
Kenneth P. Parker

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23EEKenneth P. Parker: Board Test Coverage Needs to be Standardized. ITC 2004: 1426
22EEKenneth P. Parker: A New Probing Technique for High-Speed/High-Density Printed Circuit Boards. ITC 2004: 365-374
21EEKenneth P. Parker: Defect Coverage of Boundary-Scan Tests: What does it mean when a Boundary-Scan test passes?. ITC 2003: 1268-1276
20 Kenneth P. Parker: Testing for what? IEEE Design & Test of Computers 20(2): 96- (2003)
19EEBill Eklow, Carl Barnhart, Kenneth P. Parker: IEEE 1149.6: A Boundary-Scan Standard for Advanced Digital Networks. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 20(5): 76-83 (2003)
18EEBill Eklow, Carl Barnhart, Kenneth P. Parker: IEEE P1149.6: A Boundary-Scan Standard for Advanced Digital Networks. ITC 2002: 1056-1065
17EEKathy Hird, Kenneth P. Parker, Bill Follis: Test Coverage: What Does It Mean When a Board Test Passes?. ITC 2002: 1066-1074
16EEKenneth P. Parker: Board Test Is NOT Mature. ITC 2002: 1238
15 Young Kim, Benny Lai, Kenneth P. Parker, Jeff Rearick: Frequency detection-based boundary-scan testing of AC coupled nets. ITC 2001: 46-53
14 Kenneth P. Parker: System issues in boundary-scan board test. ITC 2000: 724-728
13 Kenneth P. Parker, John E. McDermid, Rodney A. Browen, Kozo Nuriya, Katsuhiro Hirayama, Akira Matsuzawa: Design, Fabrications and Use of Mixed-Signal IC Testability Structures. ITC 1997: 489-498
12 Mick Tegethoff, Kenneth P. Parker, Ken Lee: Opens Board Test Coverage: When is 99% Really 40%? ITC 1996: 333-339
11 Kenneth P. Parker: Introduction ITC 1996 Lecture Series on Unpowered Opens Testing. ITC 1996: 924
10 Kenneth P. Parker, David Greene: The ITC Lecture Series: An Experiment. ITC 1995: 925
9EEMick Tegethoff, Kenneth P. Parker: IEEE Std 1149.1: Where Are We? Where From Here? IEEE Design & Test of Computers 12(2): 53-59 (1995)
8 Kenneth P. Parker: Observations on the 1149.x Family of Standards. ITC 1994: 1023
7 Kenneth P. Parker, John E. McDermid, Stig Oresjo: Structure and Metrology for an Analog Testability Bus. ITC 1993: 309-322
6EEKenneth P. Parker, Stig Oresjo: A language for describing boundary scan devices. J. Electronic Testing 2(1): 43-75 (1991)
5 Thomas W. Williams, Kenneth P. Parker: Design for Testability - A Survey. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(1): 2-15 (1982)
4 Edward J. McCluskey, Kenneth P. Parker, John J. Shedletsky: Boolean Network Probabilities and Network Design. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(2): 187-189 (1978)
3 Kenneth P. Parker, Edward J. McCluskey: Sequential Circuit Output Probabilities From Regular Expressions. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(3): 222-231 (1978)
2 Kenneth P. Parker, Edward J. McCluskey: Analysis of Logic Circuits with Faults Using Input Signal Probabilities. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(5): 573-578 (1975)
1 Kenneth P. Parker, Edward J. McCluskey: Probabilistic Treatment of General Combinational Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(6): 668-670 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Carl Barnhart [18] [19]
2Rodney A. Browen [13]
3Bill Eklow (William Eklow) [18] [19]
4Bill Follis [17]
5David Greene [10]
6Katsuhiro Hirayama [13]
7Kathy Hird [17]
8Young Kim [15]
9Benny Lai [15]
10Ken Lee [12]
11Akira Matsuzawa [13]
12Edward J. McCluskey [1] [2] [3] [4]
13John E. McDermid [7] [13]
14Kozo Nuriya [13]
15Stig Oresjo [6] [7]
16Jeff Rearick [15]
17John J. Shedletsky [4]
18Mick Tegethoff [9] [12]
19Thomas W. Williams [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)