
Lecia Jane Barker

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14EELecia Jane Barker, Elizabeth Adams, Amardeep Kahlon, Andrea Lawrence, Allison Young: Trends and discoveries of the computing educators oral history project. SIGCSE 2009: 399-400
13EEGloria Childress Townsend, Lecia Jane Barker, Suzanne Menzel, Joanne McGrath Cohoon: Grace hopper visits the neighborhood. SIGCSE 2008: 513-517
12EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Vicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker: The computing educators oral history project: planning for the future. ITiCSE 2007: 328
11EELecia Jane Barker: When do group projects widen the student experience gap? ITiCSE 2005: 276-280
10EESusan Buhr, Lecia Jane Barker, Thomas C. Reeves: The DLESE evaluation services group: a framework for evaluation within a digital library. JCDL 2005: 370
9EEThomas C. Reeves, Susan Buhr, Lecia Jane Barker: Evaluating digital libraries. JCDL 2005: 420
8EELecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Eric S. Roberts: What can computer science learn from a fine arts approach to teaching? SIGCSE 2005: 421-425
7EEEla Zur, Lilly Irani, Lecia Jane Barker, Mark Guzdial: Contrasting women's experiences in computer science at different institutions. SIGCSE 2005: 63-64
6EEVicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker, Barbara Boucher Owens, Elizabeth Adams, William Aspray, Nell B. Dale, Wanda Dann, Andrea Lawrence, Leslie Schwartzman: Building a sense of history: narratives and pathways of women computing educators. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4): 173-189 (2005)
5EEKathy Garvin-Doxas, Lecia Jane Barker: Communication in computer science classrooms: understanding defensive climates as a means of creating supportive behaviors. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 4(1): (2004)
4EELecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas: The effect of institutional characteristics on participation of women in computer science bachelors degree programs. ITiCSE 2003: 242
3EELecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas: Why project courses sometimes widen the experience gap among students. ITiCSE 2003: 258
2EEKathy Garvin-Doxas, Lecia Jane Barker: Creating learning environments that support interaction. ITiCSE 2003: 276
1EELecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Michele H. Jackson: Defensive climate in the computer science classroom. SIGCSE 2002: 43-47

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth Adams [6] [14]
2Vicki L. Almstrum [6] [12]
3William Aspray [6]
4Susan Buhr [9] [10]
5Joanne McGrath Cohoon [13]
6Nell B. Dale [6]
7Wanda Dann [6]
8Kathy Garvin-Doxas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
9Mark Guzdial [7]
10Lilly Irani [7]
11Michele H. Jackson [1]
12Amardeep Kahlon [14]
13Andrea Lawrence [6] [14]
14Suzanne Menzel [13]
15Barbara Boucher Owens [6] [12]
16Thomas C. Reeves [9] [10]
17Eric S. Roberts [8]
18Leslie Schwartzman [6]
19Gloria Childress Townsend [13]
20Allison Young [14]
21Ela Zur [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)