
Apala Lahiri Chavan

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17EEApala Lahiri Chavan: What about a local wrapper around an universal core? CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2605-2608
16EESheetal K. Agarwal, Nitendra Rajput, John Canny, Apala Lahiri Chavan: IUI4DR: intelligent user interfaces for developing regions. IUI 2008: 437
15EEApala Lahiri Chavan: A Dramatic Day in the Life of a Shared Indian Mobile Phone. HCI (10) 2007: 19-26
14EEApala Lahiri Chavan: Smart Strategies for Creating Culture Friendly Products and Interfaces. HCI (10) 2007: 27-32
13EENuray M. Aykin, Apala Lahiri Chavan, Susan M. Dray, Girish V. Prabhu: Panel Discussion: Global Innovative Design for Social Change. HCI (10) 2007: 3-9
12EEApala Lahiri Chavan, Rahul Ajmera: When in Rome... Be Yourself: A Perspective on Dealing with Cultural Dissimilarities in Ethnography. HCI (10) 2007: 33-36
11 Apala Lahiri Chavan: Contextual Innovation. IWIPS 2007: 103-104
10 Apala Lahiri Chavan: Closing Keynote: To Be Global or not to Be Global - Is that The Question? IWIPS 2007: 3-4
9 Apala Lahiri Chavan, Beena Prabhu, Warren Greving: Cross Cultural Study: Perception, Usage, and Adoption of Technology. IWIPS 2007: 79-88
8EEEmilie West Gould, Aaron Marcus, Apala Lahiri Chavan: International usability evaluation SIG: issues and strategies. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 399-401
7EEKaushik Ghosh, Apala Lahiri Chavan: Collaborating on ethnography & design research: center for ethnography & contextual innovation at HFI. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1069-1070
6EEApala Lahiri Chavan, Sushmita Munshi: Emotion in a ticket. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1544
5 Elisa del Galdo, Apala Lahiri Chavan: Interactive Session: Offshore Usability. IWIPS 2004: 131-132
4EEKaushik Ghosh, Tapan S. Parikh, Apala Lahiri Chavan: Design considerations for a financial management system for rural, semi-literate users. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 824-825
3 Apala Lahiri Chavan: Break-out: Creating Recipes for Culture Curry - Is that the Road Ahead? IWIPS 2003: 301-304
2 Apala Lahiri Chavan: Another Software for Another Society? HCI (1) 1999: 511-515
1 Apala Lahiri Chavan: A quick and dirty user profiling technique. IWIPS 1999: 79-93

Coauthor Index

1Sheetal K. Agarwal [16]
2Rahul Ajmera [12]
3Nuray M. Aykin [13]
4John F. Canny (John Canny) [16]
5Susan M. Dray [13]
6Elisa del Galdo [5]
7Kaushik Ghosh [4] [7]
8Emilie West Gould [8]
9Warren Greving [9]
10Aaron Marcus [8]
11Sushmita Munshi [6]
12Tapan S. Parikh [4]
13Beena Prabhu [9]
14Girish V. Prabhu [13]
15Nitendra Rajput [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)