
Jie Tao

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40EEJie Tao, Asadollah Shahbahrami: Data Locality Optimization Based on Comprehensive Knowledge of the Cache Miss Reason: A Case Study with DWT. HPCC 2008: 304-311
39EELizhe Wang, Jie Tao, Marcel Kunze, Alvaro Canales Castellanos, David Kramer, Wolfgang Karl: Scientific Cloud Computing: Early Definition and Experience. HPCC 2008: 825-830
38EEJie Tao, Arndt Bode, Andreas Knüpfer, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Roland Wismüller, Jens Volkert: Special Session: Tools for Program Development and Analysis in Computational Science. ICCS (3) 2008: 201-202
37EEJie Tao, Georges Kneip, Wolfgang Karl: Guided Prefetching Based on Runtime Access Patterns. ICCS (3) 2008: 268-275
36 Emeric Kwemou, Lizhe Wang, Jie Tao, Marcel Kunze, David Kramer, Wolfgang Karl: Grid Virtualization Engine: Providing Virtual Resources for Grid Infrastructure. PASA 2008: 27-36
35 Martin Schindewolf, Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl, Marcelo Cintra: A Generic Tool Supporting Cache Designs and Optimisation on Shared Memory Systems. PASA 2008: 69-
34EEJie Tao, Marcel Kunze, Wolfgang Karl: Evaluating the Cache Architecture of Multicore Processors. PDP 2008: 12-19
33EELizhe Wang, Marcel Kunze, Jie Tao: Performance evaluation of virtual machine-based Grid workflow system. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(15): 1759-1771 (2008)
32EEJie Tao, Marcel Kunze, Fabian Nowak, Rainer Buchty, Wolfgang Karl: Performance Advantage of Reconfigurable Cache Design on Multicore Processor Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(3): 347-360 (2008)
31EEJie Tao, Tobias Gaugler, Wolfgang Karl: A Profiling Tool for Detecting Cache-Critical Data Structures. Euro-Par 2007: 52-61
30EEJie Tao, Kim D. Hoàng, Wolfgang Karl: CMP Cache Architecture and the OpenMP Performance. IWOMP 2007: 77-88
29EEJie Tao, Thomas Dressler, Wolfgang Karl: An Interactive Graphical Environment for Code Optimization. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 831-838
28 Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Caching Schemes. ARCS Workshops 2006: 351-364
27EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Supporting Cache Locality Optimization with a Toolset. Euro-Par 2006: 25-34
26EERainer Buchty, Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Automatic Data Locality Optimization Through Self-optimization. IWSOS/EuroNGI 2006: 187-201
25EEJie Tao, Siegfried Schloissnig, Wolfgang Karl: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Locality in Data Accesses. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 502-509
24EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Detailed cache simulation for detecting bottleneck, miss reason and optimization potentialities. VALUETOOLS 2006: 62
23EEBoris Quaing, Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: YACO: A User Conducted Visualization Tool for Supporting Cache Optimization. HPCC 2005: 694-703
22EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: CacheIn: A Toolset for Comprehensive Cache Inspection. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 174-181
21EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Optimization-Oriented Visualization of Cache Access Behavior. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 182-190
20EEJie Tao, Jürgen Jeitner, Carsten Trinitis, Wolfgang Karl, Josef Weidendorfer: Comprehensive Cache Inspection with Hardware Monitors. PaCT 2005: 331-345
19EEThomas Brandes, Helmut Schwamborn, Michael Gerndt, Jürgen Jeitner, Edmond Kereku, Martin Schulz, Holger Brunst, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Reinhard Neumann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn, Bernd Trenkler, Wolfgang Karl, Jie Tao, Hans-Christian Hoppe: Monitoring cache behavior on parallel SMP architectures and related programming tools. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(8): 1298-1311 (2005)
