
Samuel Blisard

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7EEBenjamin R. Fransen, Vlad I. Morariu, Eric Martinson, Samuel Blisard, Matthew Marge, Scott Thomas, Alan C. Schultz, Dennis Perzanowski: Using vision, acoustics, and natural language for disambiguation. HRI 2007: 73-80
6EEMarjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, Alan C. Schultz: Using a hand-drawn sketch to control a team of robots. Auton. Robots 22(4): 399-410 (2007)
5EEOzy Sjahputera, James M. Keller, J. Wade Davis, Kristen H. Taylor, Farahnaz Rahmatpanah, Huidong Shi, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Robert H. Luke III, Mihail Popescu, Gerald C. Arthur, Charles William Caldwell: Relational Analysis of CpG Islands Methylation and Gene Expression in Human Lymphomas Using Possibilistic C-Means Clustering and Modified Cluster Fuzzy Density. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 4(2): 176-189 (2007)
4EESamuel Blisard, Marjorie Skubic, Robert H. Luke III, James M. Keller: 3-D modeling of spatial referencing language for human-robot interaction. HRI 2006: 329-330
3 Marjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, Alan C. Schultz: Using a Qualitative Sketch to Control a Team of Robots. ICRA 2006: 3595-3601
2 Marjorie Skubic, Derek Anderson, Samuel Blisard, Dennis Perzanowski, William Adams, J. Gregory Trafton, Alan C. Schultz: Using a Sketch Pad Interface for Interacting with a Robot Team. AAAI 2005: 1739-1740
1EEMarjorie Skubic, Samuel Blisard, C. Bailey, J. A. Adams, Pascal Matsakis: Qualitative analysis of sketched route maps: translating a sketch into linguistic descriptions. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(2): 1275-1282 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1J. A. Adams [1]
2William Adams [2]
3Derek Anderson [2] [3] [5] [6]
4Gerald C. Arthur [5]
5C. Bailey [1]
6Charles William Caldwell [5]
7J. Wade Davis [5]
8Benjamin R. Fransen [7]
9James M. Keller [4] [5]
10Robert H. Luke III [4] [5]
11Matthew Marge [7]
12Eric Martinson [7]
13Pascal Matsakis [1]
14Vlad I. Morariu [7]
15Dennis Perzanowski [2] [3] [6] [7]
16Mihail Popescu [5]
17Farahnaz Rahmatpanah [5]
18Alan C. Schultz [2] [3] [6] [7]
19Huidong Shi [5]
20Ozy Sjahputera [5]
21Marjorie Skubic [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
22Kristen H. Taylor [5]
23Scott Thomas [7]
24J. Gregory Trafton [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)