6. ECAI 1984:
Tim O'Shea (Ed.):
Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
September 5-7,
1984. North-Holland,
ISBN 0-444-87611-1
Expert Systems
Robotics and Vision
Cognitive Modelling and Learning
- Giovanni Adorni, Mauro Di Manzo, Fausto Giunchiglia:
From Descriptions to Images: What Reasoning in between?
139-148 BibTeX
- Marc Eisenstadt:
A Powerful Prolog Trace Package.
149-158 BibTeX
- Michael Lebowitz:
Using Memory in Text Understanding.
159-168 BibTeX
- Jon M. Slack:
The Role of Distributed Memory in Natural Language Parsing.
169-178 BibTeX
- Göran Hagert:
Modeling Mental Models: Experiments in Cognitive Modeling of Spatial Reasoning.
179-188 BibTeX
- Tony Hasemer:
MacSolo/AURAC: A Programming Environment for Novices.
189-198 BibTeX
- Stefano A. Cerri, C. Colombini, M. Grillo, R. Mallozzi:
RADAR: Reasoning on ADA Rubbish.
199-208 BibTeX
- Nigel R. Seel:
An Analysis of a Simple Learning System.
209-218 BibTeX
- Michael P. Georgeff, Chris S. Wallace:
A General Selection Criterion for Inductive Inference.
219-228 BibTeX
- Yves Kodratoff, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, B. Clavieras, Toni Bollinger, Gheorghe Tecuci:
Careful Generalization for Concept Learning.
229-238 BibTeX
- Pavel Brazdil:
Use of Derivation Trees in Discrimination.
239-244 BibTeX
- Eileen Scanlon, C. Hawkridge, Rick Evertsz, Tim O'Shea:
Novice Physics Problem Solving Behaviour.
245-253 BibTeX
Natural Language
Knowledge Representation
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:07:46 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)