
Marjorie Skubic

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18EEDerek Anderson, Robert H. Luke III, James M. Keller, Marjorie Skubic, Marilyn Rantz, Myra Aud: Linguistic summarization of video for fall detection using voxel person and fuzzy logic. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 113(1): 80-89 (2009)
17EEMarilyn Rantz, Marjorie Skubic, Steven Miller, Jean Krampe: Using Technology to Enhance Aging in Place. ICOST 2008: 169-176
16EEMark A. Busch, Marjorie Skubic, James M. Keller, Kevin E. Stone: A Robot in a Water Maze: Learning a Spatial Memory Task. ICRA 2007: 1727-1732
15EEGaurav Parekh, Marjorie Skubic, Ozy Sjahputera, James M. Keller: Scene Matching between a Map and a Hand Drawn Sketch Using Spatial Relations. ICRA 2007: 4007-4012
14EEMarjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, Alan C. Schultz: Using a hand-drawn sketch to control a team of robots. Auton. Robots 22(4): 399-410 (2007)
13EESamuel Blisard, Marjorie Skubic, Robert H. Luke III, James M. Keller: 3-D modeling of spatial referencing language for human-robot interaction. HRI 2006: 329-330
12EEXi Chen, Zhihai He, Derek Anderson, James M. Keller, Marjorie Skubic: Adaptive Silouette Extraction and Human Tracking in Complex and Dynamic Environments. ICIP 2006: 561-564
11 Marjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, Alan C. Schultz: Using a Qualitative Sketch to Control a Team of Robots. ICRA 2006: 3595-3601
10 Marjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, William Adams, J. Gregory Trafton, Alan C. Schultz: Using a Sketch Pad Interface for Interacting with a Robot Team. AAAI 2005: 1739-1740
9EEMarjorie Skubic: Qualitative spatial referencing for natural human-robot interfaces. Interactions 12(2): 27-30 (2005)
8EEGeorge Chronis, Marjorie Skubic: Robot Navigation using Qualitative Landmark States from Sketched Route Maps. ICRA 2004: 1530-1535
7EEMarjorie Skubic, Samuel Blisard, C. Bailey, J. A. Adams, Pascal Matsakis: Qualitative analysis of sketched route maps: translating a sketch into linguistic descriptions. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(2): 1275-1282 (2004)
6 Marjorie Skubic, Pascal Matsakis, George Chronis, James M. Keller: Generating Multi-Level Linguistic Spatial Descriptions from Range Sensor Readings Using the Histogram of Forces. Auton. Robots 14(1): 51-69 (2003)
5 Marjorie Skubic, Dennis Perzanowski, Alan C. Schultz, William Adams: Using Spatial Language in a Human-Robot Dialog. ICRA 2002: 4143-4148
4 Marjorie Skubic, Pascal Matsakis, Benjamin Forrester, George Chronis: Extracting Navigation States from a Hand-Drawn Map. ICRA 2001: 259-264
3 Marjorie Skubic, George Chronis, Pascal Matsakis, James M. Keller: Generating Linguistic Spatial Descriptions from Sonar Readings Using the Histogram of Forces. ICRA 2001: 485-490
2 Marjorie Skubic, Benjamin Forrester, Brent Nowak: Clustering of Qualitative Contact States for a Transmission Assembly. ICRA 1999: 2103-2109
1 Marjorie Skubic, Richard A. Volz: Learning Force-Based Assembly Skills from Human Demonstration for Execution in Unstructured Environments. ICRA 1998: 1281-1288

Coauthor Index

1J. A. Adams [7]
2William Adams [5] [10]
3Derek Anderson [10] [11] [12] [14] [18]
4Myra Aud [18]
5C. Bailey [7]
6Samuel Blisard [7] [10] [11] [13] [14]
7Mark A. Busch [16]
8Xi Chen [12]
9George Chronis [3] [4] [6] [8]
10Benjamin Forrester [2] [4]
11Zhihai He [12]
12James M. Keller [3] [6] [12] [13] [15] [16] [18]
13Jean Krampe [17]
14Robert H. Luke III [13] [18]
15Pascal Matsakis [3] [4] [6] [7]
16Steven Miller [17]
17Brent Nowak [2]
18Gaurav Parekh [15]
19Dennis Perzanowski [5] [10] [11] [14]
20Marilyn Rantz [17] [18]
21Alan C. Schultz [5] [10] [11] [14]
22Ozy Sjahputera [15]
23Kevin E. Stone [16]
24J. Gregory Trafton [10]
25Richard A. Volz [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)