. Golder, Michael J. Brzozowski: Blogging at work and the corporate attention economy. CHI 2009: 2071-2080
7EENathan Bos, Karrie Karahalios, Marcela Musgrove-Chávez, Erika Shehan Poole, John Charles Thomas, Sarita Yardi: Research ethics in the facebook era: privacy, anonymity, and oversight. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 2767-2770
6EEJill P. Dimond, Sarita Yardi, Mark Guzdial: Mediating programming through chat for the OLPC. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4465-4470
5EEAmy Bruckman, Maureen Biggers, Barbara Ericson, Tom McKlin, Jill P. Dimond, Betsy DiSalvo, Mike Hewner, Lijun Ni, Sarita Yardi: "Georgia computes!": improving the computing education pipeline. SIGCSE 2009: 86-90
4EESarita Yardi, Pamela Krolikowski, Taneshia Marshall, Amy Bruckman: An HCI Approach to Computing in the Real World. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 8(3): (2008)
3EESarita Yardi: From Functional to Fun: End User Development for Teenagers. VL/HCC 2007: 272-274
2EEStephen Chan, Benjamin Hill, Sarita Yardi: Instant messaging bots: accountability and peripheral participation for textual user interfaces. GROUP 2005: 113-115
1EESarita Yardi, Benjamin Hill, Stephen Chan: VERN: facilitating democratic group decision making online. GROUP 2005: 116-119

Coauthor Index

1Maureen Biggers [5]
2Nathan Bos [7]
3Amy Bruckman [4] [5]
4Michael J. Brzozowski [8]
5Stephen Chan [1] [2]
6Betsy DiSalvo [5]
7Jill P. Dimond [5] [6]
8Barbara Ericson [5]
9Scott A. Golder [8]
10Mark Guzdial [6]
11Mike Hewner [5]
12Benjamin Hill [1] [2]
13Karrie Karahalios [7]
14Pamela Krolikowski [4]
15Taneshia Marshall [4]
16Tom McKlin [5]
17Marcela Musgrove-Chávez [7]
18Lijun Ni [5]
19Erika Shehan Poole (Erika Shehan) [7]
20John Charles Thomas [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)