18EEJie Tao, Martin Schulz, Wolfgang Karl: Simulation as a tool for optimizing memory accesses on NUMA machines. Perform. Eval. 60(1-4): 31-50 (2005)
17 Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: On the Cache Access Behavior of OpenMP Applications. ARCS Workshops 2004: 410-419
16EEJie Tao, Josef Weidendorfer: Cache Simulation Based on Runtime Instrumentation for OpenMP Applications. Annual Simulation Symposium 2004: 97-103
15EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl: Impact of Cache Coherence Models on Performance of OpenMP Applications. Euro-Par 2004: 149-154
14EEChristian Osendorfer, Jie Tao, Carsten Trinitis, Martin Mairandres: ViSMI: Software Distributed Shared Memory for InfiniBand Clusters. NCA 2004: 185-191
13EEJie Tao, Martin Schulz, Wolfgang Karl: SIMT/OMP: A Toolset to Study and Exploit Memory Locality of OpenMP Applications on NUMA Architectures. WOMPAT 2004: 41-52
12EEJie Tao, Martin Schulz, Wolfgang Karl: A Simulation Tool for Evaluating Shared Memory Systems. Annual Simulation Symposium 2003: 335-342
11EEJie Tao: Supporting the Memory System Evaluation with a Monitor Simulator. PDP 2003: 31-
10 Tao Mu, Jie Tao, Martin Schulz, Sally A. McKee: Interactive Locality Optimization on NUMA Architectures. SOFTVIS 2003: 133-141
9EEMartin Schulz, Jie Tao, Carsten Trinitis, Wolfgang Karl: SMiLE: an integrated, multi-paradigm software infrastructure for SCI-basedclusters. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(4): 521-532 (2003)
8EEJie Tao, Martin Schulz, Wolfgang Karl: ARS: an adaptive runtime system for locality optimization. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 19(5): 761-776 (2003)
7EEMartin Schulz, Jie Tao, Carsten Trinitis, Wolfgang Karl: SMiLE: An Integrated, Multi-Paradigm Software Infrastructure for SCI-Based Clusters. CCGRID 2002: 247-254
6EEJie Tao, Martin Schulz, Wolfgang Karl: Improving Data Locality Using Dynamic Page Migration Based on Memory Access Histograms. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 933-942
5EEMartin Schulz, Jie Tao, Jürgen Jeitner, Wolfgang Karl: A proposal for a new hardware cache monitoring architecture. MSP/ISMM 2002: 76-85
4 Jie Tao, Wolfgang Karl, Martin Schulz: Memory access behavior analysis of NUMA-based shared memory programs. Scientific Programming 10(1): 45-53 (2002)
3EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl, Martin Schulz: Visualizing the Memory Access Behavior of Shared Memory Applications on NUMA Architectures. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 861-870
2EEJie Tao, Wolfgang Karl, Martin Schulz: Using the SMiLE Monitoring Infrastructure to Detect and Lower the Inefficiency of Parallel Applications. HPCN Europe 2000: 270-279
1 Jiubin Ju, Gaochao Xu, Jie Tao: Parallel Computing Using Idle Workstations. Operating Systems Review 27(3): 87-96 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Arndt Bode [38]
2Thomas Brandes [19]
3Holger Brunst [19]
4Rainer Buchty [26] [32]
5Alvaro Canales Castellanos [39]
6Marcelo Cintra [35]
7Thomas Dressler [29]
8Tobias Gaugler [31]
9Michael Gerndt [19]
10Kim D. Hoàng [30]
11Hans-Christian Hoppe [19]
12Jürgen Jeitner [5] [19] [20]
13Jiubin Ju [1]
14Wolfgang Karl [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [37] [39]
15Edmond Kereku [19]
16Georges Kneip [37]
17Andreas Knüpfer [38]
18David Kramer [36] [39]
19Dieter Kranzlmüller [38]
20Marcel Kunze [32] [33] [34] [36] [39]
21Emeric Kwemou [36]
22Martin Mairandres [14]
23Sally A. McKee [10]
24Tao Mu [10]
25Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn [19]
26Wolfgang E. Nagel [19]
27Reinhard Neumann [19]
28Fabian Nowak [32]
29Christian Osendorfer [14]
30Boris Quaing [23]
31Martin Schindewolf [35]
32Siegfried Schloissnig [25]
33Martin Schulz [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [18] [19]
34Helmut Schwamborn [19]
35Asadollah Shahbahrami [40]
36Bernd Trenkler [19]
37Carsten Trinitis [7] [9] [14] [20]
38Jens Volkert [38]
39Lizhe Wang [33] [36] [39]
40Josef Weidendorfer [16] [20]
41Roland Wismüller [38]
42Gaochao Xu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)