
Martin Bauer

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25EETobias Sielhorst, Martin Bauer, Oliver Wenisch, Gudrun Klinker, Nassir Navab: Online Estimation of the Target Registration Error for n -Ocular Optical Tracking Systems. MICCAI (2) 2007: 652-659
24EEMartin Strohbach, Martin Bauer, Ernö Kovacs, Claudia Villalonga, Nils Richter: Context sessions: a novel approach for scalable context management in NGN networks. MNCNA 2007: 5
23EEMartin Bauer, Michael Schlegel, Daniel Pustka, Nassir Navab, Gudrun Klinker: Predicting and estimating the accuracy of n-occular optical tracking systems. ISMAR 2006: 43-51
22EEMartin Bauer, Kurt Rothermel: An Architecture for Observing Physical World Events. ICPADS (1) 2005: 377-383
21EEMatthias Großmann, Martin Bauer, Nicola Hönle, Uwe-Philipp Käppeler, Daniela Nicklas, Thomas Schwarz: Efficiently Managing Context Information for Large-Scale Scenarios. PerCom 2005: 331-340
20 Jörg Traub, Marco Feuerstein, Martin Bauer, Eva U. Schirmbeck, Hesam Najafi, Robert Bauernschmitt, Gudrun Klinker: Augmented reality for port placement and navigation in robotically assisted minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery. CARS 2004: 735-740
19 Tobias Drosdol, Thomas Schwarz, Martin Bauer, Matthias Großmann, Nicola Hönle, Daniela Nicklas: Keeping Track of "Flying Elephants": Challenges in Large-Scale Management of Complex Mobile Objects. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 288-292
18EEMartin Bauer, Kurt Rothermel: How to Observe Real-World Events through a Distributed World Model. ICPADS 2004: 467-476
17EEJoseph Newman, Martin Wagner, Martin Bauer, Asa MacWilliams, Thomas Pintaric, Dagmar Beyer, Daniel Pustka, Franz Strasser, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gudrun Klinker: Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2004: 192-201
16EEOthmar Lehmann, Martin Bauer, Christian Becker, Daniela Nicklas: From Home to World - Supporting Context-aware Applications through World Models. PerCom 2004: 297-308
15 Kurt Rothermel, Dieter Fritsch, Paul J. Kühn, Bernhard Mitschang, Martin Bauer, Christian Becker, Christian Hauser, Daniela Nicklas, Steffen Volz: SFB 627 Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 103-115
14EEMartin Bauer, Christian Becker, Jörg Hähner, Gregor Schiele: ContextCube - Providing Context Information Ubiquitously. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 308-313
13EEAsa MacWilliams, Christian Sandor, Martin Wagner, Martin Bauer, Gudrun Klinker, Bernd Brügge: Herding Sheep: Live System Development for Distributed Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2003: 123-132
12EEKurt Rothermel, Martin Bauer, Christian Becker: Sonderforschungsbereich 627: Nexus - Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme. it - Information Technology 45(5): 293- (2003)
11EEMartin Bauer, Kurt Rothermel: Towards the Observation of Spatial Events in Distributed Location-Aware Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 581-582
10EEMartin Bauer, Bernd Brügge, Gudrun Klinker, Asa MacWilliams, Thomas Reicher, Christian Sandor, Martin Wagner: An Architecture Concept for Ubiquitous Computing Aware Wearable Computers. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 785-790
9EEGudrun Klinker, Allen H. Dutoit, Martin Bauer, Johannes Bayer, Vinko Novak, Dietmar Matzke: Fata Morgana - A Presentation System for Product Design. ISMAR 2002: 76-85
8EEMartin Bauer, Christian Becker, Kurt Rothermel: Location Models from the Perspective of Context-Aware Applications and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(5/6): 322-328 (2002)
7EEMartin Bauer, Bernd Brügge, Gudrun Klinker, Asa MacWilliams, Thomas Reicher, Stefan Riß, Christian Sandor, Martin Wagner: Design of a Component-Based Augmented Reality Framework. ISAR 2001: 45-54
6EEMartin Bauer, Peter Mandl: Projektbegleitende Abnahme in modernen IT-Projekten. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 220: (2001)
5EEMartin Bauer, Gerd Kortuem, Zary Segall: "Where Are You Pointing At?" A Study of Remote Collaboration in a Wearable Videoconference System. ISWC 1999: 151-158
4 Gerd Kortuem, Martin Bauer, Zary Segall: NETMAN: The Design of a Collaborative Wearable Computer System. MONET 4(1): 49-58 (1999)
3EEMartin Bauer, Timo Heiber, Gerd Kortuem, Zary Segall: A Collaborative Wearable System with Remote Sensing. ISWC 1998: 10-17
2EEGerd Kortuem, Zary Segall, Martin Bauer: Context-Aware, Adaptive Wearable Computers as Remote Interfaces to 'Intelligent' Environments. ISWC 1998: 58-65
1 Martin Bauer, Benno Stein, Jürgen Weiner: Problemklassen in Expertenssystemen: Einordnung und Diskussion des GWAI'90-Workshops. KI 5(3): 13-18 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Bauernschmitt [20]
2Johannes Bayer [9]
3Christian Becker [8] [12] [14] [15] [16]
4Dagmar Beyer [17]
5Bernd Brügge (Bernd Bruegge) [7] [10] [13]
6Tobias Drosdol [19]
7Allen H. Dutoit [9]
8Marco Feuerstein [20]
9Dieter Fritsch [15]
10Matthias Großmann [19] [21]
11Jörg Hähner [14]
12Christian Hauser [15]
13Timo Heiber [3]
14Nicola Hönle [19] [21]
15Uwe-Philipp Käppeler [21]
16Gudrun Klinker [7] [9] [10] [13] [17] [20] [23] [25]
17Gerd Kortuem (Gerd Kortüm) [2] [3] [4] [5]
18Ernö Kovacs [24]
19Paul J. Kühn [15]
20Othmar Lehmann [16]
21Asa MacWilliams [7] [10] [13] [17]
22Peter Mandl [6]
23Dietmar Matzke [9]
24Bernhard Mitschang [15]
25Hesam Najafi [20]
26Nassir Navab [23] [25]
27Joseph Newman [17]
28Daniela Nicklas [15] [16] [19] [21]
29Vinko Novak [9]
30Thomas Pintaric [17]
31Daniel Pustka [17] [23]
32Thomas Reicher [7] [10]
33Nils Richter [24]
34Stefan Riß [7]
35Kurt Rothermel [8] [11] [12] [15] [18] [22]
36Christian Sandor [7] [10] [13]
37Gregor Schiele [14]
38Eva U. Schirmbeck [20]
39Michael Schlegel [23]
40Dieter Schmalstieg [17]
41Thomas Schwarz [19] [21]
42Zary Segall [2] [3] [4] [5]
43Tobias Sielhorst [25]
44Benno Stein [1]
45Franz Strasser [17]
46Martin Strohbach [24]
47Jörg Traub [20]
48Claudia Villalonga [24]
49Steffen Volz [15]
50Martin Wagner [7] [10] [13] [17]
51Jürgen Weiner [1]
52Oliver Wenisch [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)