
Jaume Abella

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23EEPedro Chaparro, Jaume Abella, Javier Carretero, Xavier Vera: Issue system protection mechanisms. ICCD 2008: 599-604
22EEJoseph M. Selga, Agustín Zaballos, Jaume Abella, Guiomar Corral: Model for polling in noisy multihop systems with application to PLC and AMR. ISCC 2008: 664-669
21EEAlex Vallejo, Agustín Zaballos, Jaume Abella, Joseph M. Selga, Carles Duz: Performance of a Policy-Based Management System in IPv6 Networks Using COPS-PR. ICN 2007: 37
20EEJaume Abella, Xavier Vera, Osman S. Unsal, Oguz Ergin, Antonio González: Fuse: A Technique to Anticipate Failures due to Degradation in ALUs. IOLTS 2007: 15-22
19EEXavier Vera, Jaume Abella: Surviving to Errors in Multi-Core Environments. IOLTS 2007: 260
18EEJaume Abella, Xavier Vera, Antonio González: Penelope: The NBTI-Aware Processor. MICRO 2007: 85-96
17EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: Heterogeneous way-size cache. ICS 2006: 239-248
16EEGuiomar Corral, Albert Fornells, Elisabet Golobardes, Jaume Abella: Cohesion Factors: Improving the Clustering Capabilities of Consensus. IDEAL 2006: 488-495
15EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: SAMIE-LSQ: set-associative multiple-instruction entry load/store queue. IPDPS 2006
14EETimothy M. Jones, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Jaume Abella, Antonio González: Software Directed Issue Queue Power Reduction. HPCA 2005: 144-153
13EETimothy M. Jones, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Jaume Abella, Antonio González, Oguz Ergin: Compiler Directed Early Register Release. IEEE PACT 2005: 110-122
12EEEnric Gibert, Jaume Abella, F. Jesús Sánchez, Xavier Vera, Antonio González: Variable-Based Multi-module Data Caches for Clustered VLIW Processors. IEEE PACT 2005: 207-217
11EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: Inherently Workload-Balanced Clustered Microarchitecture. IPDPS 2005
10EEJoan Ruiz, Alex Vallejo, Jaume Abella: IPv6 Conformance and Interoperability Testing. ISCC 2005: 83-88
9EEXavier Vera, Jaume Abella, Josep Llosa, Antonio González: An accurate cost model for guiding data locality transformations. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 27(5): 946-987 (2005)
8EEJaume Abella, Antonio González, Xavier Vera, Michael F. P. O'Boyle: IATAC: a smart predictor to turn-off L2 cache lines. TACO 2(1): 55-77 (2005)
7EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: Low-Complexity Distributed Issue Queue. HPCA 2004: 73-83
6EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: Power-Aware Adaptive Issue Queue and Register File. HiPC 2003: 34-43
5EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: On Reducing Register Pressure and Energy in Multiple-Banked Register Files. ICCD 2003: 14-20
4EEJaume Abella, Antonio González: Power Efficient Data Cache Designs. ICCD 2003: 8-13
3EEXavier Vera, Jaume Abella, Antonio González, Josep Llosa: Optimizing Program Locality Through CMEs and GAs. IEEE PACT 2003: 68-78
2EEJaume Abella, Ramon Canal, Antonio González: Power- and Complexity-Aware Issue Queue Designs. IEEE Micro 23(5): 50-58 (2003)
1EEJaume Abella, Antonio González, Josep Llosa, Xavier Vera: Near-Optimal Loop Tiling by Means of Cache Miss Equations and Genetic Algorithms. ICPP Workshops 2002: 568-580

Coauthor Index

1Ramon Canal [2]
2Javier Carretero [23]
3Pedro Chaparro [23]
4Guiomar Corral [16] [22]
5Carles Duz [21]
6Oguz Ergin [13] [20]
7Albert Fornells (Albert Fornells-Herrera) [16]
8Enric Gibert [12]
9Elisabet Golobardes (Elisabet Golobardes i Ribé) [16]
10Antonio González [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [20]
11Timothy M. Jones [13] [14]
12Josep Llosa [1] [3] [9]
13Michael F. P. O'Boyle [8] [13] [14]
14Joan Ruiz [10]
15F. Jesús Sánchez [12]
16Joseph M. Selga [21] [22]
17Osman S. Unsal [20]
18Alex Vallejo [10] [21]
19Xavier Vera [1] [3] [8] [9] [12] [18] [19] [20] [23]
20Agustín Zaballos [21] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)